
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/pref_names.h"

namespace ash {

namespace device_sync {

namespace prefs {

// (CryptAuth v1) Whether the system is scheduling device_syncs more
// aggressively to recover from the previous device_sync failure.
const char kCryptAuthDeviceSyncIsRecoveringFromFailure[] =

// (CryptAuth v1) The timestamp of the last successful CryptAuth device_sync in
// seconds.
const char kCryptAuthDeviceSyncLastSyncTimeSeconds[] =

// (CryptAuth v1) The reason that the next device_sync is performed. This should
// be one of the enum values of cryptauth::InvocationReason in
// chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/proto/cryptauth_api.proto.
const char kCryptAuthDeviceSyncReason[] = "cryptauth.device_sync.reason";

// (CryptAuth v1) A list of unlock keys (stored as dictionaries) synced from
// CryptAuth. Unlock Keys are phones belonging to the user that can unlock other
// devices, such as desktop PCs.
const char kCryptAuthDeviceSyncUnlockKeys[] =

// (CryptAuth v1) Whether the system is scheduling enrollments more aggressively
// to recover from the previous enrollment failure.
const char kCryptAuthEnrollmentIsRecoveringFromFailure[] =

// (CryptAuth v1) The timestamp of the last successful CryptAuth enrollment in
// seconds.
const char kCryptAuthEnrollmentLastEnrollmentTimeSeconds[] =

// (CryptAuth v1) The reason that the next enrollment is performed. This should
// be one of the enum values of cryptauth::InvocationReason in
// chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/proto/cryptauth_api.proto.
const char kCryptAuthEnrollmentReason[] = "cryptauth.enrollment.reason";

// (CryptAuth v1 and during migration to v2) The public key of the user and
// device enrolled with CryptAuth.
const char kCryptAuthEnrollmentUserPublicKey[] =

// (CryptAuth v1 and during migration to v2) The private key of the user and
// device enrolled with CryptAuth.
const char kCryptAuthEnrollmentUserPrivateKey[] =

// (CryptAuth v1 and v2) The GCM registration id used for receiving push
// messages from CryptAuth.
const char kCryptAuthGCMRegistrationId[] = "cryptauth.gcm_registration_id";

// (CryptAuth v2) The dictionary of devices synced from CryptAuth, used to
// populate and persist the CryptAuthDeviceRegistry.
const char kCryptAuthDeviceRegistry[] = "cryptauth.device_registry";

// (CryptAuth v2) The dictionary of key bundles enrolled with CryptAuth, used to
// populate and persist the CryptAuthKeyRegistry.
const char kCryptAuthKeyRegistry[] = "cryptauth.key_registry";

// (CryptAuth v2) The hash of the last enrolled ClientAppMetadata. If this hash
// changes, a re-enrollment should occur.
const char kCryptAuthLastEnrolledClientAppMetadataHash[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The encrypted and unencrypted local device
// CryptAuthBetterTogetherMetadata, along with the encrypting group public key,
// sent during the most recent successful SyncMetadata call. We don't want to
// re-encrypt the metadata if the metadata and group public key have not
// changed. Because a different session key is used for each new encryption, the
// encrypted blob would change, and CryptAuth would notify all user devices.
const char kCryptAuthLastSyncedEncryptedLocalDeviceMetadata[] =
const char kCryptAuthLastSyncedGroupPublicKey[] =
const char kCryptAuthLastSyncedUnencryptedLocalDeviceMetadata[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The Bluetooth address provided during the most recent
// DeviceSync attempt.
const char kCryptAuthBluetoothAddressProvidedDuringLastSync[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The generation time of the most recently-generated certs.
extern const char kCryptAuthAttestationCertificatesLastGeneratedTimestamp[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The most recent ClientDirective sent to the
// CryptAuthScheduler.
const char kCryptAuthSchedulerClientDirective[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The ClientMetadata of the last scheduled enrollment request.
const char kCryptAuthSchedulerNextEnrollmentRequestClientMetadata[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The ClientMetadata of the last scheduled DeviceSync request.
const char kCryptAuthSchedulerNextDeviceSyncRequestClientMetadata[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The time of the last enrollment attempt.
const char kCryptAuthSchedulerLastEnrollmentAttemptTime[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The time of the last DeviceSync attempt.
const char kCryptAuthSchedulerLastDeviceSyncAttemptTime[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The time of the last successful enrollment.
const char kCryptAuthSchedulerLastSuccessfulEnrollmentTime[] =

// (CryptAuth v2) The time of the last successful DeviceSync.
const char kCryptAuthSchedulerLastSuccessfulDeviceSyncTime[] =

}  // namespace prefs

}  // namespace device_sync

}  // namespace ash