// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <ostream>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/multidevice/software_feature.h"
namespace ash {
namespace device_sync {
// The BetterTogether feature types used by the CryptAuth v2 backend. Each
// feature has a separate type for the "supported" state and "enabled" state of
// the feature. Currently, the "supported" types are only used for the CryptAuth
// v2 DeviceSync BatchGetFeatureStatuses RPC. Each enum value is uniquely mapped
// to a string used in the protos and understood by CryptAuth.
// Example: The following FeatureStatus messages received in a
// BatchGetFeatureStatuses response would indicate that BetterTogether host is
// supported but not enabled:
// [
// message FeatureStatus {
// string feature_type = "BETTER_TOGETHER_HOST_SUPPORTED";
// bool enabled = true;
// },
// message FeatureStatus {
// string feature_type = "BETTER_TOGETHER_HOST";
// bool enabled = false;
// }
// ]
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused. If entries are added, kMaxValue should
// be updated.
enum class CryptAuthFeatureType {
// Support for multi-device features in general.
kBetterTogetherHostSupported = 0,
kBetterTogetherHostEnabled = 1,
kBetterTogetherClientSupported = 2,
kBetterTogetherClientEnabled = 3,
// Smart Lock, which gives the user the ability to unlock and/or sign into a
// Chromebook using an Android phone.
kEasyUnlockHostSupported = 4,
kEasyUnlockHostEnabled = 5,
kEasyUnlockClientSupported = 6,
kEasyUnlockClientEnabled = 7,
// Instant Tethering, which gives the user the ability to use an Android
// phone's Internet connection on a Chromebook.
kMagicTetherHostSupported = 8,
kMagicTetherHostEnabled = 9,
kMagicTetherClientSupported = 10,
kMagicTetherClientEnabled = 11,
// Messages for Web, which gives the user the ability to sync messages (e.g.,
// SMS) between an Android phone and a Chromebook.
kSmsConnectHostSupported = 12,
kSmsConnectHostEnabled = 13,
kSmsConnectClientSupported = 14,
kSmsConnectClientEnabled = 15,
// Phone Hub, which allows users to view phone metadata and send commands to
// their phone directly from the Chrome OS UI.
kPhoneHubHostSupported = 16,
kPhoneHubHostEnabled = 17,
kPhoneHubClientSupported = 18,
kPhoneHubClientEnabled = 19,
// Wifi Sync with Android, which allows users to sync wifi network
// configurations between Chrome OS devices and a connected Android phone
kWifiSyncHostSupported = 20,
kWifiSyncHostEnabled = 21,
kWifiSyncClientSupported = 22,
kWifiSyncClientEnabled = 23,
// Eche
kEcheHostSupported = 24,
kEcheHostEnabled = 25,
kEcheClientSupported = 26,
kEcheClientEnabled = 27,
// Camera Roll, which allows users to view and download recent photos and
// videos from the Phone Hub tray.
kPhoneHubCameraRollHostSupported = 28,
kPhoneHubCameraRollHostEnabled = 29,
kPhoneHubCameraRollClientSupported = 30,
kPhoneHubCameraRollClientEnabled = 31,
// Used for UMA logs.
kMaxValue = kPhoneHubCameraRollClientEnabled
const base::flat_set<CryptAuthFeatureType>& GetAllCryptAuthFeatureTypes();
const base::flat_set<CryptAuthFeatureType>& GetSupportedCryptAuthFeatureTypes();
const base::flat_set<CryptAuthFeatureType>& GetEnabledCryptAuthFeatureTypes();
const base::flat_set<std::string>& GetAllCryptAuthFeatureTypeStrings();
// Provides a unique mapping between each CryptAuthFeatureType enum value and
// the corresponding string used in the protos and understood by CryptAuth.
// CryptAuthFeatureTypeFromString returns null if |feature_type_string| does not
// map to a known CryptAuthFeatureType.
const char* CryptAuthFeatureTypeToString(CryptAuthFeatureType feature_type);
std::optional<CryptAuthFeatureType> CryptAuthFeatureTypeFromString(
const std::string& feature_type_string);
// Provides a unique mapping between a CryptAuthFeatureType and its
// corresponding encoded hash value that CryptAuth sends in GCM messages.
// CryptAuth sends a base64url-encoded, SHA-256 8-byte hash of the
// CryptAuthFeatureType string. CryptAuth chooses this hashing scheme to
// accommodate the limited bandwidth of GCM messages.
// CryptAuthFeatureTypeFromGcmHash returns null if |feature_type_hash| cannot be
// mapped to a CryptAuthFeatureType.
std::string CryptAuthFeatureTypeToGcmHash(CryptAuthFeatureType feature_type);
std::optional<CryptAuthFeatureType> CryptAuthFeatureTypeFromGcmHash(
const std::string& feature_type_hash);
// Provides a mapping between CryptAuthFeatureTypes and SoftwareFeatures.
// The "enabled" and "supported" feature types are mapped to the same
// SoftwareFeature. For example,
// CryptAuthFeatureType::kBetterTogetherHostEnabled and
// CryptAuthFeatureType::kBetterTogetherHostSupported are both mapped to
// SoftwareFeature::kBetterTogetherHost.
// A SoftwareFeature is mapped to the "enabled" CryptAuthFeatureType. For
// example, SoftwareFeature::kBetterTogetherHost maps to
// CryptAuthFeatureType::kBetterTogetherHostEnabled.
multidevice::SoftwareFeature CryptAuthFeatureTypeToSoftwareFeature(
CryptAuthFeatureType feature_type);
CryptAuthFeatureType CryptAuthFeatureTypeFromSoftwareFeature(
multidevice::SoftwareFeature software_feature);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream,
CryptAuthFeatureType feature_type);
} // namespace device_sync
} // namespace ash