// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "chromeos/ash/components/sync_wifi/pending_network_configuration_update.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/wifi_configuration_specifics.pb.h"
namespace ash::sync_wifi {
class NetworkIdentifier;
// Tracks updates to the local network stack while they are pending, including
// how many attempts have been executed. Updates are stored persistently.
class PendingNetworkConfigurationTracker {
PendingNetworkConfigurationTracker() = default;
const PendingNetworkConfigurationTracker&) = delete;
PendingNetworkConfigurationTracker& operator=(
const PendingNetworkConfigurationTracker&) = delete;
virtual ~PendingNetworkConfigurationTracker() = default;
// Adds an update to the list of in flight changes. |change_uuid| is a
// unique identifier for each update, |id| is the identifier for the network
// which is getting updated, and |specifics| should be nullopt if the network
// is being deleted. Returns the change_guid.
virtual std::string TrackPendingUpdate(
const NetworkIdentifier& id,
const std::optional<sync_pb::WifiConfigurationSpecifics>& specifics) = 0;
// Removes the given change from the list.
virtual void MarkComplete(const std::string& change_guid,
const NetworkIdentifier& id) = 0;
// Returns all pending updates.
virtual std::vector<PendingNetworkConfigurationUpdate>
GetPendingUpdates() = 0;
// Returns the requested pending update, if it exists.
virtual std::optional<PendingNetworkConfigurationUpdate> GetPendingUpdate(
const std::string& change_guid,
const NetworkIdentifier& id) = 0;
// Increments the number of completed attempts for the given update. Be sure
// that the |change_guid| and |ssid| exist in the tracker before calling.
virtual void IncrementCompletedAttempts(const std::string& change_guid,
const NetworkIdentifier& id) = 0;
} // namespace ash::sync_wifi