// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ash.camera_app.mojom;
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojom/geometry.mojom";
// Writing direction of a word.
enum WordDirection {
// OCR result for a given image.
struct OcrResult {
array<Line> lines;
// Text line with associated bounding box.
struct Line {
// Words in the text line.
array<Word> words;
// Text line in UTF-8 format.
string text;
// Line bounding box relative to the original image.
gfx.mojom.Rect bounding_box;
// Rotation angle (in degrees, clockwise) of the line bounding box about its
// top-left corner.
float bounding_box_angle;
// Language guess for the line. The format is the ISO 639-1 two-letter
// language code if that is defined (e.g. "en"), or else the ISO 639-2
// three-letter code if that is defined, or else a Google-specific code.
string language;
// Confidence as computed by the OCR engine. The value is in range [0, 1].
float confidence;
// Word with associated bounding box.
struct Word {
// A single word in UTF-8 format.
string text;
// Word bounding box relative to the original image.
gfx.mojom.Rect bounding_box;
// Rotation angle (in degrees, clockwise) of the word bounding box about its
// top-left corner.
float bounding_box_angle;
// The direction of the script contained in the word.
WordDirection direction;