// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/recording/recording_file_io_helper.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/recording/rgb_video_frame.h"
#include "media/base/encoder_status.h"
#include "media/base/video_encoder.h"
#include "media/base/video_types.h"
namespace media {
class AudioBus;
class VideoFrame;
} // namespace media
namespace recording {
namespace mojom {
enum class RecordingStatus;
} // namespace mojom
// Defines a callback type to notify the user of RecordingEncoder of a failure
// while encoding audio or video frames.
using OnFailureCallback =
base::OnceCallback<void(mojom::RecordingStatus status)>;
// Defines a callback that can be retrieved from the encoder in order to be
// called repeatedly by the client to provide the audio buses along with their
// timestamps so that they can get encoded and muxed with the video frames.
using EncodeAudioCallback =
base::RepeatingCallback<void(std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> audio_bus,
base::TimeTicks audio_capture_time)>;
// Defines a common interface for encoding audio and video frames. The concrete
// implementation classes decides how encoding is done, and the type of the
// underlying actual encoders.
class RecordingEncoder : public RecordingFileIoHelper::Delegate {
// Defines an interface for the actual encoders types to provide the
// capabilities that they support.
class Capabilities {
Capabilities() = default;
Capabilities(const Capabilities&) = delete;
Capabilities& operator=(const Capabilities&) = delete;
virtual ~Capabilities() = default;
// Returns the pixel format that the encoder supports, which should be used
// to initialize the frame sink video capturer in the GPU. Video frames
// received from the capturer should be in this pixel format.
virtual media::VideoPixelFormat GetSupportedPixelFormat() const = 0;
// Returns whether the encoder supports size changes of the video frames
// during recording (e.g. due to screen rotation, DSF changes, ... etc.).
// Size changes during recording require a reconfiguration of the video
// encoder.
virtual bool SupportsVideoFrameSizeChanges() const = 0;
// Returns whether the encoder supports the extracted `RgbVideoFrame` from
// the `media::VideoFrame` directly. This allows us to discard the
// `media::VideoFrame` very early upon reception so that it can be returned
// immediately to viz capturer buffer pool (see b/316588576).
virtual bool SupportsRgbVideoFrame() const = 0;
explicit RecordingEncoder(OnFailureCallback on_failure_callback);
RecordingEncoder(const RecordingEncoder&) = delete;
RecordingEncoder& operator=(const RecordingEncoder&) = delete;
~RecordingEncoder() override;
bool did_failure_occur() const {
return !on_failure_callback_;
// Creates and initializes the video encoder if none exists, or recreates and
// reinitializes it otherwise (if the underlying encoder type supports this
// behavior, i.e. when the video frame dimensions may need to change
// dynamically (such as when a recorded window gets moved to a display with
// different bounds)).
virtual void InitializeVideoEncoder(
const media::VideoEncoder::Options& video_encoder_options) = 0;
// Encodes and muxes the given video `frame`. Clients must check first
// `Capabilities::SupportsRgbVideoFrame()` to determine which frame type to
// provide (i.e. `media::VideoFrame` or `RgbVideoFrame`.
virtual void EncodeVideo(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame) = 0;
virtual void EncodeRgbVideo(RgbVideoFrame rgb_video_frame) = 0;
// Returns a callback bound to this object that can be called repeatedly by
// the client to provide the audio buses along with their timestamps so that
// they can get encoded and muxed by the encoder.
// Note that the underlying encoder type may not support encoding audio (e.g.
// the GIF encoder).
virtual EncodeAudioCallback GetEncodeAudioCallback() = 0;
// Audio and video encoders as well as the WebmMuxer may buffer several frames
// before they're processed. It is important to flush all those buffers before
// releasing this object so as not to drop the final portion of the recording.
// `on_done` will be called when all remaining buffered frames have been
// processed and written to the output file.
// By default, `on_done` will be called on the same sequence on which this
// encoder is running, unless the caller binds it to another sequence by means
// of `base::BindPostTask()`.
virtual void FlushAndFinalize(base::OnceClosure on_done) = 0;
// RecordingFileIoHelper::Delegate:
void NotifyFailure(mojom::RecordingStatus status) override;
// Called by both the audio and video encoders to provide the `status` of
// encoding tasks.
void OnEncoderStatus(bool for_video, media::EncoderStatus status);
// A callback triggered when a failure happens during encoding. Once
// triggered, this callback is null, and therefore indicates that a failure
// occurred (See `did_failure_occur()` above).
// This has to be the first thing created, so it's the last thing that gets
// destroyed, since any failure in the encoders or muxer relies on this
// callback to notify the service about the failure.
// See https://crbug.com/1255090.
OnFailureCallback on_failure_callback_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_);
} // namespace recording