// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/proto/cryptauth_directive.pb.h"
namespace ash {
namespace device_sync {
// Information about the result of a CryptAuth v2 Enrollment attempt.
class CryptAuthEnrollmentResult {
// Enum class to denote the result of a CryptAuth v2 Enrollment attempt.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. If entries are added, kMaxValue
// should be updated.
enum class ResultCode {
// Successfully synced but no new keys were requested by CryptAuth, so no
// EnrollKeysRequest was made.
kSuccessNoNewKeysNeeded = 0,
// Successfully synced and enrolled new key(s) with CryptAuth.
kSuccessNewKeysEnrolled = 1,
// During SyncKeys API call, request could not be completed because the
// device is offline or has issues sending the HTTP request.
kErrorSyncKeysApiCallOffline = 2,
// During SyncKeys API call, server endpoint could not be found.
kErrorSyncKeysApiCallEndpointNotFound = 3,
// During SyncKeys API call, authentication error contacting back-end.
kErrorSyncKeysApiCallAuthenticationError = 4,
// During SyncKeys API call, network request was invalid.
kErrorSyncKeysApiCallBadRequest = 5,
// During SyncKeys API call, the server responded but the response was not
// formatted correctly.
kErrorSyncKeysApiCallResponseMalformed = 6,
// During SyncKeys API call, internal server error.
kErrorSyncKeysApiCallInternalServerError = 7,
// During SyncKeys API call, unknown network request error.
kErrorSyncKeysApiCallUnknownError = 8,
// During EnrollKeys API call, request could not be completed because the
// device is offline or has issues sending the HTTP request.
kErrorEnrollKeysApiCallOffline = 9,
// During EnrollKeys API call, server endpoint could not be found.
kErrorEnrollKeysApiCallEndpointNotFound = 10,
// During EnrollKeys API call, authentication error contacting back-end.
kErrorEnrollKeysApiCallAuthenticationError = 11,
// During EnrollKeys API call, network request was invalid.
kErrorEnrollKeysApiCallBadRequest = 12,
// During EnrollKeys API call, the server responded but the response was not
// formatted correctly.
kErrorEnrollKeysApiCallResponseMalformed = 13,
// During EnrollKeys API call, internal server error.
kErrorEnrollKeysApiCallInternalServerError = 14,
// During EnrollKeys API call, unknown network request error.
kErrorEnrollKeysApiCallUnknownError = 15,
// The CryptAuth server indicated via SyncKeysResponse::server_status that
// it was overloaded and did not process the SyncKeysRequest.
kErrorCryptAuthServerOverloaded = 16,
// The SyncKeysResponse from CryptAuth is missing a random_session_id.
kErrorSyncKeysResponseMissingRandomSessionId = 17,
// The SyncKeysResponse from CryptAuth is missing a client_directive or the
// parameters are invalid.
kErrorSyncKeysResponseInvalidClientDirective = 18,
// The number of SyncSingleKeyResponses does not agree with the number of
// SyncSingleKeyRequests.
kErrorWrongNumberOfSyncSingleKeyResponses = 19,
// The size of a SyncSingleKeyResponse::key_actions list does not agree with
// the size of the corresponding SyncSingleKeyRequest::key_handles.
kErrorWrongNumberOfKeyActions = 20,
// An integer provided in SyncSingleKeyResponse::key_actions does not
// correspond to a known KeyAction enum value.
kErrorInvalidKeyActionEnumValue = 21,
// The SyncSingleKeyResponse::key_actions denote more than one active key.
kErrorKeyActionsSpecifyMultipleActiveKeys = 22,
// The SyncSingleKeyResponse::key_actions fail to specify an active key.
kErrorKeyActionsDoNotSpecifyAnActiveKey = 23,
// KeyCreation instructions specify an unsupported KeyType.
kErrorKeyCreationKeyTypeNotSupported = 24,
// Invalid key-creation instructions for user key pair. It must be P256 and
// active.
kErrorUserKeyPairCreationInstructionsInvalid = 25,
// Cannot create a symmetric key without the server's Diffie-Hellman key.
kErrorSymmetricKeyCreationMissingServerDiffieHellman = 26,
// Failed to compute at least one key proof.
kErrorKeyProofComputationFailed = 27,
// The enroller timed out waiting for response from the SyncKeys API call.
kErrorTimeoutWaitingForSyncKeysResponse = 28,
// The enroller timed out waiting for new keys to be created.
kErrorTimeoutWaitingForKeyCreation = 29,
// The enroller timed out waiting for key proofs to be computed.
kErrorTimeoutWaitingForEnrollKeysResponse = 30,
// Failed to register local device with GCM. This registration is required
// in order for CryptAuth to send GCM messages to the local device,
// requesting it to re-enroll or re-sync.
kErrorGcmRegistrationFailed = 31,
// Could not retrieve ClientAppMetadata from ClientAppMetadataProvider.
kErrorClientAppMetadataFetchFailed = 32,
// The enrollment manager timed out waiting for GCM registration.
kErrorTimeoutWaitingForGcmRegistration = 33,
// The enrollment manager timed out waiting for ClientAppMetadata.
kErrorTimeoutWaitingForClientAppMetadata = 34,
// Failed to create the user key pair to be enrolled.
kErrorUserKeyPairCreationFailed = 35,
// Failed to create the legacy authzen key to be enrolled.
kErrorLegacyAuthzenKeyCreationFailed = 36,
// Failed to create the DeviceSync:BetterTogether key to be enrolled.
kErrorDeviceSyncBetterTogetherKeyCreationFailed = 37,
// Used for UMA logs.
kMaxValue = kErrorDeviceSyncBetterTogetherKeyCreationFailed
ResultCode result_code,
const std::optional<cryptauthv2::ClientDirective>& client_directive);
CryptAuthEnrollmentResult(const CryptAuthEnrollmentResult& other);
ResultCode result_code() const { return result_code_; }
const std::optional<cryptauthv2::ClientDirective>& client_directive() const {
return client_directive_;
bool IsSuccess() const;
bool operator==(const CryptAuthEnrollmentResult& other) const;
bool operator!=(const CryptAuthEnrollmentResult& other) const;
ResultCode result_code_;
std::optional<cryptauthv2::ClientDirective> client_directive_;
std::ostream& operator<<(
std::ostream& stream,
const CryptAuthEnrollmentResult::ResultCode result_code);
} // namespace device_sync
} // namespace ash