
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chromeos/ash/components/system/statistics_provider_impl.h"

#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>

#include "ash/constants/ash_paths.h"
#include "ash/constants/ash_switches.h"
#include "base/check.h"
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/containers/contains.h"
#include "base/containers/fixed_flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/json/json_file_value_serializer.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/process/launch.h"
#include "base/strings/strcat.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/task_traits.h"
#include "base/task/thread_pool.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/system/kiosk_oem_manifest_parser.h"

namespace ash::system {

namespace {

// Path to the tool used to get system info, and special values for the
// output of the tool.
const char kCrosSystemTool[] = "/usr/bin/crossystem";
const char kCrosSystemValueError[] = "(error)";

// Path to the tool to get VPD info.
const char kFilteredVpdTool[] = "/usr/sbin/dump_filtered_vpd";

// Exit codes for the dump_filtered_vpd tool.
enum class DumpVpdExitCodes : int {
  kValid = 0,
  kRoInvalid = 1,
  kRwInvalid = 2,
  kBothInvalid = kRoInvalid | kRwInvalid,

// The location of OEM manifest file used to trigger OOBE flow for kiosk mode.
const base::CommandLine::CharType kOemManifestFilePath[] =

// File to get regional data from.
const char kCrosRegions[] = "/usr/share/misc/cros-regions.json";

const char kHardwareClassCrosSystemKey[] = "hwid";
const char kHardwareClassValueUnknown[] = "unknown";

const char kIsVmCrosSystemKey[] = "inside_vm";

// ChromeOS should allow debug features.
const char kIsCrosDebugCrosSystemKey[] = "cros_debug";

// Items in region dictionary.
const char kKeyboardsPath[] = "keyboards";
const char kLocalesPath[] = "locales";
const char kTimeZonesPath[] = "time_zones";
const char kKeyboardMechanicalLayoutPath[] = "keyboard_mechanical_layout";

// Timeout that we should wait for statistics to get loaded.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kLoadTimeout = base::Seconds(3);

// A default activation date for providing results in tests.
constexpr char kDefaultActivateDateStub[] = "2000-01";

constexpr char kStatisticLoadingTimeMetricNamePrefix[] =

// Gets the list from the given `dictionary` by given `key`, and returns it as a
// string with all list values joined by ','. Returns nullopt if `key` is not
// found.
std::optional<std::string> JoinListValuesToString(
    const base::Value::Dict& dictionary,
    std::string_view key) {
  const base::Value::List* list_value = dictionary.FindList(key);
  if (list_value == nullptr) {
    return std::nullopt;

  std::string buffer;
  bool first = true;
  for (const auto& v : *list_value) {
    const std::string* value = v.GetIfString();
    if (!value) {
      return std::nullopt;

    if (first) {
      first = false;
    } else {
      buffer += ',';

    buffer += *value;

  return buffer;

// Gets the list from the given `dictionary` by given `key`, and returns the
// first value of the list as string. Returns nullopt if `key` is not found.
std::optional<std::string> GetFirstListValueAsString(
    const base::Value::Dict& dictionary,
    std::string_view key) {
  const base::Value::List* list_value = dictionary.FindList(key);
  if (list_value == nullptr || list_value->empty()) {
    return std::nullopt;

  const std::string* value = list_value->begin()->GetIfString();
  if (value == nullptr) {
    return std::nullopt;

  return *value;

std::optional<std::string> GetKeyboardLayoutFromRegionalData(
    const base::Value::Dict& region_dict) {
  return JoinListValuesToString(region_dict, kKeyboardsPath);

std::optional<std::string> GetKeyboardMechanicalLayoutFromRegionalData(
    const base::Value::Dict& region_dict) {
  const std::string* value =
  if (value == nullptr) {
    return std::nullopt;

  return *value;

std::optional<std::string> GetInitialTimezoneFromRegionalData(
    const base::Value::Dict& region_dict) {
  return GetFirstListValueAsString(region_dict, kTimeZonesPath);

std::optional<std::string> GetInitialLocaleFromRegionalData(
    const base::Value::Dict& region_dict) {
  return JoinListValuesToString(region_dict, kLocalesPath);

