// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ash/services/quick_pair/public/cpp/battery_notification.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
namespace ash {
namespace quick_pair {
constexpr int kBatteryChargingMask = 0b10000000;
constexpr int kBatteryPercentageMask = 0b01111111;
BatteryInfo::BatteryInfo() = default;
BatteryInfo::BatteryInfo(bool is_charging)
: is_charging(is_charging), percentage(std::nullopt) {}
BatteryInfo::BatteryInfo(bool is_charging, int8_t percentage)
: is_charging(is_charging), percentage(percentage) {}
BatteryInfo::BatteryInfo(const BatteryInfo&) = default;
BatteryInfo::BatteryInfo(BatteryInfo&&) = default;
BatteryInfo& BatteryInfo::operator=(const BatteryInfo&) = default;
BatteryInfo& BatteryInfo::operator=(BatteryInfo&&) = default;
BatteryInfo::~BatteryInfo() = default;
// static
BatteryInfo BatteryInfo::FromByte(uint8_t byte) {
// Battery value is in the form 0bSVVVVVVV.
// S = charinging (0b1) or not (0b0).
// V = value, Ranges from 0-100, or 0bS1111111 if unknown.
bool is_charging = byte & kBatteryChargingMask;
uint8_t percentage = byte & kBatteryPercentageMask;
int8_t percentage_signed = static_cast<int8_t>(percentage);
if (percentage == kBatteryPercentageMask || percentage_signed < 0 ||
percentage_signed > 100) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid battery percentage.";
return BatteryInfo(is_charging);
} else {
return BatteryInfo(is_charging, percentage_signed);
uint8_t BatteryInfo::ToByte() const {
// Battery value is in the form 0bSVVVVVVV.
// S = charinging (0b1) or not (0b0).
// V = value, Ranges from 0-100, or 1111111 if unknown.
if (!percentage) {
return is_charging ? 0b11111111 : 0b01111111;
} else {
return percentage.value() | (is_charging ? 0b10000000 : 0);
BatteryNotification::BatteryNotification() = default;
BatteryNotification::BatteryNotification(bool show_ui,
BatteryInfo left_bud_info,
BatteryInfo right_bud_info,
BatteryInfo case_info)
: show_ui(show_ui),
case_info(std::move(case_info)) {}
BatteryNotification::BatteryNotification(const BatteryNotification&) = default;
BatteryNotification::BatteryNotification(BatteryNotification&&) = default;
BatteryNotification& BatteryNotification::operator=(
const BatteryNotification&) = default;
BatteryNotification& BatteryNotification::operator=(BatteryNotification&&) =
BatteryNotification::~BatteryNotification() = default;
// static
std::optional<BatteryNotification> BatteryNotification::FromBytes(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& bytes,
bool show_ui) {
// Expecting 3 bytes - Left bud, Right bud and case.
if (bytes.size() != 3) {
LOG(WARNING) << __func__
<< ": Invalid bytes length. Expected 3, got: " << bytes.size();
return std::nullopt;
BatteryInfo left_bud_info = BatteryInfo::FromByte(bytes[0]);
BatteryInfo right_bud_info = BatteryInfo::FromByte(bytes[1]);
BatteryInfo case_info = BatteryInfo::FromByte(bytes[2]);
return std::make_optional<BatteryNotification>(show_ui, left_bud_info,
right_bud_info, case_info);
} // namespace quick_pair
} // namespace ash