// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/cryptauth_key.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/proto/cryptauth_directive.pb.h"
namespace ash::device_sync {
// A group of related CryptAuthKeys, uniquely identified by their handles.
// No more than one key in the bundle can be active at a time, and only the
// active key should be used for encryption, signing, etc. Inactive keys are
// retained and can be activated in the future, for example, due to a
// SyncSingleKeyResponse::KeyAction sent by CryptAuth.
// All key bundles used in Chrome OS are enumerated in the Name enum class. The
// name string corresponding to each enum value can be retrieved via
// KeyBundleNameEnumToString(). For key bundles that enroll with CryptAuth, this
// string is used to populate the SyncSingleKeysRequest::key_name protobuf
// field.
class CryptAuthKeyBundle {
// Names that uniquely define a CryptAuthKeyBundle.
enum class Name {
// A non-rotated asymmetric key associated with a user on the device. It is
// used for encrypting device-to-device communications, for example, and it
// has historically been used as a device identifier.
// Currently unused but required for CryptAuth v2 Enrollment.
// Enrolling this asymmetric key adds the device to the user's DeviceSync v2
// "DeviceSync:BetterTogether" group. This key is not to be confused with
// the unenrolled kDeviceSyncBetterTogetherGroupKey.
// A key pair that does *not* enroll with CryptAuth, used to encrypt and
// decrypt the metadata of all devices in the user's
// "DeviceSync:BetterTogether" group. This metadata is passed in an
// end-to-end encrypted fashion via DeviceSync v2 SyncMetadata calls .
// Returns all Name enum values as a set.
static const base::flat_set<CryptAuthKeyBundle::Name>& AllNames();
// Returns the Name enum value of all key bundles that enroll with CryptAuth.
static const base::flat_set<CryptAuthKeyBundle::Name>& AllEnrollableNames();
static std::string KeyBundleNameEnumToString(CryptAuthKeyBundle::Name name);
static std::optional<CryptAuthKeyBundle::Name> KeyBundleNameStringToEnum(
const std::string& name);
static std::optional<CryptAuthKeyBundle> FromDictionary(
const base::Value::Dict& dict);
explicit CryptAuthKeyBundle(Name name);
CryptAuthKeyBundle(const CryptAuthKeyBundle&);
Name name() const { return name_; }
const base::flat_map<std::string, CryptAuthKey>& handle_to_key_map() const {
return handle_to_key_map_;
const std::optional<cryptauthv2::KeyDirective>& key_directive() const {
return key_directive_;
void set_key_directive(const cryptauthv2::KeyDirective& key_directive) {
key_directive_ = key_directive;
// Returns nullptr if there is no active key.
const CryptAuthKey* GetActiveKey() const;
// If the key being added is active, all other keys in the bundle will be
// deactivated. If the handle of the input key matches one in the bundle, the
// existing key will be overwritten.
// Note: All keys added to the bundle kUserKeyPair must have the handle
// kCryptAuthFixedUserKeyPairHandle.
void AddKey(const CryptAuthKey& key);
// Activates the key corresponding to |handle| in the bundle and deactivates
// the other keys.
void SetActiveKey(const std::string& handle);
// Sets all key statuses to kInactive.
void DeactivateKeys();
// Remove the key corresponding to |handle| from the bundle.
void DeleteKey(const std::string& handle);
base::Value::Dict AsDictionary() const;
bool operator==(const CryptAuthKeyBundle& other) const;
bool operator!=(const CryptAuthKeyBundle& other) const;
using HandleToKeyMap = base::flat_map<std::string, CryptAuthKey>;
Name name_;
HandleToKeyMap handle_to_key_map_;
std::optional<cryptauthv2::KeyDirective> key_directive_;
} // namespace ash::device_sync