// Array mapping region keys to their extracting functions.
constexpr std::pair<const char*,
                    std::optional<std::string> (*)(const base::Value::Dict&)>
    kRegionKeysToExtractors[] = {
        {kInitialLocaleKey, &GetInitialLocaleFromRegionalData},
        {kKeyboardLayoutKey, &GetKeyboardLayoutFromRegionalData},
        {kInitialTimezoneKey, &GetInitialTimezoneFromRegionalData}};

base::FilePath GetFilePathIgnoreFailure(int key) {
  base::FilePath file_path;
  base::PathService::Get(key, &file_path);

  return file_path;

bool HasOemPrefix(std::string_view name) {
  return name.substr(0, 4) == "oem_";

StatisticsProviderImpl::StatisticsSources CreateDefaultSources() {
  StatisticsProviderImpl::StatisticsSources sources;
  sources.crossystem_tool = base::CommandLine(base::FilePath(kCrosSystemTool));
  sources.vpd_tool = base::CommandLine(base::FilePath(kFilteredVpdTool));
  sources.machine_info_filepath = GetFilePathIgnoreFailure(FILE_MACHINE_INFO);
  sources.oem_manifest_filepath = base::FilePath(kOemManifestFilePath);
  sources.cros_regions_filepath = base::FilePath(kCrosRegions);
  return sources;

// Maps machine statistic name to the MachineStatistic variant in
// tools/metrics/histograms/metadata/chromeos/histograms.xml.
std::string_view StatisticNameToMachineStatisticVariant(
    std::string_view statistic_name) {
  static constexpr auto kStatisticNameToVariant =
      base::MakeFixedFlatMap<std::string_view, std::string_view>({
          {kActivateDateKey, "ActivateDate"},
          {kBlockDevModeKey, "BlockDevmode"},
          {kCheckEnrollmentKey, "CheckEnrollment"},
          {kShouldSendRlzPingKey, "ShouldSendRlzPing"},
          {kRlzEmbargoEndDateKey, "RlzEmbargoEndDate"},
          {kCustomizationIdKey, "CustomizationId"},
          {kDevSwitchBootKey, "DevswBoot"},
          {kDockMacAddressKey, "DockMac"},
          {kEthernetMacAddressKey, "EthernetMac"},
          {kFirmwareWriteProtectCurrentKey, "WpswCur"},
          {kFirmwareTypeKey, "MainfwType"},
          {kHardwareClassKey, "HardwareClass"},
          {kIsVmKey, "IsVm"},
          {kIsCrosDebugKey, "IsCrosDebug"},
          {kMachineModelName, "ModelName"},
          {kMachineOemName, "OemName"},
          {kManufactureDateKey, "MfgDate"},
          {kOffersCouponCodeKey, "UbindAttribute"},
          {kOffersGroupCodeKey, "GbindAttribute"},
          {kRlzBrandCodeKey, "RlzBrandCode"},
          {kRegionKey, "Region"},
          {kSerialNumberKey, "SerialNumber"},
          {kFlexIdKey, "FlexId"},
          {kLegacySerialNumberKey, "LegacySerialNumber"},
          {kInitialLocaleKey, "InitialLocale"},
          {kInitialTimezoneKey, "InitialTimezone"},
          {kKeyboardLayoutKey, "KeyboardLayout"},
          {kKeyboardMechanicalLayoutKey, "KeyboardMechanicalLayout"},
          {kAttestedDeviceIdKey, "AttestedDeviceId"},
          {kDisplayProfilesKey, "DisplayProfiles"},
          {kOemCanExitEnterpriseEnrollmentKey, "OemCanExitEnrollment"},
          {kOemDeviceRequisitionKey, "OemDeviceRequisition"},
          {kOemIsEnterpriseManagedKey, "OemEnterpriseManaged"},
          {kOemKeyboardDrivenOobeKey, "OemKeyboardDrivenOobe"},

  if (const auto it = kStatisticNameToVariant.find(statistic_name);
      it != kStatisticNameToVariant.end()) {
    return it->second;

