// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
namespace ash {
class UntrustedAnnotatorPageHandlerImpl;
struct AnnotatorTool;
class AnnotationsOverlayView;
// Defines interface to access Browser side functionalities for the
// Annotator tool.
class AnnotatorClient {
AnnotatorClient(const AnnotatorClient&) = delete;
AnnotatorClient& operator=(const AnnotatorClient&) = delete;
static AnnotatorClient* Get();
// Registers the AnnotatorPageHandlerImpl that is owned by the WebUI that
// contains the annotator.
virtual void SetAnnotatorPageHandler(
UntrustedAnnotatorPageHandlerImpl* handler) = 0;
// Resets the stored AnnotatorPageHandlerImpl if it matches the one that is
// passed in.
virtual void ResetAnnotatorPageHandler(
UntrustedAnnotatorPageHandlerImpl* handler) = 0;
// Sets the tool inside the annotator WebUI.
virtual void SetTool(const AnnotatorTool& tool) = 0;
// Clears the contents of the annotator canvas.
virtual void Clear() = 0;
// Creates and returns the view that will be used as the contents view of the
// overlay widget, which is added as a child of the surface on which the
// annotations are triggered to host annotations.
virtual std::unique_ptr<AnnotationsOverlayView> CreateAnnotationsOverlayView()
const = 0;
virtual ~AnnotatorClient();
} // namespace ash