
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.libassistant.mojom;

// Observer that will be informed about all speech related updates from
// the Libassistant mojom service.
interface SpeechRecognitionObserver {
  // Provides periodic updates on the user's speech signal power, when the
  // microphone is open and streaming to the Assistant backend.
  OnSpeechLevelUpdated(float speech_level_in_decibels);

  // The recognition has started. This will always be the first event.

  // The recognition has a new intermediate result.
  OnIntermediateResult(string high_confidence_text, string low_confidence_text);

  // The recognizer has decided the user has stopped speaking. This
  // reflects the "end-of-utterance".

  // The final result of the speech recognition.
  OnFinalResult(string recognized_text);