// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/cryptauth_enrollment_manager.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/cryptauth_feature_type.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/cryptauth_gcm_manager.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/proto/cryptauth_api.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/sync_scheduler.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace base {
class Clock;
namespace ash {
namespace multidevice {
class SecureMessageDelegate;
namespace device_sync {
class CryptAuthEnroller;
class CryptAuthEnrollerFactory;
// Concrete CryptAuthEnrollmentManager implementation.
// This implementation considers three sources of enrollment requests:
// 1) A sync scheduler requests periodic enrollments and handles any failed
// attempts.
// 2) The enrollment manager listens to the GCM manager for re-enrollment
// requests.
// 3) The ForceEnrollmentNow() method allows for immediate requests.
// When an enrollment has been requested, this implementation generates a user
// key pair, if one doesn't already exists, and persists these keys as
// preferences. Thus, the user key pair should never rotate.
// This implementation also determines the times between enrollment attempts,
// which is roughly 30 days after a successful enrollments and 10 minutes after
// a failed enrollment attempt, exponentially increasing for consecutive
// failures. An enrollment is considered "invalid" after 45 days.
class CryptAuthEnrollmentManagerImpl : public CryptAuthEnrollmentManager,
public SyncScheduler::Delegate,
public CryptAuthGCMManager::Observer {
class Factory {
static std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthEnrollmentManager> Create(
base::Clock* clock,
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthEnrollerFactory> enroller_factory,
const cryptauth::GcmDeviceInfo& device_info,
CryptAuthGCMManager* gcm_manager,
PrefService* pref_service);
static void SetFactoryForTesting(Factory* factory);
virtual ~Factory();
virtual std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthEnrollmentManager> CreateInstance(
base::Clock* clock,
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthEnrollerFactory> enroller_factory,
const cryptauth::GcmDeviceInfo& device_info,
CryptAuthGCMManager* gcm_manager,
PrefService* pref_service) = 0;
static Factory* factory_instance_;
// Registers the prefs used by this class to the given |pref_service|.
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
CryptAuthEnrollmentManagerImpl(const CryptAuthEnrollmentManagerImpl&) =
CryptAuthEnrollmentManagerImpl& operator=(
const CryptAuthEnrollmentManagerImpl&) = delete;
~CryptAuthEnrollmentManagerImpl() override;
// CryptAuthEnrollmentManager:
void Start() override;
void ForceEnrollmentNow(
cryptauth::InvocationReason invocation_reason,
const std::optional<std::string>& session_id) override;
bool IsEnrollmentValid() const override;
base::Time GetLastEnrollmentTime() const override;
base::TimeDelta GetTimeToNextAttempt() const override;
bool IsEnrollmentInProgress() const override;
bool IsRecoveringFromFailure() const override;
std::string GetUserPublicKey() const override;
std::string GetUserPrivateKey() const override;
// Creates the manager:
// |clock|: Used to determine the time between sync attempts.
// |enroller_factory|: Creates CryptAuthEnroller instances to perform each
// enrollment attempt.
// |secure_message_delegate|: Used to generate the user's keypair if it does
// not exist.
// |device_info|: Contains information about the local device that will be
// uploaded to CryptAuth with each enrollment request.
// |gcm_manager|: Used to perform GCM registrations and also notifies when GCM
// push messages trigger re-enrollments.
// Not owned and must outlive this instance.
// |pref_service|: Contains preferences across browser restarts, and should
// have been registered through RegisterPrefs().
base::Clock* clock,
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthEnrollerFactory> enroller_factory,
const cryptauth::GcmDeviceInfo& device_info,
CryptAuthGCMManager* gcm_manager,
PrefService* pref_service);
void SetSyncSchedulerForTest(std::unique_ptr<SyncScheduler> sync_scheduler);
// CryptAuthGCMManager::Observer:
void OnGCMRegistrationResult(bool success) override;
void OnReenrollMessage(
const std::optional<std::string>& session_id,
const std::optional<CryptAuthFeatureType>& feature_type) override;
// Callback when a new keypair is generated.
void OnKeyPairGenerated(const std::string& public_key,
const std::string& private_key);
// SyncScheduler::Delegate:
void OnSyncRequested(
std::unique_ptr<SyncScheduler::SyncRequest> sync_request) override;
// Starts a CryptAuth enrollment attempt, generating a new keypair if one is
// not already stored in the user prefs.
void DoCryptAuthEnrollment();
// Starts a CryptAuth enrollment attempt, after a key-pair is stored in the
// user prefs.
void DoCryptAuthEnrollmentWithKeys();
// Callback when |cryptauth_enroller_| completes.
void OnEnrollmentFinished(bool success);
// Used to determine the time.
raw_ptr<base::Clock> clock_;
// Creates CryptAuthEnroller instances for each enrollment attempt.
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthEnrollerFactory> enroller_factory_;
// The SecureMessageDelegate used to generate the user's keypair if it does
// not already exist.
std::unique_ptr<multidevice::SecureMessageDelegate> secure_message_delegate_;
// The local device information to upload to CryptAuth.
const cryptauth::GcmDeviceInfo device_info_;
// Used to perform GCM registrations and also notifies when GCM push messages
// trigger re-enrollments. Not owned and must outlive this instance.
raw_ptr<CryptAuthGCMManager> gcm_manager_;
// Contains perferences that outlive the lifetime of this object and across
// process restarts.
// Not owned and must outlive this instance.
raw_ptr<PrefService> pref_service_;
// Schedules the time between enrollment attempts.
std::unique_ptr<SyncScheduler> scheduler_;
// Contains the SyncRequest that |scheduler_| requests when an enrollment
// attempt is made.
std::unique_ptr<SyncScheduler::SyncRequest> sync_request_;
// The CryptAuthEnroller instance for the current enrollment attempt. A new
// instance will be created for each individual attempt.
std::unique_ptr<CryptAuthEnroller> cryptauth_enroller_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CryptAuthEnrollmentManagerImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace device_sync
} // namespace ash