
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// This defines the mojo interface used between Chrome and the Chrome OS for
// remoting of the Widevine CE CDM and the underlying OEMCrypto implementation.
// This CdmFactoryDaemon interface is bootstrapped over D-Bus and then methods
// can be invoked on it to create a factory and then CDM instance, that same
// interface can also be used to connect directly to the OEMCrypto
// implementation for ARC.

// Next MinVersion: 10

module chromeos.cdm.mojom;

import "ash/components/arc/mojom/oemcrypto.mojom";
import "ash/components/arc/mojom/protected_buffer_manager.mojom";
import "chromeos/components/cdm_factory_daemon/mojom/cdm_storage.mojom";
import "chromeos/components/cdm_factory_daemon/mojom/content_decryption_module.mojom";
import "chromeos/components/cdm_factory_daemon/mojom/output_protection.mojom";

// Next Method ID: 2
[Stable, Uuid="732a934d-8e2a-4305-b637-ccbe74ee8b88"]
interface CdmFactory {
  // Deprecated, do not use.
      pending_associated_remote<ContentDecryptionModuleClient> client,
      pending_associated_remote<CdmStorage> storage,
      pending_associated_receiver<ContentDecryptionModule> cdm,
      pending_remote<OutputProtection> output_protection);

  // Deprecated, do not use.
      pending_associated_remote<ContentDecryptionModuleClient> client,
      pending_associated_remote<CdmStorage> storage,
      pending_remote<OutputProtection> output_protection,
      string host,
      pending_associated_receiver<ContentDecryptionModule> cdm);

  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum CreateCdmStatus {
    [Default] kSuccess,

  // Creates a new ContentDecryptionModule instance for a |host| with the
  // corresponding |client|, remote |storage| implementation and
  // |output_protection|. Use an associated interface to ensure ordering and
  // that all become invalidated at the same time.
  CreateCdm@3(pending_associated_remote<ContentDecryptionModuleClient> client,
              pending_associated_remote<CdmStorage> storage,
              pending_remote<OutputProtection> output_protection,
              string host,
              pending_associated_receiver<ContentDecryptionModule> cdm) =>
      (CreateCdmStatus result);

// Next Method ID: 10
// Used for bootstrapping the connection between ash-chrome browser and the
// cdm-oemcrypto ChromeOS daemon, then methods can be invoked to obtain
// interfaces to perform CDM or OEMCrypto operations. For the OEMCrypto
// operations, those are essentially a passthrough from ARC. The CDM operations
// are essentially a passthrough from JS EME or the video decoder/decryptor
// itself.
[Stable, Uuid="4871bea8-6cf0-479f-86ed-61b3a5acd9b7", EnableIf=is_chromeos_ash]
interface CdmFactoryDaemon {
  // Used to create CdmFactory interfaces which are then used to create a CDM
  // interface. |key_system| should specify what key system we are using,
  // currently only com.widevine.alpha is supported. Returns null if we can't
  // get the interface from the daemon.
  CreateFactory@0(string key_system) => (pending_remote<CdmFactory>? factory);

  // Deprecated, do not use.

  // Used to establish a connection to the OEMCrypto implementation to provide
  // that service to ARC.
      pending_receiver<arc.mojom.OemCryptoService> oemcryptor,
      pending_remote<OutputProtection> output_protection);

  // Deprecated, do not use.

  // Returns binary configuration data used for setting up HW decrypt+decode. If
  // successful, |success| will be true and |config_data| will be valid.
  // Otherwise |success| will be false and |config_data| should not be used.
  GetHwConfigData@4() => (bool success, array<uint8> config_data);

  // Deprecated, do not use.

  // Returns the provisioned HDCP Key back to Chrome. If successful, it will
  // return the full key. If not, it will return an empty string.
  GetHdcp14Key@6() => (string hdcp_key_base64);

  // Returns the wrapped key for injecting into the video decoder when doing ARC
  // playback. This mirrors the ContentDecryptionModule::GetHwKeyData call as
  // they serve the same purpose (Chrome will invoke this one for Android
  // playback and ContentDecryptionModule::GetHwKeyData for Chrome playback).
  GetAndroidHwKeyData@7(array<uint8> key_id, array<uint8> hw_identifier) =>
      (DecryptStatus status, array<uint8> key_data);

  // Allocates a secure buffer in TrustZone on ARM platforms. The lifetime of
  // this buffer is managed by the returned fd. This should be resolved to a
  // secure handle through V4L2; the resulting secure handle can then be used
  // for the target of decryption. If the allocation fails, a null handle is
  // returned.
  AllocateSecureBuffer@8(uint32 size) => (handle<platform>? fd);

  // Parses the data in the secure buffer referenced by |secure_handle| at
  // |offset| bytes into it as an H264 slice header. |stream_data| should
  // contain the required SPS/PPS structure defined in Chrome and the TA.
  // Returns a bool for success/fail and on success the array will be populated
  // with the slice header structure.
  // NOTE: We do not establish the structures in Mojo because we are not using
  // Mojo in the end-to-end communication.
  ParseEncryptedSliceHeader@9(uint64 secure_handle, uint32 offset,
                              array<uint8> stream_data) =>
      (bool success, array<uint8> slice_header);