
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.quick_pair.mojom;

// Type values for Fast Pair messages.
enum MessageType {
  // Key-based Pairing Request.
  // Key-based Pairing Response.
  // Seeker's passkey.
  // Provider's passkey.

// Decrypted response value.
struct DecryptedResponse {
  // Message type.
  MessageType message_type;
  // Provider's public (BR/EDR) address.
  array<uint8, 6> address_bytes;
  // Random value.
  array<uint8, 9> salt;
  // Flags.
  uint8? flags;
  // Number of the Provider's addresses.
  uint8? num_addresses;
  // Bondable address of the secondary.
  array<uint8, 6>? secondary_address_bytes;

// Decrypted passkey value.
struct DecryptedPasskey {
  // Message type.
  MessageType message_type;
  // 6 digit passkey.
  uint32 passkey;
  // Random value.
  array<uint8, 12> salt;

// 'Not discoverable' advertisements and MessageStreamMessages may contain
// battery information, see
struct BatteryInfo {
  // Whether or not the device is charging.
  bool is_charging;
  // Battery level ranging from 0 to 100. -1 if unknown.
  int8 percentage;

// 'Not discoverable' advertisements may contain battery information, see
struct BatteryNotification {
  // Whether or not to show UI based on this notification.
  bool show_ui;
  // Battery information for the left bud.
  BatteryInfo left_bud_info;
  // Battery information for the right bud.
  BatteryInfo right_bud_info;
  // Battery information for the case.
  BatteryInfo case_info;

// MessageStreamMessages may contain battery update information, see
struct BatteryUpdate {
  // Battery information for the left bud.
  BatteryInfo left_bud_info;
  // Battery information for the right bud.
  BatteryInfo right_bud_info;
  // Battery information for the case.
  BatteryInfo case_info;

// Indication of whether or not the Acknowledgement message in a
// MessageStreamMessage is a Ack or a Nak, with reasons for Nak. See
enum Acknowledgement {
  // Acknowledgement.
  // Not Acknowledgement, not supported.
  // Not Acknowledgement, device busy.
  // Not Acknowledgement, not allowed due to current state.

// All the message groups for the MessageStreamMessage to be used in
// Acknowledgement. See
enum MessageGroup {
  // Bluetooth event.
  // Companion App event.
  // Device information event.
  // Device action event.
  // Acknowledgement.

// MessageStreamMessages may contain RingDevice events, see
struct RingDevice {
  // Since the MessageStreamMessage does not contain
  // information about how many components are on the device, this byte needs
  // to be understood by consumers.
  uint8 ring_device_byte;
  // Timeout for how long the device should ring for. This is an optional field,
  // and a timeout of -1 implies no timeout.
  int8 timeout_in_seconds;

// MessageStreamMessages may contain Acknowledgement events, see
struct AcknowledgementMessage {
  // The byte representation of the message code in the message group being
  // acknowledged or not acknowledged.
  uint8 action_message_code;
  // Acknowledgement or the reason for not acknowledgement.
  Acknowledgement acknowledgement;
  // The message group being acknowledged or not acknowledged.
  MessageGroup action_message_group;

// Parsed message stream message value which may take the value of any single
// one of these fields at a time, see
union MessageStreamMessage {
  // Model id information for Retroactively Writing Account Key.
  string model_id;
  // BLE address information for Retroactively Writing Account Key.
  string ble_address_update;
  // Battery updates for battery notifications.
  BatteryUpdate battery_update;
  // Remaining battery time, in minutes.
  uint16 remaining_battery_time;
  // Enable/Disable silence mode. If true, enable silence mode. If false,
  // disable silence mode.
  bool enable_silence_mode;
  // Companion app log buffer full.
  bool companion_app_log_buffer_full;
  // Active components byte. Since the MessageStreamMessage does not contain
  // information about how many components are on the device, this byte needs
  // to be understood by consumers. See
  uint8 active_components_byte;
  // Ring device event.
  RingDevice ring_device_event;
  // Acknowledgement event for an action.
  AcknowledgementMessage acknowledgement;
  // Sdk version for Android platform.
  int8 sdk_version;

// Advertisement payload for Fast Pair 'not discoverable' devices. See
// for additional details (note: not all fields in the spec are in use, thus
// aren't included in this struct).
struct NotDiscoverableAdvertisement {
  // Bytes in the account key filter.
  array<uint8> account_key_filter;
  // Random value generate by the Bluetooth device.
  array<uint8> salt;
  // Whether or not to show UI based on this advertisement.
  bool show_ui;
  // Optional battery notification information.
  BatteryNotification? battery_notification;

// Parses untrusted bytes from a Bluetooth device during Fast Pair. Lives in a
// sandboxed utility process which is launched by Ash. Instances should be
// retrieved via QuickPairService.
interface FastPairDataParser {
  // Gets the hex string representation of the device's model ID from the
  // service data.
  GetHexModelIdFromServiceData(array<uint8> service_data) => (string? model_id);

  // Decrypts |encrypted_response_bytes| using |aes_key| and parses a
  // DecryptedResponse instance if possible.
    array<uint8, 16> aes_key,
    array<uint8, 16> encrypted_response_bytes) => (DecryptedResponse? response);

  // Decrypts |encrypted_passkey_bytes| using |aes_key| and parses a
  // DecryptedPasskey instance if possible.
    array<uint8, 16> aes_key,
    array<uint8, 16> encrypted_passkey_bytes) => (DecryptedPasskey? passkey);

  // Parses a 'not discoverable' advertisement instance from |service_data| if
  // possible. If there is not salt information in the advertisement, use
  // |address| as salt instead.
  ParseNotDiscoverableAdvertisement(array<uint8> service_data, string address)
      => (NotDiscoverableAdvertisement? advertisement);

  // Parses MessageStreamMessage instances from |message_bytes| if
  // possible.
  ParseMessageStreamMessages(array<uint8> message_bytes)
      => (array<MessageStreamMessage> messages);