// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ash.camera_app.mojom;
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/camera_intent.mojom";
import "ash/webui/camera_app_ui/events_sender.mojom";
import "ash/webui/camera_app_ui/ocr.mojom";
import "ash/webui/camera_app_ui/pdf_builder.mojom";
import "ash/webui/camera_app_ui/types.mojom";
import "chromeos/services/machine_learning/public/mojom/document_scanner_param_types.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_buffer.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Interface for monitoring tablet mode state of device. The state is detected
// from Chrome browser process and is notified to Chrome Camera App in renderer
// process.
interface TabletModeMonitor {
// Updates with the latest changed tablet mode state.
Update(bool is_tablet_mode);
// Screen backlight state.
// Reference from ash/public/cpp/screen_backlight_type.h
enum ScreenState {
// Lid state.
// Reference from media/capture/video/chromeos/mojom/system_event_monitor.mojom
// Dulplication has the following advantages.
// 1. 'cca.py dev' doesn't need to parse system_event_monitor.mojom.
// 2. Make CameraAppHelper independent of system_event_monitor.mojom.
// 3. No need to generate js mojo files for system_event_monitor.mojom.
// LINT.IfChange(LidState)
enum LidState {
kOpen, // Lid is open.
kClosed, // Lid is closed.
kNotPresent, // No lid is present
// LINT.ThenChange(//media/capture/video/chromeos/mojom/system_event_monitor.mojom:LidState)
// Configurations which can be provided by Wi-Fi QR Code.
struct WifiConfig {
// Required fields.
string ssid;
WifiSecurityType security;
// Optional fields.
string? password;
WifiEapMethod? eap_method;
WifiEapPhase2Method? eap_phase2_method;
string? eap_identity;
string? eap_anonymous_identity;
// Interface for monitoring screen state of device. The state is detected from
// Chrome browser process and is notified to Chrome Camera App in renderer
// process.
interface ScreenStateMonitor {
// Updates with the latest changed screen state.
Update(ScreenState state);
// Interface for monitoring lock state of screen. The state is detected from
// Chrome browser process and is notified to Chrome Camera App in renderer
// process.
interface ScreenLockedMonitor {
// Updates when the lock state of screen got changed.
Update(bool is_screen_locked);
// Interface for monitoring the existence of external screen. The state is
// detected from Chrome browser process and is notified to Chrome Camera App in
// renderer process.
interface ExternalScreenMonitor {
// Updates when the existence of external screen got changed.
Update(bool has_external_screen);
// Interface to monitor camera usage ownership changes.
interface CameraUsageOwnershipMonitor {
// Updates when the camera usage ownership is changed.
OnCameraUsageOwnershipChanged(bool has_usage) => ();
// Interface to monitor lid state changes.
interface LidStateMonitor {
// Updates when the lid state is changed.
Update(LidState lid_status);
// Interface for monitoring state of software privacy switch. The sw privacy
// switch is available on th Privacy Hub of OS settings page. It allows users
// to disable cameras at OS level for privacy concern. The state is detected
// from Chrome browser process and is notified to Chrome Camera App in renderer
// process.
interface SWPrivacySwitchMonitor {
// Updates when the state of sw privacy switch got changed.
Update(bool is_sw_privacy_switch_on);
// The window states that we care about.
enum WindowStateType {
kMinimized = 0,
kMaximized = 1,
kFullscreen = 2,
kRegular = 3, // None of the above.
// Interface for monitoring window states.
interface WindowStateMonitor {
// Updates when any of the window states are changed.
OnWindowStateChanged(array<WindowStateType> states);
// Updates when the window focus state is changed.
OnWindowFocusChanged(bool is_focus);
// The possible result of the file deletion monitor.
enum FileMonitorResult {
// The file is deleted.
kDeleted = 0,
// The request is canceled since there is another monitor request.
kCanceled = 1,
// Fails to monitor the file due to errors.
kError = 2,
enum StorageMonitorStatus {
// There are enough storage space to operate CCA functionalities.
kNormal = 0,
// Storage is getting low, display warning to users.
kLow = 1,
// Storage is almost full. Should stop ongoing recording and don't allow new
// recording.
kCriticallyLow = 2,
// Monitoring got canceled since there is another monitor request.
kCanceled = 3,
// Monitoring get errors.
kError = 4,
// Interface to monitor storage status changes.
interface StorageMonitor {
// Update when storage status is changed.
Update(StorageMonitorStatus status);
// Interface for window controlling.
interface WindowStateController {
// Adds |monitor| for window state changes.
AddMonitor(pending_remote<WindowStateMonitor> monitor)
=> (array<WindowStateType> states);
// Gets current |states| of the window.
GetWindowState() => (array<WindowStateType> states);
// Minimize the window.
Minimize() => ();
// Restore the window.
Restore() => ();
// Maximize the window.
Maximize() => ();
// Fullscreen the window.
Fullscreen() => ();
// Focus the window.
Focus() => ();
// Interface for communication between Chrome Camera App (Remote) and Chrome
// (Receiver).
interface CameraAppHelper {
// Sends the captured result |data| for corresponding intent recognized by
// |intent_id| back to ARC. The handler should handle |data| and may notify
// the intent caller according to the intention of the |action|. |is_success|
// will be set to true if the ARC received the result and set to false for
// invalid input.
HandleCameraResult(uint32 intent_id,
arc.mojom.CameraIntentAction action,
array<uint8> data) => (bool is_success);
// Checks if device is under tablet mode currently.
IsTabletMode() => (bool is_tablet_mode);
// Triggers the begin of event tracing for given |event|.
StartPerfEventTrace(string event);
// Triggers the end of event tracing for given |event|.
