// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ash.cellular_setup.mojom;
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// The CellularSetup interface provides an API for clients to set up a cellular
// connection on this device. Specifically, the StartActivation() function
// provides an interface for activating a cold SIM (i.e., one which is not fully
// set up with a mobile carrier). Clients of the CellularSetup interface are
// expected to render carrier-provided UIs which allow users to sign into a
// carrier portal and pay for mobile service.
// Status of the carrier portal; in this context, the portal refers to a website
// rendered by a carrier which allows the user to activate a cellular
// connection.
enum CarrierPortalStatus {
// Potential results for an activation attempt. These values are persisted to
// logs. Entries should not be renumbered and numeric values should never be
// reused.
enum ActivationResult {
// Activation was initiated successfully by the attempt. Note that the device
// may not be fully activated by the time this result occurs since the process
// completes in the background.
kSuccessfullyStartedActivation = 0,
// Activation was unnecessary because the SIM is already activated.
kAlreadyActivated = 1,
// Activation failed (e.g., due to a failure within Shill).
kFailedToActivate = 2,
// Metadata corresponding to a cellular activation request which allows the
// carrier to associate the current device with an account with the carrier.
struct CellularMetadata {
// URL to which users should be directed in order to complete the
// carrier-based payment flow.
url.mojom.Url payment_url;
// Data to be passed to the payment portal to verify the SIM.
string payment_post_data;
// Human-readable name of the carrier associated with the SIM card.
string carrier;
// The Mobile Equipment Identifier, a unique identifier for mobile devices.
string meid;
// The International Mobile Equipment Identity, another unique identifier.
string imei;
// The Mobile Directory Number, the carrier-provided number used to reach a
// mobile device.
string mdn;
// Interface for handling changes to the carrier payment portal; used by the UI
// to notify CellularSetup of updates to the portal.
interface CarrierPortalHandler {
OnCarrierPortalStatusChange(CarrierPortalStatus status);
// Delegate which is notified when activation starts and finishes. Used by the
// service to notify the UI of the state of the activation flow.
interface ActivationDelegate {
// Called when the flow has started; only called when the device is eligible
// for activation (i.e., has a valid, unactivated SIM).
OnActivationStarted(CellularMetadata metadata);
// Called when the flow has finished, regardless of success or failure.
OnActivationFinished(ActivationResult result);
// Interface used to set up a cellular connection.
interface CellularSetup {
// Entrypoint to the activation flow. If |delegate| becomes disconnected
// during the activation process, activation is cancelled.
StartActivation(pending_remote<ActivationDelegate> delegate)
=> (pending_remote<CarrierPortalHandler> observer);