// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ash/components/multidevice/remote_device_ref.h"
#include "third_party/nearby/src/presence/presence_device.h"
namespace ash::tether {
// Represents a Tether host, which can either be a
// multidevice::RemoteDeviceRef (if the host can be connected over Secure
// Channel), or a PresenceDevice (if the host can be connected over Nearby
// Connections).
struct TetherHost {
explicit TetherHost(multidevice::RemoteDeviceRef remote_device_ref);
explicit TetherHost(const nearby::presence::PresenceDevice& presence_device);
TetherHost(const TetherHost&);
TetherHost& operator=(const TetherHost&) = delete;
friend bool operator==(const TetherHost& first, const TetherHost& second);
const std::string GetDeviceId() const;
const std::string GetName() const;
const std::string GetTruncatedDeviceIdForLogs() const;
static std::string TruncateDeviceIdForLogs(const std::string& device_id);
const std::optional<multidevice::RemoteDeviceRef> remote_device_ref() const {
return remote_device_ref_;
const std::optional<nearby::presence::PresenceDevice> presence_device()
const {
return presence_device_;
std::optional<multidevice::RemoteDeviceRef> remote_device_ref_;
std::optional<nearby::presence::PresenceDevice> presence_device_;
} // namespace ash::tether