StopPerfEventTrace(string event);
// Registers a TabletModeMonitor instance and returns the tablet mode
// initial state. Calling the Update() whenever the tablet mode state
// changes.
SetTabletMonitor(pending_remote<TabletModeMonitor> monitor)
=> (bool is_tablet_mode);
// Registers a ScreenStateMonitor instance and returns the initial screen
// state. Calling the Update() whenever the screen state changes.
SetScreenStateMonitor(pending_remote<ScreenStateMonitor> monitor)
=> (ScreenState initial_state);
// Checks if the logging consent option is enabled. It is only usable for SWA
// version. For platform app version, we use Chrome MetricsPrivate API.
IsMetricsAndCrashReportingEnabled() => (bool is_enabled);
// Registers a ExternalScreenMonitor instance and returns the initial state of
// the existence of external screen. Calling the Update() whenever the screen
// state changes.
SetExternalScreenMonitor(pending_remote<ExternalScreenMonitor> monitor)
=> (bool has_external_screen);
// Opens the file in Downloads folder by its |name| in gallery. It is only
// usable for SWA version.
OpenFileInGallery(string name);
// Opens the chrome feedback dialog and show |placeholder| in the description
// field. It is only usable for SWA version. For platform app version, we send
// message to Feedback extension via chrome.runtime API.
OpenFeedbackDialog(string placeholder);
// Opens the given URL in the browser.
OpenUrlInBrowser(url.mojom.Url url);
// Gets the controller to control and monitor the window state of app.
=> (pending_remote<WindowStateController> controller);
// Sends broadcast when a picture/video is captured. |is_video| is true if a
// video is captured and false for a picture. |name| is the file name which
// will be used to generate the URI for the broadcast.
SendNewCaptureBroadcast(bool is_video, string name);
// Monitors the deletion for given file |name| in the camera folder. The
// function will return when the deletion happens, or when another monitor
// request is raised, or when the error occurs. We can determine the cases
// by result.
MonitorFileDeletion(string name) => (FileMonitorResult result);
// Check if document scanner is supported.
IsDocumentScannerSupported() => (bool is_supported);
// Registers a callback which will be resolved once the document scanner is
// ready or when it fails to load. If the document scanner is not supported on
// the device, it returns false immediately. If the document scanner fails to
// load in the previous round, it retries upon the call.
CheckDocumentModeReadiness() => (bool is_loaded);
// Returns the detected document corners from given |jpeg_data|.
// The amount of corners will be either 0, indicating there are no corners
// detected, or 4, which are in top-left => bottom-left => bottom-right =>
// top-right order. The value of the coordinate of a corner will be in [0, 1).
// If there is non-zero orientation info in EXIF of |jpeg_data|, the output
// |corners| will be detected on image with orientation corrected.
ScanDocumentCorners(array<uint8> jpeg_data)
=> (array<gfx.mojom.PointF> corners);
// Does the post processing for document given by its |jpeg_data|, document
// |corners|, clockwise rotate in |rotation| degrees. The input |corners|
// should be the ones based on the image with corrected orientation. And it is
// guaranteed that the output |doc_data| will have none or corrected
// orientation.
ConvertToDocument(array<uint8> jpeg_data,
array<gfx.mojom.PointF, 4> corners,
chromeos.machine_learning.mojom.Rotation rotation)
=> (array<uint8> doc_data);
// Triggers HaTS survey for the camera app if all the conditions match:
// 1. The camera app session is longer than 15 seconds
// 2. The user is chosen to take the survey
// 3. The user hasn't done any survey recently
// Register a Storage Monitor instance and return initial status. Calling
// Update() whenever the state changes.
StartStorageMonitor(pending_remote<StorageMonitor> monitor)
=> (StorageMonitorStatus initial_status);
// Stop ongoing storage monitor, no-op if there is no current monitoring.
// Open "Storage management" page directly. This page is inside Settings app,
// under "Device" section.
// Opens the Wi-Fi connection dialog and fills the dialog with provided
// `config` extracted from QR code. Since the call won't invoke the network
// connection directly, no error message will be returned when the config is
// incorrect.
OpenWifiDialog(WifiConfig config);
// Registers a LidStateMonitor instance and returns the initial status.
// Calling the Update() whenever the lid state changes.
SetLidStateMonitor(pending_remote<LidStateMonitor> monitor)
=> (LidState lid_status);
// Registers a SWPrivacySwitchMonitor instance and returns the initial status.
// Calling the Update() whenever the sw privacy switch state changes.
SetSWPrivacySwitchMonitor(pending_remote<SWPrivacySwitchMonitor> monitor)
=> (bool is_sw_privacy_switch_on);
// Gets an event sender which can be used to send events to CrOS Events.
GetEventsSender() => (pending_remote<EventsSender> events_sender);
// Registers a ScreenLockedMonitor instance and returns the initial lock
// state of screen.
// Calling the Update() whenever the screen is locked/unlocked.
SetScreenLockedMonitor(pending_remote<ScreenLockedMonitor> monitor)
=> (bool is_screen_locked);
// Returns the first page of a PDF as a JPEG.
RenderPdfAsJpeg(array<uint8> pdf_data) => (array<uint8> jpeg_data);
// Performs OCR on the image and returns the OCR result.
PerformOcr(mojo_base.mojom.BigBuffer jpeg_data) => (OcrResult ocr_result);
// Same as `PerformOcr`, but using `array<uint8>`.
PerformOcrInline(array<uint8> jpeg_data) => (OcrResult ocr_result);
// Creates a PDF builder.
CreatePdfBuilder(pending_receiver<PdfBuilder> builder);