// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/cryptauth_device_manager.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/cryptauth_v2_device_manager.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/remote_device_provider.h"
#include "google_apis/gaia/core_account_id.h"
namespace ash {
namespace device_sync {
class CryptAuthDeviceSyncResult;
class RemoteDeviceLoader;
class RemoteDeviceV2Loader;
// Concrete RemoteDeviceProvider implementation that handles v1 and/or v2
// DeviceSync data.
// If v1 and v2 DeviceSync are running in parallel, we consider the following
// facts:
// - Devices returned from a v2 DeviceSync should be a subset of the devices
// returned from a v1 DeviceSync.
// - The public key is the only consistent identifier between v1 and v2
// devices.
// - V2 devices might not have a decrypted public key or decrypted beacon
// seeds.
// - V1 and v2 device data might have different beacon seeds.
// Given these facts, we merge the v1 and v2 devices in the following way so as
// to avoid having duplicate device records and to ensure that v2 device data is
// preferred if it has decrypted metadata:
// - Initially, populate the synced-device list with all v1 devices.
// - If a v2 device does not have a public key, ignore it.
// - If a v2 device has a public key that matches that of a v1 device,
// replace the v1 device with the v2 device in the synced-device list.
// - If a v2 device has a public key that does not match any v1 device,
// append it to the synced-device list.
class RemoteDeviceProviderImpl : public RemoteDeviceProvider,
public CryptAuthDeviceManager::Observer,
public CryptAuthV2DeviceManager::Observer {
class Factory {
static std::unique_ptr<RemoteDeviceProvider> Create(
CryptAuthDeviceManager* v1_device_manager,
CryptAuthV2DeviceManager* v2_device_manager,
const std::string& user_email,
const std::string& user_private_key);
static void SetFactoryForTesting(Factory* factory);
virtual ~Factory();
virtual std::unique_ptr<RemoteDeviceProvider> CreateInstance(
CryptAuthDeviceManager* v1_device_manager,
CryptAuthV2DeviceManager* v2_device_manager,
const std::string& user_email,
const std::string& user_private_key) = 0;
static Factory* factory_instance_;
RemoteDeviceProviderImpl(CryptAuthDeviceManager* v1_device_manager,
CryptAuthV2DeviceManager* v2_device_manager,
const std::string& user_email,
const std::string& user_private_key);
RemoteDeviceProviderImpl(const RemoteDeviceProviderImpl&) = delete;
RemoteDeviceProviderImpl& operator=(const RemoteDeviceProviderImpl&) = delete;
~RemoteDeviceProviderImpl() override;
// RemoteDeviceProvider:
const multidevice::RemoteDeviceList& GetSyncedDevices() const override;
// CryptAuthDeviceManager::Observer:
void OnSyncFinished(
CryptAuthDeviceManager::SyncResult sync_result,
CryptAuthDeviceManager::DeviceChangeResult device_change_result) override;
// CryptAuthV2DeviceManager::Observer:
void OnDeviceSyncFinished(
const CryptAuthDeviceSyncResult& device_sync_result) override;
void LoadV1RemoteDevices();
void LoadV2RemoteDevices();
void OnV1RemoteDevicesLoaded(
const multidevice::RemoteDeviceList& synced_v1_remote_devices);
void OnV2RemoteDevicesLoaded(
const multidevice::RemoteDeviceList& synced_v2_remote_devices);
// Only invoked when running v1 and v2 DeviceSync in parallel.
void MergeV1andV2SyncedDevices();
// To get cryptauth::ExternalDeviceInfo needed to retrieve RemoteDevices. Null
// if v1 DeviceSync is disabled.
raw_ptr<CryptAuthDeviceManager> v1_device_manager_;
// Used to retrieve CryptAuthDevices from the last v2 DeviceSync. Null if v2
// DeviceSync is disabled.
raw_ptr<CryptAuthV2DeviceManager> v2_device_manager_;
// The email of the current user.
const std::string user_email_;
// The private key used to generate RemoteDevices.
const std::string user_private_key_;
std::unique_ptr<RemoteDeviceLoader> remote_device_v1_loader_;
std::unique_ptr<RemoteDeviceV2Loader> remote_device_v2_loader_;
// Only populated when running v1 and v2 DeviceSync in parallel.
multidevice::RemoteDeviceList synced_v1_remote_devices_to_be_merged_;
multidevice::RemoteDeviceList synced_v2_remote_devices_to_be_merged_;
multidevice::RemoteDeviceList synced_remote_devices_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RemoteDeviceProviderImpl> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace device_sync
} // namespace ash