
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.libassistant.mojom;

// Interface managing Libassistant audio input, allowing Libassistant to open
// the microphone both for hotword detection ('ok google') as well for the
// actual voice queries.
// The Libassistant service will be responsible for opening/closing its own
// audio streams.
// This controller is hosted in the Libassistant mojom service, and will be
// invoked from the browser process.
interface AudioInputController {

  // Called when the user manually opens/closes the microphone, for example by
  // pressing the microphone icon in the Assistant UI.
  SetMicOpen(bool mic_open);

  // Called when the user enables/disables hotword detection.
  SetHotwordEnabled(bool enable);

  // Set/Unset the device id that should be used for voice queries.
  // The device-id provided must be a valid audio device id (or null to remove
  // the configured device-id).
  SetDeviceId(string? device_id);

  // Set/Unset the device id that should be used for the hotword detection.
  // The device-id provided must be a valid audio device id (or null to remove
  // the configured device-id).
  SetHotwordDeviceId(string? device_id);

  // Called when the user opens/closes the lid.
  // When the lid is closed no audio should be recorded.
  // This is initially set to |kClosed|.
  SetLidState(LidState new_state);

  // TODO(jeroendh): It doesn't really make sense that our browser thread must
  // inform the Libassistant mojom service that Libassistant has
  // started/stopped a conversation.
  // However, this is required until we migrate the conversation listening APIs
  // to the Libassistant mojom service.

// Whether the lid of the current device is open or closed.
// If the device has no lid it is considered to be open.
enum LidState {