// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assertExists} from './assert.js';
import {Flag} from './flag.js';
import {OcrEventType, sendOcrEvent} from './metrics.js';
import {AsyncIntervalRunner} from './models/async_interval.js';
import {BarcodeScanner, ScanBarcodeResult} from './models/barcode.js';
import {getChromeFlag} from './models/load_time_data.js';
import {Ocr, PerformOcrResult} from './ocr.js';
import {PerfLogger} from './perf.js';
import * as scannerChip from './scanner_chip.js';
import * as state from './state.js';
import {OneShotTimer} from './timer.js';
import {PerfEvent} from './type.js';
// The interval between consecutive preview scans in milliseconds.
export const BARCODE_SCAN_INTERVAL = 200;
export const OCR_SCAN_INTERVAL = 500;
// The delay time to keep `SCAN_INTERVAL` in milliseconds. After this delay, the
// interval becomes `SCAN_INTERVAL_SLOW`.
export const SLOWDOWN_DELAY = 3 * 60 * 1000;
// The interval after `SLOWDOWN_DELAY` of idle in milliseconds.
export const BARCODE_SCAN_INTERVAL_SLOW = 1000;
export const OCR_SCAN_INTERVAL_SLOW = 1000;
type OcrResultLine = PerformOcrResult['result']['lines'][number];
interface DetectedResult {
// Returns the minimal distance between the center of the detected content and
// the center of the image. The distance should be normalized by the
// dimensions of the source image, meaning it's a value between 0 (center) and
// `Math.hypot(0.5, 0.5)` (corner).
getNormalizedDistanceToCenter(): number;
// Shows the detected content on the preview.
show(): void;
// The last created `PhotoModeAutoScanner` instance.
let instance: PhotoModeAutoScanner|null = null;
* Creates a `PhotoModeAutoScanner` instance.
export function createInstance(video: HTMLVideoElement): PhotoModeAutoScanner {
instance = new PhotoModeAutoScanner(video);
return instance;
* Get the `PhotoModeAutoScanner` instance for testing purpose.
export function getInstanceForTest(): PhotoModeAutoScanner {
return assertExists(instance);
source: null,
distance: Infinity,
export class PhotoModeAutoScanner {
private slowdownTimer: OneShotTimer|null = null;
private barcodeRunner: AsyncIntervalRunner|null = null;
private ocrRunner: AsyncIntervalRunner|null = null;
// `closestContent` tracks the detected content that is closest to the center
// of the preview, since we have multiple scanners running simultaneously. See
// `handleDetectedResult()` for more details.
private closestContent: {
source: scannerChip.Source|null,
distance: number,
* The number of OCR scans, only used in tests. Reset when calling `stop()`.
private ocrScanCount = 0;
* The accumulated time of OCR scans, only used in tests. Reset when calling
* `stop()`.
private ocrScanTime = 0;
constructor(private readonly video: HTMLVideoElement) {}
start(): void {
// TODO(b/311592341): Show the object closer to the center of preview when
// both scanners detect objects at the same time.
this.barcodeRunner = this.createBarcodeRunner(BARCODE_SCAN_INTERVAL);
if (getChromeFlag(Flag.PREVIEW_OCR)) {
this.ocrRunner = this.createOcrRunner(OCR_SCAN_INTERVAL);
this.slowdownTimer = new OneShotTimer(() => {
this.slowdownTimer = null;
restart(): void {
stop(): void {
this.slowdownTimer = null;
this.barcodeRunner = null;
this.ocrRunner = null;
this.ocrScanCount = 0;
this.ocrScanTime = 0;
getAverageOcrScanTime(): number {
return this.ocrScanTime / this.ocrScanCount;
private slowdown() {
if (this.barcodeRunner !== null) {
this.barcodeRunner = this.createBarcodeRunner(BARCODE_SCAN_INTERVAL_SLOW);
if (this.ocrRunner !== null) {
this.ocrRunner = this.createOcrRunner(OCR_SCAN_INTERVAL_SLOW);
private createBarcodeRunner(interval: number) {
const barcodeScanner = new BarcodeScanner(this.video, () => {});
return new AsyncIntervalRunner(async (stopped) => {
const result = await barcodeScanner.scan();
if (stopped.isSignaled()) {
processBarcodeResult(result), scannerChip.Source.BARCODE);
}, interval);
private createOcrRunner(interval: number) {
const ocrScanner = new Ocr(this.video);
const perfLogger = PerfLogger.getInstance();
return new AsyncIntervalRunner(async (stopped) => {
if (!state.get(state.State.ENABLE_PREVIEW_OCR)) {
const startTime = performance.now();
const result = await ocrScanner.performOcr();
if (stopped.isSignaled() || !state.get(state.State.ENABLE_PREVIEW_OCR)) {
// Use `startTime` here because if `performOcr()` takes too long, another
// `performOcr()` might have started before the previous call finished.