  LOG(WARNING) << "Unhandled statistic is recorded: " << statistic_name;
  return statistic_name;

void RecordStatisticsRequestLoadingTimeMetric(std::string_view statistic_name,
                                              base::TimeDelta loading_time) {
  // Loading time is expected to be 0 (when requested statistic is already
  // loaded), or up to short time of `kLoadTimeout`.
  const std::string metric_name = base::StrCat(
       StatisticNameToMachineStatisticVariant(statistic_name), ".LoadingTime"});
  base::UmaHistogramTimes(metric_name, loading_time);

}  // namespace

StatisticsProviderImpl::StatisticsSources::StatisticsSources() = default;

StatisticsProviderImpl::StatisticsSources::~StatisticsSources() = default;

    const StatisticsSources& other) = default;
    const StatisticsSources& other) = default;

    StatisticsSources&& other) = default;
    StatisticsSources&& other) = default;

// static
    StatisticsSources testing_sources) {
  // Using `new` to access a non-public constructor.
  return base::WrapUnique(
      new StatisticsProviderImpl(std::move(testing_sources)));

    : StatisticsProviderImpl(CreateDefaultSources()) {}

StatisticsProviderImpl::StatisticsProviderImpl(StatisticsSources sources)
    : sources_(std::move(sources)),
                         base::WaitableEvent::InitialState::NOT_SIGNALED) {}

StatisticsProviderImpl::~StatisticsProviderImpl() = default;

void StatisticsProviderImpl::StartLoadingMachineStatistics(
    bool load_oem_manifest) {
  load_statistics_started_ = true;

  VLOG(1) << "Started loading statistics. Load OEM Manifest: "
          << load_oem_manifest;

  // TaskPriority::USER_BLOCKING because this is on the critical path of
  // rendering the NTP on startup.
      {base::MayBlock(), base::TaskPriority::USER_BLOCKING,
                     base::Unretained(this), load_oem_manifest));

void StatisticsProviderImpl::ScheduleOnMachineStatisticsLoaded(
    base::OnceClosure callback) {
    // It is important to hold `statistics_loaded_lock_` when checking the
    // `statistics_loaded_` event to make sure that its state doesn't change
    // before `callback` is added to `statistics_loaded_callbacks_`.
    base::AutoLock auto_lock(statistics_loaded_lock_);

    // Machine statistics are not loaded yet. Add `callback` to a list to be
    // scheduled once machine statistics are loaded.
    if (!statistics_loaded_.IsSignaled()) {
          std::move(callback), base::SequencedTaskRunner::GetCurrentDefault());

  // Machine statistics are loaded. Schedule `callback` immediately.

std::optional<std::string_view> StatisticsProviderImpl::GetMachineStatistic(
    std::string_view name) {
  VLOG(1) << "Machine Statistic requested: " << name;
  if (!WaitForStatisticsLoaded(name)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "GetMachineStatistic called before load started: " << name;
    return std::nullopt;

  // Test region should override any other value.
  if (base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(
          switches::kCrosRegion)) {
    if (const std::optional<std::string_view> region_result =
            GetRegionalInformation(name)) {
      return region_result;

  if (const auto iter = machine_info_.find(name); iter != machine_info_.end()) {
    return std::string_view(iter->second);

  if (const std::optional<std::string_view> region_result =
          GetRegionalInformation(name)) {
    return region_result;

  if (base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS() &&
      (oem_manifest_loaded_ || !HasOemPrefix(name))) {
    VLOG(1) << "Requested statistic not found: " << name;

  return std::nullopt;

