
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.libassistant.mojom;

import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";

// Models an Assistant notification. This should be kept in sync with
// |ash::assistant::AssistantNotification|. For now we only include
// entries that are currently in use.
struct AssistantNotification {
  // Title of the notification.
  string title;

  // Body text of the notification.
  string message;

  // Optional URL to open when the tap action is invoked on the notification
  // main UI.
  url.mojom.Url action_url;

  // An id that uniquely identifies a notification on the client.
  string client_id;

  // An id that uniquely identifies a notification on the server.
  string server_id;

  // Used to fetch notification contents.
  string consistency_token;
  string opaque_token;

  // Key that can be used to group multiple notifications together.
  string grouping_key;

  // Obfuscated Gaia id of the intended recipient of the user.
  string obfuscated_gaia_id;

  // When the notification should expire.
  // Expressed as milliseconds since Unix Epoch.
  mojo_base.mojom.Time? expiry_time;

  // List of buttons in the notification.
  array<AssistantNotificationButton> buttons;

  // If |true|, this notification was sent from the server. Clicking a
  // notification that was sent from the server may result in a request to the
  // server to retrieve the notification payload. One example of this would be
  // notifications triggered by an Assistant reminder.
  bool from_server = false;

struct AssistantNotificationButton {
  // Display text of the button.
  string label;

  // Optional URL to open when the tap action is invoked on the button.
  url.mojom.Url action_url;

  // If |true|, the associated notification will be removed on button click.
  bool remove_notification_on_click = true;