// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "base/containers/circular_deque.h"
#include "base/containers/queue.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/thread_annotations.h"
#include "base/threading/sequence_bound.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/types/pass_key.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/services/recording/recording_encoder.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_opus_encoder.h"
#include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
#include "media/base/audio_parameters.h"
#include "media/muxers/muxer_timestamp_adapter.h"
#include "media/video/vpx_video_encoder.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_remote.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
namespace recording {
namespace mojom {
class DriveFsQuotaDelegate;
} // namespace mojom
// Encapsulates encoding and muxing audio and video frame. An instance of this
// object can only be interacted with via a |base::SequenceBound| wrapper, which
// guarantees all encoding and muxing operations as well as destruction of the
// instance are done on the sequenced |blocking_task_runner| given to Create().
// This prevents expensive encoding and muxing operations from blocking the main
// thread of the recording service, on which the video frames are delivered.
// This object performs VP8 video encoding and Opus audio encoding, and mux the
// audio and video encoded frames into a Webm container.
class WebmEncoderMuxer : public RecordingEncoder {
using PassKey = base::PassKey<WebmEncoderMuxer>;
// Creates an instance of this class that is bound to the given sequenced
// |blocking_task_runner| on which all operations as well as destruction will
// happen. |video_encoder_options| and |audio_input_params| will be used to
// initialize the video and audio encoders respectively.
// If |audio_input_params| is nullptr, then the service is not recording
// audio, and the muxer will be initialized accordingly.
// the webm muxer chunks will be written directly to a file at the given
// |webm_file_path|.
// |on_failure_callback| will be called to inform the owner of this object of
// a failure, after which all subsequent calls to EncodeVideo() and
// EncodeAudio() will be ignored.
// By default, |on_failure_callback| will be called on the same sequence of
// |blocking_task_runner| (unless the caller binds the given callback to a
// different sequence by means of base::BindPostTask()).
static base::SequenceBound<RecordingEncoder> Create(
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> blocking_task_runner,
const media::VideoEncoder::Options& video_encoder_options,
const media::AudioParameters* audio_input_params,
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::DriveFsQuotaDelegate> drive_fs_quota_delegate,
const base::FilePath& webm_file_path,
OnFailureCallback on_failure_callback);
// Creates and returns an object that specifies the capabilities of this
// encoder.
static std::unique_ptr<Capabilities> CreateCapabilities();
const media::VideoEncoder::Options& video_encoder_options,
const media::AudioParameters* audio_input_params,
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::DriveFsQuotaDelegate> drive_fs_quota_delegate,
const base::FilePath& webm_file_path,
OnFailureCallback on_failure_callback);
WebmEncoderMuxer(const WebmEncoderMuxer&) = delete;
WebmEncoderMuxer& operator=(const WebmEncoderMuxer&) = delete;
~WebmEncoderMuxer() override;
// RecordingEncoder:
void InitializeVideoEncoder(
const media::VideoEncoder::Options& video_encoder_options) override;
void EncodeVideo(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame) override;
void EncodeRgbVideo(RgbVideoFrame rgb_video_frame) override;
EncodeAudioCallback GetEncodeAudioCallback() override;
void FlushAndFinalize(base::OnceClosure on_done) override;
struct AudioFrame {
AudioFrame(std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus>, base::TimeTicks);
std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> bus;
base::TimeTicks capture_time;
// Gathers the video frame data needed when the frame is encoded and ready to
// be submitted to the muxer.
struct EncodedVideoFrameParams {
// The received video frame's reference time. See
// `media::VideoFrameMetadata::reference_time`.
base::TimeTicks frame_reference_time;
// The size of the visible region of the received video frame. Note that the
// visible rect sizes may change from frame to frame (e.g. when recording a
// window, and the window gets resized).
gfx::Size visible_rect_size;
// Creates and initializes the audio encoder.
void InitializeAudioEncoder(const media::AudioEncoder::Options& options);
// Called when the audio encoder is initialized to provide the |status| of
// the initialization.
void OnAudioEncoderInitialized(media::EncoderStatus status);
// Called when the video |encoder| is initialized to provide the |status| of
// the initialization. If initialization failed, |on_failure_callback_| will
// be triggered.
void OnVideoEncoderInitialized(media::VpxVideoEncoder* encoder,
media::EncoderStatus status);
// Encodes and muxes the given audio frames in `audio_bus` captured at
// `capture_time`. If `did_failure_occur()` is true, all `audio_bus`s will be
// ignored.
// It is bound to the callback returned by `GetEncodeAudioCallback()`.
void EncodeAudio(std::unique_ptr<media::AudioBus> audio_bus,
base::TimeTicks capture_time);
// Performs the actual encoding of the given audio |frame|. It should never be
// called before the audio encoder is initialized. Audio frames received
// before initialization should be added to |pending_audio_frames_| and
// handled once initialization is complete.
void EncodeAudioImpl(AudioFrame frame);
// Performs the actual encoding of the given video |frame|. It should never be
// called before the video encoder is initialized. Video frames received
// before initialization should be added to |pending_video_frames_| and
// handled once initialization is complete.
void EncodeVideoImpl(scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame> frame);
// Called by the video encoder to provide the encoded video frame `output`,
// which will then be sent to the muxer.
void OnVideoEncoderOutput(
media::VideoEncoderOutput output,
std::optional<media::VideoEncoder::CodecDescription> codec_description);
// Called by the audio encoder to provide the |encoded_audio|.
void OnAudioEncoded(
media::EncodedAudioBuffer encoded_audio,
std::optional<media::AudioEncoder::CodecDescription> codec_description);
// Called when the audio encoder flushes all its buffered frames, at which
// point we can flush the video encoder. |on_done| will be passed to
// OnVideoEncoderFlushed()
void OnAudioEncoderFlushed(base::OnceClosure on_done,
media::EncoderStatus status);
// Called when the video encoder flushes all its buffered frames, at which
// point we can flush the muxer. |on_done| will be called to signal that
// flushing is complete.
void OnVideoEncoderFlushed(base::OnceClosure on_done,
media::EncoderStatus status);
std::unique_ptr<media::VpxVideoEncoder> video_encoder_
std::unique_ptr<media::AudioOpusEncoder> audio_encoder_
media::MuxerTimestampAdapter muxer_adapter_
// Holds video frames that were received before the video encoder is
// initialized, so that they can be processed once initialization is complete.
base::circular_deque<scoped_refptr<media::VideoFrame>> pending_video_frames_
// Holds audio frames that were received before the audio encoder is
// initialized, so that they can be processed once initialization is complete.
base::circular_deque<AudioFrame> pending_audio_frames_
// The total number of frames that we dropped to keep the size of
// |pending_video_frames_| limited to |kMaxPendingFrames| to avoid consuming
// too much memory, or stalling the capturer since it has a maximum number of
// in-flight frames at a time.
size_t num_dropped_frames_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_) = 0;
// A queue containing the parameters of the encoded video frames in the same
// order of their encoding. These parameters are used when submitting the
// video encoder output to the muxer. See `OnVideoEncoderOutput()`.
base::queue<EncodedVideoFrameParams> encoded_video_params_
// True once video encoder is initialized successfully.
bool is_video_encoder_initialized_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_) =
// True once audio encoder is initialized successfully.
bool is_audio_encoder_initialized_ GUARDED_BY_CONTEXT(sequence_checker_) =
base::WeakPtrFactory<WebmEncoderMuxer> weak_ptr_factory_
} // namespace recording