StatisticsProviderImpl::FlagValue StatisticsProviderImpl::GetMachineFlag(
    std::string_view name) {
  VLOG(1) << "Machine Flag requested: " << name;
  if (!WaitForStatisticsLoaded(name)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "GetMachineFlag called before load started: " << name;
    return FlagValue::kUnset;

  if (const auto iter = machine_flags_.find(name);
      iter != machine_flags_.end()) {
    return iter->second ? FlagValue::kTrue : FlagValue::kFalse;

  if (base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS() &&
      (oem_manifest_loaded_ || !HasOemPrefix(name))) {
    VLOG(1) << "Requested machine flag not found: " << name;

  return FlagValue::kUnset;

void StatisticsProviderImpl::Shutdown() {
  cancellation_flag_.Set();  // Cancel any pending loads

bool StatisticsProviderImpl::IsRunningOnVm() {
  if (!base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {
    return false;
  return GetMachineStatistic(kIsVmKey) == kIsVmValueTrue;

bool StatisticsProviderImpl::IsCrosDebugMode() {
  if (!base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {
    return false;
  return GetMachineStatistic(kIsCrosDebugKey) == kIsCrosDebugValueTrue;

StatisticsProvider::VpdStatus StatisticsProviderImpl::GetVpdStatus() const {
  return vpd_status_;

void StatisticsProviderImpl::SignalStatisticsLoaded() {
  decltype(statistics_loaded_callbacks_) local_statistics_loaded_callbacks;

    base::AutoLock auto_lock(statistics_loaded_lock_);

    // Move all callbacks to a local variable.
    local_statistics_loaded_callbacks = std::move(statistics_loaded_callbacks_);

    // Prevent new callbacks from being added to `statistics_loaded_callbacks_`
    // and unblock pending WaitForStatisticsLoaded() calls.

    VLOG(1) << "Finished loading statistics.";

  // Schedule callbacks that were in `statistics_loaded_callbacks_`.
  for (auto& callback : local_statistics_loaded_callbacks) {
    callback.second->PostTask(FROM_HERE, std::move(callback.first));

bool StatisticsProviderImpl::WaitForStatisticsLoaded(
    std::string_view statistic_name) {
  if (statistics_loaded_.IsSignaled()) {
    return true;

  // Block if the statistics are not loaded yet. Normally this shouldn't
  // happen except during OOBE.
  const base::Time start_time = base::Time::Now();
  base::ScopedAllowBaseSyncPrimitivesOutsideBlockingScope allow_wait;

  const base::TimeDelta dtime = base::Time::Now() - start_time;

  RecordStatisticsRequestLoadingTimeMetric(statistic_name, dtime);

  if (statistics_loaded_.IsSignaled()) {
    VLOG(1) << "Statistics loaded after waiting " << dtime.InMilliseconds()
            << "ms.";
    return true;

  LOG(ERROR) << "Statistics not loaded after waiting " << dtime.InMilliseconds()
             << "ms.";
  return false;

void StatisticsProviderImpl::LoadMachineStatistics(bool load_oem_manifest) {
  // Run from the file task runner. StatisticsProviderImpl is a Singleton<> and
  // will not be destroyed until after threads have been stopped, so this test
  // is always safe.
  if (cancellation_flag_.IsSet()) {


  std::string crossystem_wpsw;

  if (base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {
    // If available, the key should be taken from machine info or VPD instead of
    // the tool. If not available, the tool's value will be restored.
    auto it = machine_info_.find(kFirmwareWriteProtectCurrentKey);
    if (it != machine_info_.end()) {
      crossystem_wpsw = it->second;


