// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/bluetooth_config/adapter_state_controller.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_common.h"
#include "device/bluetooth/bluetooth_device.h"
namespace ash::bluetooth_config {
// Manages device-specific operations, such as connecting or disconnecting to a
// device. Operations are performed sequentially, queueing requests that occur
// simultaneously.
// This class uses AdapterStateController to ensure that operations can only be
// initiated when Bluetooth is enabled.
class DeviceOperationHandler : public AdapterStateController::Observer {
using OperationCallback = base::OnceCallback<void(bool)>;
~DeviceOperationHandler() override;
// Initiates a connection to the device with ID |device_id|.
void Connect(const std::string& device_id, OperationCallback callback);
// Initiates a disconnection from the device with ID |device_id|.
void Disconnect(const std::string& device_id, OperationCallback callback);
// Forgets the device with ID |device_id|, which in practice means
// un-pairing from the device.
void Forget(const std::string& device_id, OperationCallback callback);
enum class Operation {
struct PendingOperation {
PendingOperation(Operation operation_,
const std::string& device_id_,
const device::BluetoothTransport& transport_type,
OperationCallback callback_);
PendingOperation(PendingOperation&& other);
PendingOperation& operator=(PendingOperation other);
Operation operation;
std::string device_id;
device::BluetoothTransport transport_type;
OperationCallback callback;
explicit DeviceOperationHandler(
AdapterStateController* adapter_state_controller);
// Invokes |current_operation_.callback| with the result of the operation.
void HandleFinishedOperation(bool success);
// Implementation-specific methods.
virtual void PerformConnect(const std::string& device_id) = 0;
virtual void PerformDisconnect(const std::string& device_id) = 0;
virtual void PerformForget(const std::string& device_id) = 0;
// Informs derived classes the current operation timed out.
virtual void HandleOperationTimeout(const PendingOperation& operation) = 0;
// Finds a BluetoothDevice* based on device_id. If no device is found, nullptr
// is returned.
virtual device::BluetoothDevice* FindDevice(
const std::string& device_id) const = 0;
virtual void RecordUserInitiatedReconnectionMetrics(
const device::BluetoothTransport transport,
std::optional<base::Time> reconnection_attempt_start,
std::optional<device::BluetoothDevice::ConnectErrorCode> error_code)
const = 0;
friend class DeviceOperationHandlerImplTest;
// Timeout after which an operation is considered to have failed.
static const base::TimeDelta kOperationTimeout;
friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
const Operation& operation);
// AdapterStateController::Observer:
void OnAdapterStateChanged() override;
// Adds an operation to the queue.
void EnqueueOperation(Operation operation,
const std::string& device_id,
OperationCallback callback);
void ProcessQueue();
// Attempts to perform the operation at the front of the queue.
void PerformNextOperation();
// Method invoked once |current_operation_timer_| expires indicating that
// |current_operation_| has timed out.
void OnOperationTimeout();
bool IsBluetoothEnabled() const;
std::optional<PendingOperation> current_operation_;
base::OneShotTimer current_operation_timer_;
base::queue<PendingOperation> queue_;
raw_ptr<AdapterStateController> adapter_state_controller_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<DeviceOperationHandler> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace ash::bluetooth_config