// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <cstdint>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/sequence_bound.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/recording/gif_encoding_types.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/recording/gif_file_writer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/recording/lzw_pixel_color_indices_writer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/recording/octree_color_quantizer.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/recording/recording_encoder.h"
namespace recording {
class RgbVideoFrame;
// Encapsulates a created color `quantizer` from the given `rgb_video_frame`,
// the extracted `color_palette` from it, and the `duration` spent on the whole
// operation (building the quantizer and extracting the palette), which is
// calculated based on the given `start_time`.
struct QuantizerPaletteData {
QuantizerPaletteData(const RgbVideoFrame& rgb_video_frame,
base::TimeTicks start_time);
QuantizerPaletteData& operator=(QuantizerPaletteData&&);
OctreeColorQuantizer quantizer;
ColorTable color_palette;
base::TimeDelta duration;
// Encapsulates encoding video frames into an animated GIF and writes the
// encoded output to a file that it creates at the given `gif_file_path`. An
// instance of this object can only be interacted with via a
// `base::SequenceBound` wrapper, which guarantees that all encoding operations
// as well as the destruction of the instance are done on the sequenced
// `blocking_task_runner` given to `Create()`. This prevents expensive encoding
// operations from blocking the main thread of the recording service, on which
// the video frames are delivered.
class GifEncoder : public RecordingEncoder {
using PassKey = base::PassKey<GifEncoder>;
// Creates an instance of this class that is bound to the given sequenced
// `blocking_task_runner` on which all operations as well as the destruction
// of the instance will happen. `video_encoder_options` will be used to
// initialize the encoder upon construction. The output of GIF encoding will
// be written directly to a file created at the given `gif_file_path`. If
// `drive_fs_quota_delegate` is provided, that means the file `gif_file_path`
// lives on DriveFS, and the remaining DriveFS quota will be calculated
// through this delegate.
// `on_failure_callback` will be called to inform the owner of this object of
// a failure, after which all subsequent calls to `EncodeVideo()` will be
// ignored.
// By default, `on_failure_callback` will be called on the same sequence of
// `blocking_task_runner` (unless the caller binds the given callback to a
// different sequence by means of `base::BindPostTask()`).
static base::SequenceBound<GifEncoder> Create(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> blocking_task_runner,
const media::VideoEncoder::Options& video_encoder_options,
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::DriveFsQuotaDelegate> drive_fs_quota_delegate,
const base::FilePath& gif_file_path,
OnFailureCallback on_failure_callback);
// Creates and returns an object that specifies the capabilities of this
// encoder.
static std::unique_ptr<Capabilities> CreateCapabilities();
const media::VideoEncoder::Options& video_encoder_options,
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::DriveFsQuotaDelegate> drive_fs_quota_delegate,
const base::FilePath& gif_file_path,
OnFailureCallback on_failure_callback);
GifEncoder(const GifEncoder&) = delete;
GifEncoder& operator=(const GifEncoder&) = delete;
~GifEncoder() override;
// RecordingEncoder:
void InitializeVideoEncoder(
const media::VideoEncoder::Options& video_encoder_options) override;
void EncodeVideo(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame) override;
void EncodeRgbVideo(RgbVideoFrame rgb_video_frame) override;
EncodeAudioCallback GetEncodeAudioCallback() override;
void FlushAndFinalize(base::OnceClosure on_done) override;
// Writes the Logical Screen Descriptor block to the GIF file. This block
// contains info about the dimensions of the canvas within which the images of
// the frames will be rendered. It also contains the configuration of the
// Global Color Table.
// This block is written only once in the entire GIF file.
void WriteLogicalScreenDescriptor(const gfx::Size& frame_size);
// Writes the Netscape Application Extension block to the GIF file. This block
// allows us to embed information about looping of the frames in the output
// animated GIF.
// This block is written only once in the entire GIF file.
void WriteNetscapeExtension();
// Writes the Graphic Control Extension block to the GIF file. This block
// contains information about the delay after which the video frame should be
// rendered. Hence, it uses the given `current_frame_time` to calculate this
// delay.
// This block repeats once per every received video frame.
void WriteGraphicControlExtension(base::TimeTicks current_frame_time);
// Writes the Image Descriptor block to the GIF file. It describes the bounds
// of the frame within the total bounds of the canvas (which was defined
// earlier in the Logical Screen Descriptor block). It also specifies whether
// the frame has its own Local Color Table.
// This block repeats once per every received video frame.
void WriteImageDescriptor(const RgbVideoFrame& rgb_video_frame,
uint8_t color_bit_depth);
// Writes the `color_palette_` which has the given `color_bit_depth` to the
// GIF file. This function can be uses to write both the Global and Local
// color tables. However, we only write Local Color Tables in this
// implementation.
void WriteColorPalette(uint8_t color_bit_depth);
// Moves the quantizer and its extracted color palette from the given
// `quantizer_data` into `color_quantizer_` and `color_palette_` respectively.
void SetQuantizer(QuantizerPaletteData&& quantizer_data);
// The thread pool task runner on which the color palettes are built every
// `min_num_frames_before_palette_rebuild_` frames except for the very first
// frame, or when `min_num_frames_before_palette_rebuild_` is `1` (in which
// case, the palette is built synchronously on the same sequence of the
// encoder).
// This is needed because building a new color palette is a costly operation.
// If we do it on the same sequence of the encoder, we will block it for a
// long time, resulting in video frames backing up, and filling the in-flight
// video frame pool (see `FrameSinkVideoCapturerImpl::kFramePoolCapacity`).
// This would cause the resulting GIF to be janky as many frames would be
// dropped.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> color_palette_task_runner_;
// The number of frames received so far.
size_t frame_count_ = 0;
// The minimum number of frames that must be received before a new color
// palette can be rebuilt. This value is dynamic and is calculated every time
// a new color palette is built taking into account the duration of the
// operation. The value is directly proportional with how long it took to
// build the most recent color palette on this device (i.e. the longer it
// takes, the larger the number of frames we should wait before building a new
// one). We clamp it to a value between 1, and
// `kMaxNumFramesWithStaleColorPalette`. See `SetQuantizer()`.
int min_num_frames_before_palette_rebuild_ = 1;
// The presentation time of the most recent video frame prior to the one being
// encoded at the moment.
base::TimeTicks last_frame_time_;
// The color quantizer which we use to build the color palette and find the
// indices of the closest colors in that palette for each pixel in the video
// frames we're encoding.
OctreeColorQuantizer color_quantizer_;
// The list of colors (up to 256 colors) that will be written to the GIF file
// as the color table. These colors are extracted from each received frame
// using some color quantization algorithm of choice, which tries to pick the
// most important colors that represent the contents of the video frame.
ColorTable color_palette_;
// The color of each pixel in the received video frame is represented as an
// index into `color_palette_` after color quantization is complete.
ColorIndices pixel_color_indices_;
// Abstracts writing bytes to the GIF file, and takes care of handling IO
// errors and remaining disk space / DriveFS quota issues.
GifFileWriter gif_file_writer_;
// Abstracts encoding the video frame's image color indices using the
// Variable-Length-Code LZW compression algorithm and writing the output
// stream to the GIF file.
LzwPixelColorIndicesWriter lzw_encoder_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<GifEncoder> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace recording