// For example, taking photo will stop the current OCR runner and create
// a new one.
perfLogger.start(PerfEvent.OCR_SCANNING, startTime);
// TODO(chuhsuan): Add other dimensions like `facing` and `resolution`.
this.ocrScanCount += 1;
this.ocrScanTime += performance.now() - startTime;
processOcrResult(result), scannerChip.Source.OCR);
}, interval);
* Checks detected results from scanners and decides whether to show them.
* When a scanner detects nothing, meaning there is a `source` but not a
* `distance`, if `source` matches `closestContent.source`, reset
* `closestContent` to its initial state, allowing other scanners to beat the
* `distance`.
* When a scanner detects content, meaning there is a `source` and a finite
* `distance`, show the content and set the value of `closestContent` if one
* of the following conditions is met:
* - `closestContent` is in its initial state.
* - `source` matches `closestContent.source`.
* - `distance` is smaller than `closestContent.distance`.
private handleDetectedResult(
detectedResult: DetectedResult|null, source: scannerChip.Source) {
if (detectedResult === null) {
if (source === this.closestContent.source) {
this.closestContent = INITIAL_CLOSEST_CONTENT;
let distance = Infinity;
// TODO(b/341616441): Remove this once we find a way to prevent OCR from
// detecting content in barcodes. Set `distance` to `Infinity` for OCR to
// make it always larger than the `distance`s from barcode scanner.
if (source !== scannerChip.Source.OCR) {
distance = detectedResult.getNormalizedDistanceToCenter();
if (this.closestContent === INITIAL_CLOSEST_CONTENT ||
source === this.closestContent.source ||
distance < this.closestContent.distance) {
this.closestContent = {
function processBarcodeResult(scanBarcodeResult: ScanBarcodeResult|
null): DetectedResult|null {
if (scanBarcodeResult === null) {
return null;
const {barcode, imageWidth, imageHeight} = scanBarcodeResult;
function getNormalizedDistanceToCenter() {
const {top, right, bottom, left} = barcode.boundingBox;
const x = (left + right) / 2;
const y = (top + bottom) / 2;
return Math.hypot(
x / imageWidth - 0.5,
y / imageHeight - 0.5,
function show() {
return {
function processOcrResult(performOcrResult: PerformOcrResult): DetectedResult|
null {
const {result, imageWidth, imageHeight} = performOcrResult;
const lines = result.lines.filter((line) => line.confidence >= 0.9);
// Calculates the minimum normalized distance to the center of the image from
// all detected lines.
let minNormalizedDistanceToCenter = Infinity;
for (const line of lines) {
const {x, y} = getCenterOfLine(line);
const distance = Math.hypot(
x / imageWidth - 0.5,
y / imageHeight - 0.5,
if (distance < minNormalizedDistanceToCenter) {
minNormalizedDistanceToCenter = distance;
// Filter out the OCR result if no lines are close enough to the center of the
// image.
const maxPossibleDistance = Math.hypot(0.5, 0.5);
if (minNormalizedDistanceToCenter > maxPossibleDistance / 2) {
return null;
// Calculates the center point of the bounding box of the line. The origin of
// the coordinate system is at the top-left corner. The bounding box is
// rotated by `boundingBoxAngle` degrees in a clockwise direction.
function getCenterOfLine(line: OcrResultLine) {
const {x, y, width, height} = line.boundingBox;
const lineTheta = line.boundingBoxAngle / 180 * Math.PI;
const diagonalLength = Math.hypot(width, height) / 2;
const diagonalTheta = Math.atan(height / width) + lineTheta;
return {
x: x + diagonalLength * Math.cos(diagonalTheta),
y: y + diagonalLength * Math.sin(diagonalTheta),
const filteredResult = {...result, lines};
function show() {
eventType: OcrEventType.TEXT_DETECTED,
result: filteredResult,
return {
getNormalizedDistanceToCenter: () => minNormalizedDistanceToCenter,