// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ash/services/assistant/assistant_interaction_logger.h"
#include <utility>
#include "chromeos/ash/services/assistant/public/cpp/features.h"
namespace ash::assistant {
namespace {
std::string ResolutionToString(AssistantInteractionResolution resolution) {
std::stringstream result;
result << static_cast<int>(resolution);
return result.str();
bool IsPIILoggingAllowed() {
return features::IsAssistantDebuggingEnabled();
std::string HidePiiMaybe(const std::string& value) {
if (IsPIILoggingAllowed())
return "[PII](" + value + ")";
return "[Redacted PII]";
#define LOG_INTERACTION_AT_LEVEL(_level) \
VLOG(_level) << "Assistant: " << __func__ << ": "
} // namespace
bool AssistantInteractionLogger::IsLoggingEnabled() {
return VLOG_IS_ON(kVLogLevel);
AssistantInteractionLogger::AssistantInteractionLogger() = default;
AssistantInteractionLogger::~AssistantInteractionLogger() = default;
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnInteractionStarted(
const AssistantInteractionMetadata& metadata) {
switch (metadata.type) {
case AssistantInteractionType::kText:
LOG_INTERACTION() << "Text interaction with query "
<< HidePiiMaybe(metadata.query);
case AssistantInteractionType::kVoice:
LOG_INTERACTION() << "Voice interaction";
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnInteractionFinished(
AssistantInteractionResolution resolution) {
LOG_INTERACTION() << "with resolution " << ResolutionToString(resolution);
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnHtmlResponse(const std::string& response,
const std::string& fallback) {
// Displaying fallback instead of the response as the response is filled with
// HTML tags and rather large.
LOG_INTERACTION() << "with fallback '" << fallback << "'";
// Display HTML at highest verbosity.
LOG_INTERACTION_AT_LEVEL(3) << "with HTML: " << HidePiiMaybe(response);
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnSuggestionsResponse(
const std::vector<assistant::AssistantSuggestion>& response) {
std::stringstream suggestions;
for (const auto& suggestion : response)
suggestions << "'" << suggestion.text << "', ";
LOG_INTERACTION() << "{ " << suggestions.str() << " }";
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnTextResponse(const std::string& response) {
LOG_INTERACTION() << HidePiiMaybe(response);
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnOpenUrlResponse(const GURL& url,
bool in_background) {
LOG_INTERACTION() << "with url '" << url.possibly_invalid_spec() << "'";
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnOpenAppResponse(
const AndroidAppInfo& app_info) {
LOG_INTERACTION() << "with app '" << app_info.package_name << "'";
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnSpeechRecognitionStarted() {
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnSpeechRecognitionIntermediateResult(
const std::string& high_confidence_text,
const std::string& low_confidence_text) {
// Not logged until we have a use for this (and this might spam the log).
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnSpeechRecognitionEndOfUtterance() {
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnSpeechRecognitionFinalResult(
const std::string& final_result) {
LOG_INTERACTION() << "with final result '" << final_result << "'";
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnSpeechLevelUpdated(float speech_level) {
// Not logged until we have a use for this and this might spam the log.
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnTtsStarted(bool due_to_error) {
LOG_INTERACTION() << (due_to_error ? "not" : "") << "due to error";
void AssistantInteractionLogger::OnWaitStarted() {
} // namespace ash::assistant