// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ash/services/device_sync/switches.h"
namespace ash {
namespace device_sync {
namespace switches {
// Overrides the default URL for Google APIs (https://www.googleapis.com) used
// by CryptAuth.
const char kCryptAuthHTTPHost[] = "cryptauth-http-host";
// Overrides the default URL for CryptAuth v2 Enrollment:
// https://cryptauthenrollment.googleapis.com.
const char kCryptAuthV2EnrollmentHTTPHost[] =
// Overrides the default URL for CryptAuth v2 DeviceSync:
// https://cryptauthdevicesync.googleapis.com.
const char kCryptAuthV2DeviceSyncHTTPHost[] =
} // namespace switches
} // namespace device_sync
} // namespace ash