// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/cryptauth_device_sync_result.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/group_private_key_and_better_together_metadata_status.h"
namespace cryptauthv2 {
class ClientMetadata;
class ClientAppMetadata;
} // namespace cryptauthv2
namespace ash {
namespace device_sync {
// Implements the client end of the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync protocol, which
// consists of three to four request/response interactions with the CryptAuth
// servers:
// 1a) First SyncMetadataRequest: Contains what this device believes to be the
// group public key. This could be a newly generated key or one from local
// storage. The device's metadata is encrypted with this key and included in
// the request.
// 1b) First SyncMetadataResponse: The response from CryptAuth possibly includes
// the correct group key pair, where the private key is encrypted with this
// device's CryptAuthKeyBundle::Name::kDeviceSyncBetterTogether public key.
// If the group public key is not set, the server is indicating that a new
// group key pair must be created by this device. In this case or if the
// group public key in the response differs from the one sent in the
// request, another SyncMetadataRequest is made. Otherwise, the second
// SyncMetadataRequest is skipped and the encrypted remote device metadata
// is decrypted using the group private key if available. Note: The remote
// devices are only those registered in the DeviceSync:BetterTogether group,
// in other words, those using v2 DeviceSync.
// 2a) (Possible) Second SyncMetadataRequest: Not invoked if the group public
// key from the first SyncMetadataResponse (1b) agrees with the one sent in
// the first SyncMetadataRequest (1a). The client has the correct group
// public key at this point.
// 2b) (Possible) Second SyncMetadataResponse: The included remote device
// metadata can be decrypted if a group private key is sent. If no group
// private key is returned, the client must wait for a GCM message
// requesting another DeviceSync when the key becomes available.
// 3) BatchGetFeatureStatusesRequest/Response: Gets the supported and enabled
// states of all multidevice (BetterTogether) features for all devices.
// 4a) ShareGroupPrivateKeyRequest: Sends CryptAuth this device's group private
// key encrypted with each remote device's
// CryptAuthKeyBundle::kDeviceSyncBetterTogether public key. This ensures
// end-to-end encryption of the group private key and consequently the
// device metadata.
// 4b) ShareGroupPrivateKeyResponse: This response is only an indication that
// the ShareGroupPrivateKeyRequest was successful.
// A CryptAuthDeviceSyncer object is designed to be used for only one Sync()
// call. For a new DeviceSync attempt, a new object should be created.
class CryptAuthDeviceSyncer {
CryptAuthDeviceSyncer(const CryptAuthDeviceSyncer&) = delete;
CryptAuthDeviceSyncer& operator=(const CryptAuthDeviceSyncer&) = delete;
virtual ~CryptAuthDeviceSyncer();
// The DeviceSync result is passed by value so that the device syner can be
// deleted before the result is processed.
using DeviceSyncAttemptFinishedCallback =
// Starts the CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync flow.
// |client_metadata|: Information about the DeviceSync attempt--such as
// invocation reason, retry count, etc.--that is sent to CryptAuth in
// each request.
// |client_app_metadata|: Information about the local device such as the
// Instance ID and hardware information.
// |callback|: Invoked when the DeviceSync attempt concludes, successfully or
// not. The CryptAuthDeviceSyncResult provides information about the
// outcome of the DeviceSync attempt and possibly a new ClientDirective.
void Sync(const cryptauthv2::ClientMetadata& client_metadata,
const cryptauthv2::ClientAppMetadata& client_app_metadata,
DeviceSyncAttemptFinishedCallback callback);
GroupPrivateKeyStatus group_private_key_status() {
return group_private_key_status_;
BetterTogetherMetadataStatus better_together_metadata_status() {
return better_together_metadata_status_;
virtual void OnAttemptStarted(
const cryptauthv2::ClientMetadata& client_metadata,
const cryptauthv2::ClientAppMetadata& client_app_metadata) = 0;
void OnAttemptFinished(const CryptAuthDeviceSyncResult& device_sync_result);
GroupPrivateKeyStatus group_private_key_status_ =
BetterTogetherMetadataStatus better_together_metadata_status_ =
DeviceSyncAttemptFinishedCallback callback_;
bool was_sync_called_ = false;
} // namespace device_sync
} // namespace ash