
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.camera_app.mojom;

import "ash/webui/camera_app_ui/types.mojom";

// The type indicates how the camera app is launched.
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(LaunchType)
enum LaunchType {
  // The default option that most of the launches will fall in.
  kDefault = 0,

  // The camera app is launched by user query through Google Assistant.
  kAssistant = 1,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)
struct StartSessionEventParams {
  LaunchType launch_type;

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(Mode)
enum Mode {
  kPhoto = 0,
  kVideo = 1,
  kScan = 2,
  kPortrait = 3,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(Facing)
enum Facing {
  kEnvironment = 0,
  kUser = 1,
  kExternal = 2,
  kUnknown = 3,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(GridType)
enum GridType {
  kNone = 0,
  k3X3 = 1,
  k4X4 = 2,
  kGolden = 3,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(TimerType)
enum TimerType {
  kNone = 0,
  k3Seconds = 1,
  k10Seconds = 2,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(ShutterType)
enum ShutterType {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kAssistant = 1,
  kKeyboard = 2,
  kMouse = 3,
  kTouch = 4,
  kVolumeKey = 5,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(Pressure)
enum Pressure {
  kNominal = 0,
  kFair = 1,
  kSerious = 2,
  kCritical = 3,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(AndroidIntentResultType)
enum AndroidIntentResultType {
  kNotIntent = 0,
  kConfirmed = 1,
  kCanceled = 2,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(ResolutionLevel)
enum ResolutionLevel {
  kUnknown = 0,
  k4K = 1,
  kQuadHD = 2,
  kFullHD = 3,
  kHD = 4,
  k360P = 5,
  kFull = 6,
  kMedium = 7,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(AspectRatioSet)
enum AspectRatioSet {
  kOthers = 0,
  k4To3 = 1,
  k16To9 = 2,
  kSquare = 3,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)
struct PhotoDetails {
  bool is_video_snapshot;

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(RecordType)
enum RecordType {
  kNotRecording = 0,
  kNormal = 1,
  kGif = 2,
  kTimelapse = 3,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(GifResultType)
enum GifResultType {
  kNotGif = 0,
  kRetake = 1,
  kShare = 2,
  kSave = 3,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)
struct NormalVideoDetails {};

struct GifVideoDetails {
  GifResultType gif_result_type;

struct TimelapseVideoDetails {
  int32 timelapse_speed;

union RecordTypeDetails {
  NormalVideoDetails normal_video_details;
  GifVideoDetails gif_video_details;
  TimelapseVideoDetails timelapse_video_details;

struct VideoDetails {
  bool is_muted;
  int32 fps;
  bool ever_paused;

  // In milliseconds.
  int32 duration;

  RecordTypeDetails record_type_details;

union CaptureDetails {
  PhotoDetails photo_details;
  VideoDetails video_details;

struct CaptureEventParams {
  Mode mode;
  Facing facing;
  bool is_mirrored;
  GridType grid_type;
  TimerType timer_type;
  ShutterType shutter_type;
  AndroidIntentResultType android_intent_result_type;
  bool is_window_maximized;
  bool is_window_portrait;
  int32 resolution_width;
  int32 resolution_height;
  ResolutionLevel resolution_level;
  AspectRatioSet aspect_ratio_set;
  CaptureDetails? capture_details;
  double zoom_ratio;

struct AndroidIntentEventParams {
  Mode mode;
  bool should_handle_result;
  bool should_downscale;
  bool is_secure;

struct OpenPTZPanelEventParams {
  bool support_pan;
  bool support_tilt;
  bool support_zoom;

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(DocScanActionType)
enum DocScanActionType {
  kAddPage = 0,
  kDeletePage = 1,
  kFix = 2,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)
struct DocScanActionEventParams {
  DocScanActionType action_type;

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(DocScanResultType)
enum DocScanResultType {
  kCancel = 0,
  kSaveAsPdf = 1,
  kSaveAsPhoto = 2,
  kShare = 3,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)
enum DocScanFixType {
  kCorner = 1,
  kRotation = 2,

  // Next enum value should be 4.

struct DocScanResultEventParams {
  DocScanResultType result_type;

  // A bit mask of the combination of `DocScanFixType` representing what kinds
  // of fix are applied.
  uint32 fix_types_mask;

  int32 fix_count;
  int32 page_count;

struct MipiCameraModule {};

struct UsbCameraModule {
  // If it is in the top 20 module list, the format will be "[vid]:[pid]"
  // (e.g. "abcd:1234"). Otherwise, it will be null.
  string? id;

union CameraModule {
  MipiCameraModule mipi_camera;
  UsbCameraModule usb_camera;

struct OpenCameraEventParams {
  CameraModule camera_module;