  // Ensure that the hardware class key is present with the expected
  // key name, and if it couldn't be retrieved, that the value is "unknown".
  std::string hardware_class = machine_info_[kHardwareClassCrosSystemKey];
  machine_info_[kHardwareClassKey] =
      !hardware_class.empty() ? hardware_class : kHardwareClassValueUnknown;

  if (base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {
    // By default, assume that this is *not* a VM. If crossystem is not present,
    // report that we are not in a VM.
    machine_info_[kIsVmKey] = kIsVmValueFalse;
    const auto is_vm_iter = machine_info_.find(kIsVmCrosSystemKey);
    if (is_vm_iter != machine_info_.end() &&
        is_vm_iter->second == kIsVmValueTrue) {
      machine_info_[kIsVmKey] = kIsVmValueTrue;

    // By default, assume that this is *not* in debug mode. If crossystem is not
    // present, report that we are not in debug mode.
    machine_info_[kIsCrosDebugKey] = kIsCrosDebugValueFalse;
    const auto is_debug_iter = machine_info_.find(kIsCrosDebugCrosSystemKey);
    if (is_debug_iter != machine_info_.end() &&
        is_debug_iter->second == kIsCrosDebugValueTrue) {
      machine_info_[kIsCrosDebugKey] = kIsCrosDebugValueTrue;

    // Use the write-protect value from crossystem only if it hasn't been loaded
    // from any other source, since the result of crossystem is less reliable
    // for this key.
    if (!base::Contains(machine_info_, kFirmwareWriteProtectCurrentKey) &&
        !crossystem_wpsw.empty()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "wpsw_cur missing from machine_info, using value: "
                   << crossystem_wpsw;
      machine_info_[kFirmwareWriteProtectCurrentKey] = crossystem_wpsw;

    // TODO(b/315929204): Remove temporary logging.
    if (machine_info_.find(kFirmwareWriteProtectCurrentKey) ==
        machine_info_.end()) {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Write-protect value unknown.";
    } else if (machine_info_[kFirmwareWriteProtectCurrentKey] != "1") {
      LOG(WARNING) << "Write-protect disabled.";

  if (load_oem_manifest) {
    // If kAppOemManifestFile switch is specified, load OEM Manifest file.
    base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
    if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kAppOemManifestFile)) {
    } else if (base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {

  // Set region from command line if present.
  base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
  if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kCrosRegion)) {
    const std::string region =
    machine_info_[kRegionKey] = region;
    VLOG(1) << "CrOS region set to '" << region << "'";

  const auto it = machine_info_.find(kRegionKey);

                  it != machine_info_.end() ? it->second : "");


void StatisticsProviderImpl::LoadCrossystemTool() {
  if (!base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {

  NameValuePairsParser parser(&machine_info_);
  // Parse all of the key/value pairs from the crossystem tool.
  if (!parser.ParseNameValuePairsFromTool(sources_.crossystem_tool,
                                          NameValuePairsFormat::kCrossystem)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Errors parsing output from: "
               << sources_.crossystem_tool.GetProgram();

  // Drop useless "(error)" values so they don't displace valid values
  // supplied later by other tools:

void StatisticsProviderImpl::LoadMachineInfoFile() {
  if (!base::PathExists(sources_.machine_info_filepath)) {
    if (base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {
      // This is unexpected, since the file is supposed to always be populated
      // by write-machine-info script on ui start.
      LOG(ERROR) << "Missing machine info: " << sources_.machine_info_filepath;

    // Use time value to create an unique stub serial because clashes of the
    // same serial for the same domain invalidate earlier enrollments. Persist
    // to disk to keep it constant across restarts (required for re-enrollment
    // testing).
    std::string stub_contents =
        "\"serial_number\"=\"stub_" +
        base::NumberToString(base::Time::Now().InMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch()) +
    if (!base::WriteFile(sources_.machine_info_filepath, stub_contents)) {
      PLOG(ERROR) << "Error writing machine info stub "
                  << sources_.machine_info_filepath;

  // The machine-info file is generated only for OOBE and enterprise enrollment
  // and may not be present. See login-manager/init/machine-info.conf.

void StatisticsProviderImpl::LoadVpd() {
  if (!base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {
    machine_info_[kActivateDateKey] = kDefaultActivateDateStub;
    vpd_status_ = VpdStatus::kInvalid;

