// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
namespace ash::secure_channel {
class DeviceIdPair;
enum class ConnectionPriority;
// Registers BLE advertisements targeted to remote devices.
class BleAdvertiser {
class Delegate {
virtual ~Delegate() = default;
// If |replaced_by_higher_priority_advertisement| is true, the timeslot
// ended due to a higher-priority request taking |device_id_pair|'s spot
// rather than due to a timeout.
virtual void OnAdvertisingSlotEnded(
const DeviceIdPair& device_id_pair,
bool replaced_by_higher_priority_advertisement) = 0;
// Invoked when there is a failure to generate an advertisement for
// |device_id_pair|.
virtual void OnFailureToGenerateAdvertisement(
const DeviceIdPair& device_id_pair) = 0;
BleAdvertiser(const BleAdvertiser&) = delete;
BleAdvertiser& operator=(const BleAdvertiser&) = delete;
virtual ~BleAdvertiser();
// Adds a request for the given DeviceIdPair to advertise at the given
// priority.
// Calling AddAdvertisementRequest() does not guarantee that this Chromebook
// will immediately begin advertising to the remote device; because BLE
// advertisements are a shared system resource, requests may be queued. If no
// advertisement can be generated,
// Delegate::OnFailureToGenerateAdvertisement() will be invoked.
virtual void AddAdvertisementRequest(
const DeviceIdPair& request,
ConnectionPriority connection_priority) = 0;
// Updates the priority for a current advertisement.
virtual void UpdateAdvertisementRequestPriority(
const DeviceIdPair& request,
ConnectionPriority connection_priority) = 0;
// Removes the request for the given DeviceIdPair.
virtual void RemoveAdvertisementRequest(const DeviceIdPair& request) = 0;
explicit BleAdvertiser(Delegate* delegate);
void NotifyAdvertisingSlotEnded(
const DeviceIdPair& device_id_pair,
bool replaced_by_higher_priority_advertisement);
void NotifyFailureToGenerateAdvertisement(const DeviceIdPair& device_id_pair);
raw_ptr<Delegate> delegate_;
} // namespace ash::secure_channel