// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
package cryptauthv2;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
//--------------------- ATTENTION ------------------------
// If you chamge this file please change
// j/c/g/android/gms/auth_proximity/proto/cryptauth_better_together_feature_metadata.proto
// as well.
// A seed used to feed an EID BLE advertisement for some time period.
// Next ID: 4
message BeaconSeed {
// The beacon seed bytes.
bytes data = 1;
// The time at which this key becomes active.
int64 start_time_millis = 2;
// The time at which this key becomes inactive.
int64 end_time_millis = 3;
// Data required to verify the remote device.
// Next ID: 3
message AttestationData {
enum Type {
// A Chrome OS "soft-bind" certificate chain.
// The |certificates| field holds a PEM encoded X.509 certificate chain
// ordered from leaf to root.
Type type = 1;
// The certificate data as specified by |type|.
repeated bytes certificates = 2;
// Device metadata relevant to the suite of multi-device (Better Together)
// features. This data is sent to and received from CryptAuth--using end-to-end
// encryption--as part of DeviceSync v2.
// Next ID: 5
message BetterTogetherDeviceMetadata {
// A cryptographic public key associated with the device.
// The format of this key is a serialized SecureMessage.GenericPublicKey.
bytes public_key = 1;
// A device model name that's guaranteed not to contain any PII.
string no_pii_device_name = 2;
// A list of seeds for EID BLE advertisements targeting this device.
repeated BeaconSeed beacon_seeds = 3;
// Bluetooth public address, formatted as a hex string with colons and capital
// letters. Example: "01:23:45:67:89:AB"
string bluetooth_public_address = 4;
// Attestation data associated with this device.
AttestationData attestation_data = 5;