
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.secure_channel.mojom;

import "chromeos/ash/services/secure_channel/public/mojom/secure_channel_types.mojom";

// Service ID to use. Nearby Connections requires a service ID to be associated
// with each connection request.
const string kServiceId = "secure_channel";

// Emitted with Structured Metrics, do not modify existing values
enum NearbyConnectionStep {
  kDiscoveringEndpointStarted = 0,
  kDiscoveringEndpointEnded = 1,
  kRequestingConnectionStarted = 2,
  kRequestingConnectionEnded = 3,
  kAcceptingConnectionStarted = 4,
  kAcceptingConnectionFinished = 5,
  kWaitingForConnectionToBeAcceptedByRemoteDeviceStarted = 6,
  kWaitingForConnectionToBeAcceptedByRemoteDeviceEnded = 7,
  kConnected = 8,
  kUpgradedToWebRtc = 9,
  kDisconnectionStarted = 10,
  kDisconnectionFinished = 11

// Emitted with Structured Metrics, do not modify existing values
enum NearbyConnectionStepResult {
  kSuccess = 0,
  // The operation to transition to another NearbyConnectionState timeout.
  kTimeoutTransitionState = 1,

  // The error codes below map to error status of
  // nearby.connections.mojom::Status
  kError = 2,
  kOutOfOrderApiCall = 3,
  kAlreadyHaveActiveStrategy = 4,
  kAlreadyAdvertising = 5,
  kAlreadyDiscovering = 6,
  kEndpointIOError = 7,
  kEndpointUnknown = 8,
  kConnectionRejected = 9,
  kAlreadyConnectedToEndpoint = 10,
  kNotConnectedToEndpoint = 11,
  kBluetoothError = 12,
  kBleError = 13,
  kWifiLanError = 14,
  kPayloadUnknown = 15,
  kAlreadyListening = 16,
  kReset = 17,
  kTimeout = 18,
  kUnknown = 19,

// Listens to Nearby Connection state change. This is called from non-service
// browser process code, where the NearbyConnector runs, into SecureChannel
// service, which runs in the browser process.
interface NearbyConnectionStateListener {
  // Called whenever Nearby Connection state changes.
  OnNearbyConnectionStateChanged(NearbyConnectionStep step,
                                 NearbyConnectionStepResult result);

// Sends messages over a Nearby Connection.
interface NearbyMessageSender {
  // Sends |message|, returning whether the message was sent successfully.
  SendMessage(string message) => (bool success);

// Receives messages over a Nearby connection.
interface NearbyMessageReceiver {
  // Called whenever a message is received over the connection.
  OnMessageReceived(string message);

// Registers incoming file transfers over a Nearby Connection, and allows
// callers to listen to progress information about those transfers.
interface NearbyFilePayloadHandler {
  // Registers |payload_files| to receive an incoming file transfer with
  // the given |payload_id|. Callers can listen to progress information about
  // the transfer through the |listener|. Returns whether the file was
  // successfully registered.
  RegisterPayloadFile(int64 payload_id,
                      PayloadFiles payload_files,
                      pending_remote<FilePayloadListener> listener)
      => (bool success);

// Provides an interface to make a SecureChannel connection over the Nearby
// Connections library. This is called from the SecureChannel service (which
// runs in the browser process) into non-service browser process code, where
// the NearbyConnector runs. The NearbyConnector then delegates to the Nearby
// utility process to make the connection to the remote device.
interface NearbyConnector {
  // Starts a connection attempt to the device with the provided address, using
  // |kServiceId| as the service ID for the connection and |eid| as the data
  // sent in the connection initiation attempt. The EID is the same EID that
  // was detected in the remote device's BLE advertisement. If the attempt
  // succeeds, a NearbyMessageSender and a NearbyFilePayloadHandler are returned
  // to the caller, enabling the caller to send messages and register incoming
  // file transfers over the connection. If the attempt fails, null is returned.
  // To disconnect an active connection, disconnect either |message_receiver| or
  // |message_sender|. If the remote device disconnects an active connection,
  // these are both disconnected; clients should set disconnection handlers to
  // be notified if a disconnection should occur.
  Connect(array<uint8, 6> bluetooth_public_address,
          array<uint8, 2> eid,
          pending_remote<NearbyMessageReceiver> message_receiver,
          nearby_connection_state_listener) =>
      (pending_remote<NearbyMessageSender>? message_sender,
       pending_remote<NearbyFilePayloadHandler>? file_payload_handler);