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(LowStorageActionType)
enum LowStorageActionType {
  kManageStorageAutoStop = 0,
  kManageStorageCannotStart = 1,
  kShowAutoStopDialog = 2,
  kShowCannotStartDialog = 3,
  kShowWarningMessage = 4,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)
struct LowStorageActionEventParams {
  LowStorageActionType action_type;

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(BarcodeContentType)
enum BarcodeContentType {
  kText = 0,
  kUrl = 1,
  kWiFi = 2,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)
struct BarcodeDetectedEventParams {
  BarcodeContentType content_type;
  WifiSecurityType wifi_security_type;

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(PerfEventType)
enum PerfEventType {
  kCameraSwitching = 0,
  kGifCapturePostProcessing = 1,
  kLaunchingFromLaunchAppCold = 2,
  kLaunchingFromLaunchAppWarm = 3,
  kLaunchingFromWindowCreation = 4,
  kModeSwitching = 5,
  kPhotoCapturePostProcessingSaving = 6,
  kPhotoCaptureShutter = 7,
  // kPhotoTakingDeprecated = 8, // Deprecated
  kPortraitModeCapturePostProcessingSaving = 9,
  kTimelapseCapturePostProcessingSaving = 10,
  kVideoCapturePostProcessingSaving = 11,
  kSnapshotTaking = 12,
  kDocumentCapturePostProcessing = 13,
  kDocumentPdfSaving = 14,
  kOcrScanning = 15,
  kGifCaptureSaving = 16,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)
struct PerfEventParams {
  PerfEventType event_type;

  // In milliseconds.
  int32 duration;

  // TODO(b/331904752): Use union for extra information since the members depend
  // on `event_type`.
  Facing facing;
  int32 resolution_width;
  int32 resolution_height;
  // Only for kDocumentPdfSaving
  uint32 page_count;
  Pressure pressure;

enum UserBehavior {
  kTakeNormalPhoto = 1,
  kTakePortraitPhoto = 2,
  kScanBarcode = 4,
  kScanDocument = 8,
  kRecordNormalVideo = 16,
  kRecordGifVideo = 32,
  kRecordTimelapseVideo = 64,
  // Next enum value should be 128.

struct MemoryUsageEventParams {
  // A bit mask of the combination of `UserBehavior` representing what kinds of
  // behavior the user has performed in this session.
  uint32 behaviors_mask;

  // In bytes.
  uint64 memory_usage;

// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// LINT.IfChange(OcrEventType)
enum OcrEventType {
  kCopyText = 0,
  kTextDetected = 1,

// LINT.ThenChange(//tools/metrics/structured/sync/structured.xml)
struct OcrEventParams {
  // The type of the event about the OCR feature.
  OcrEventType event_type;
  // Whether the language of detected text is the same as the user's primary
  // language.
  bool is_primary_language;
  // The number of lines of the detected text.
  uint32 line_count;
  // The number of words of the detected text.
  uint32 word_count;

// This interface is used by CCA to send metrics to CrOS Events.
interface EventsSender {
  // Sends an event to indicate a CCA session is started.
  SendStartSessionEvent(StartSessionEventParams params);

  // Sends an event to indicate a capture is happened.
  SendCaptureEvent(CaptureEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when an Android intent is handled by CCA.
  SendAndroidIntentEvent(AndroidIntentEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when the PTZ panel is opened.
  SendOpenPTZPanelEvent(OpenPTZPanelEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when a document scanning related action is performed.
  SendDocScanActionEvent(DocScanActionEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when the user finishes a document scanning session.
  SendDocScanResultEvent(DocScanResultEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when the camera is opened.
  SendOpenCameraEvent(OpenCameraEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when an action is performed due to low storage detection.
  SendLowStorageActionEvent(LowStorageActionEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when a barcode is detected on the preview.
  SendBarcodeDetectedEvent(BarcodeDetectedEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when a performance measurement is performed.
  SendPerfEvent(PerfEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when a barcode is detected and it is unsupported protocol.

  // Update the memory usage events parameter of the current camera session
  // which will be sent when the camera session ends.
  UpdateMemoryUsageEventParams(MemoryUsageEventParams params);

  // Sends an event when OCR detects text or users copy the detected text.
  SendOcrEvent(OcrEventParams params);