// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/scoped_native_library.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/ime/public/cpp/shared_lib/interfaces.h"
namespace ash {
namespace ime {
// START: Signatures of "C" API entry points of CrOS 1P IME shared library.
// Must match API specs in
// chromeos/ash/services/ime/public/cpp/shared_lib/interfaces.h
inline constexpr char kSetImeEngineLoggerFnName[] = "SetImeEngineLogger";
typedef void (*SetImeEngineLoggerFn)(ChromeLoggerFunc logger_func);
inline constexpr char kInitProtoModeFnName[] = "InitProtoMode";
typedef void (*InitProtoModeFn)(ImeCrosPlatform* platform);
inline constexpr char kCloseProtoModeFnName[] = "CloseProtoMode";
typedef void (*CloseProtoModeFn)();
inline constexpr char kImeDecoderSupportsFnName[] = "ImeDecoderSupports";
typedef bool (*ImeDecoderSupportsFn)(const char* ime_spec);
inline constexpr char kImeDecoderActivateImeFnName[] = "ImeDecoderActivateIme";
typedef bool (*ImeDecoderActivateImeFn)(const char* ime_spec,
ImeClientDelegate* delegate);
inline constexpr char kImeDecoderProcessFnName[] = "ImeDecoderProcess";
typedef void (*ImeDecoderProcessFn)(const uint8_t* data, size_t size);
inline constexpr char kInitMojoModeFnName[] = "InitMojoMode";
typedef void (*InitMojoModeFn)(ImeCrosPlatform* platform);
inline constexpr char kCloseMojoModeFnName[] = "CloseMojoMode";
typedef void (*CloseMojoModeFn)();
inline constexpr char kInitializeConnectionFactoryFnName[] =
typedef bool (*InitializeConnectionFactoryFn)(
uint32_t receiver_connection_factory_handle);
inline constexpr char kIsInputMethodConnectedFnName[] =
typedef bool (*IsInputMethodConnectedFn)();
inline constexpr char kInitUserDataServiceFnName[] = "InitUserDataService";
typedef void (*InitUserDataServiceFn)(ImeCrosPlatform* platform);
inline constexpr char kProcessUserDataRequestFnName[] =
typedef C_SerializedProto (*ProcessUserDataRequestFn)(C_SerializedProto args);
inline constexpr char kDeleteSerializedProtoFnName[] = "DeleteSerializedProto";
typedef void (*DeleteSerializedProtoFn)(C_SerializedProto args);
// END: Signatures of "C" API entry points of CrOS 1P IME shared lib.
// This class manages the dynamic loading of CrOS 1P IME shared lib
// .so, and facilitates access to its "C" API entry points.
class ImeSharedLibraryWrapper {
virtual ~ImeSharedLibraryWrapper() = default;
// Function pointers to "C" API entry points of the loaded IME shared library.
// See chromeos/ash/services/ime/public/cpp/shared_lib/interfaces.h for API
// specs.
struct EntryPoints {
InitProtoModeFn init_proto_mode;
CloseProtoModeFn close_proto_mode;
ImeDecoderSupportsFn proto_mode_supports;
ImeDecoderActivateImeFn proto_mode_activate_ime;
ImeDecoderProcessFn proto_mode_process;
InitMojoModeFn init_mojo_mode;
CloseMojoModeFn close_mojo_mode;
InitializeConnectionFactoryFn mojo_mode_initialize_connection_factory;
IsInputMethodConnectedFn mojo_mode_is_input_method_connected;
InitUserDataServiceFn init_user_data_service;
ProcessUserDataRequestFn process_user_data_request;
DeleteSerializedProtoFn delete_serialized_proto;
// Loads the IME shared library (if not already loaded) then returns its entry
// points. Entry points are only available if the IME shared library has been
// successfully loaded.
virtual std::optional<EntryPoints> MaybeLoadThenReturnEntryPoints() = 0;
// A proxy class for the IME decoder.
// ImeSharedLibraryWrapper is implemented as a singleton and is initialized
// before 'ime' sandbox is engaged.
class ImeSharedLibraryWrapperImpl : public ImeSharedLibraryWrapper {
// Gets the singleton ImeDecoderImpl.
static ImeSharedLibraryWrapperImpl* GetInstance();
ImeSharedLibraryWrapperImpl(const ImeSharedLibraryWrapperImpl&) = delete;
ImeSharedLibraryWrapperImpl& operator=(const ImeSharedLibraryWrapperImpl&) =
std::optional<EntryPoints> MaybeLoadThenReturnEntryPoints() override;
friend class base::NoDestructor<ImeSharedLibraryWrapperImpl>;
explicit ImeSharedLibraryWrapperImpl();
~ImeSharedLibraryWrapperImpl() override;
// Result of IME decoder DSO initialization.
std::optional<base::ScopedNativeLibrary> library_;
std::optional<EntryPoints> entry_points_;
} // namespace ime
} // namespace ash