
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.boca.mojom;

import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";

// Refer ///depot/google3/google/internal/chrome/cros/edu/schooltools/v1/
// For detailed type definition.
// TODO(b/356405813): Refactor documentation.

// Represents the tab information within browser window.
struct TabInfo {
  // Tab title.
  string title;
  // Tab URL.
  url.mojom.Url url;
  //Tab favicon in the format of data url.
  string favicon;

// Represents user identity.
struct Identity {
  // User id.
  string id;
  // User name.
  string name;
  // User email address.
  string email;

// Represents a course.
struct Course {
  // Course id.
  string id;
  // Course name.
  string name;

// Represents a browser window.
struct Window {
  // User-customized window name.
  string? name;
  // Tabs within browser window. Tabs are ordererd using non-increasing order
  // for tab's last access
  // timestamp
  array<TabInfo> tab_list;

struct Config{
  mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta session_duration;
  // Selected students to be joined for session.
  array<Identity> students;
  OnTaskConfig on_task_config;
  CaptionConfig caption_config;

struct CaptionConfig {
  // If caption is enabled.
  bool caption_enabled;
  // If the caption will be persisted to local only.
  bool local_only;
  // If transcription is enabled.
  bool transcription_enabled;

enum NavigationType {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kOpen ,

struct ControlledTab {
  TabInfo tab;
  NavigationType navigation_type;

struct OnTaskConfig {
  // If content will be display on students' device in lock mode.
  bool is_locked;
  array<ControlledTab> tabs;

// Implemented by browser process for page chrome-untrusted://boca-app/
interface PageHandler {
  // Fetches a list of browser windows and tabs in it. Windows are ordered using
  // non-increasing order for most recent tab's last
  // access timestamp
  GetWindowsTabsList() => (array<Window> window_list);
    // Fetch a list of courses for the current teacher.
  ListCourses() => (array<Course> courses);
  // Requested by the Boca SWA to fetch a list of students for a given
  // course. Must be called on a course_id received from the most recent
  // ListCourses call.
  ListStudents(string course_id) => (array<Identity> students);
  // Create a session with `config`.
  CreateSession(Config config) => (bool success);

// Implemented by renderer process
interface Page {};

// Implemented in browser process to set up the communication between the Page
// and PageHandler
interface BocaPageHandlerFactory {
  // Set up the communication between browser process and renderer process.
  Create(pending_receiver<PageHandler> handler, pending_remote<Page> page);