  NameValuePairsParser parser(&machine_info_);

  std::string output;
  int exit_code;
  if (!base::GetAppOutputWithExitCode(sources_.vpd_tool, &output, &exit_code)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to run VPD tool: " << sources_.vpd_tool.GetProgram();
    vpd_status_ = VpdStatus::kInvalid;
  if (!parser.ParseNameValuePairsFromString(output,
                                            NameValuePairsFormat::kVpdDump)) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Errors parsing output from: "
               << sources_.vpd_tool.GetProgram();
    vpd_status_ = VpdStatus::kInvalid;

  switch (exit_code) {
    case static_cast<int>(DumpVpdExitCodes::kValid):
      vpd_status_ = VpdStatus::kValid;
    case static_cast<int>(DumpVpdExitCodes::kRoInvalid):
      vpd_status_ = VpdStatus::kRoInvalid;
    case static_cast<int>(DumpVpdExitCodes::kRwInvalid):
      vpd_status_ = VpdStatus::kRwInvalid;
    case static_cast<int>(DumpVpdExitCodes::kBothInvalid):
      vpd_status_ = VpdStatus::kInvalid;
      vpd_status_ = VpdStatus::kInvalid;
      LOG(ERROR) << "Unexpected return code from: "
                 << sources_.vpd_tool.GetProgram() << ", " << exit_code;

  VLOG(1) << "VPD dump exit status: " << exit_code;

void StatisticsProviderImpl::LoadOemManifestFromFile(
    const base::FilePath& file) {
  // Called from LoadMachineStatistics. Check cancellation_flag_ again here.
  if (cancellation_flag_.IsSet()) {

  KioskOemManifestParser::Manifest oem_manifest;
  if (!KioskOemManifestParser::Load(file, &oem_manifest)) {
    LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to load OEM Manifest file: " << file.value();
  machine_info_[kOemDeviceRequisitionKey] = oem_manifest.device_requisition;
  machine_flags_[kOemIsEnterpriseManagedKey] = oem_manifest.enterprise_managed;
  machine_flags_[kOemCanExitEnterpriseEnrollmentKey] =
  machine_flags_[kOemKeyboardDrivenOobeKey] = oem_manifest.keyboard_driven_oobe;

  oem_manifest_loaded_ = true;
  VLOG(1) << "Loaded OEM Manifest statistics from " << file.value();

void StatisticsProviderImpl::LoadRegionsFile(const base::FilePath& filename,
                                             std::string_view region) {
  JSONFileValueDeserializer regions_file(filename);
  int regions_error_code = 0;
  std::string regions_error_message;
  std::unique_ptr<base::Value> json_value =
      regions_file.Deserialize(&regions_error_code, &regions_error_message);
  if (!json_value.get()) {
    if (base::SysInfo::IsRunningOnChromeOS()) {
      LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to load regions file '" << filename.value()
                 << "': error='" << regions_error_message << "'";

  if (!json_value->is_dict()) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Bad regions file '" << filename.value()
               << "': not a dictionary.";

  base::Value::Dict* region_dict = json_value->GetDict().FindDict(region);
  if (region_dict == nullptr) {
    LOG(ERROR) << "Bad regional data: '" << region << "' << not found.";

  // Extract region keys from the dictionary with corresponding extractors.
  for (const auto& [key, extractor] : kRegionKeysToExtractors) {
    if (auto region_statistic = extractor(*region_dict)) {
      region_info_[key] = std::move(region_statistic.value());

std::optional<std::string_view> StatisticsProviderImpl::GetRegionalInformation(
    std::string_view name) const {
  if (!base::Contains(machine_info_, kRegionKey)) {
    return std::nullopt;

  if (const auto iter = region_info_.find(name); iter != region_info_.end()) {
    return std::string_view(iter->second);

  return std::nullopt;

}  // namespace ash::system