
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.ime.mojom;

// A message channel is a paired message sender and receiver. It provides the
// communication channel between the IME extension process and the core IME
// service in ChromeOS.
// In order to encapsulate all the communication, (e.g. access to some
// closed-sourced input engine with decoders), implement the method that takes
// a serialized protobuf message (instead of a plaintext) as its argument.
// Note that only closed source proto messages are allowed to be sent via
// the ProcessMessage() method. All other proto messages must be mirrored with
// a respective mojom method here in this interface for security (see
// chromeos/ash/services/ime/decoder/ for an example of
// mirroring).
interface InputChannel {
  // Returns a serialized protobuf result after processing a serialized
  // protobuf message.
  ProcessMessage(array<uint8> message) => (array<uint8> result);