// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 4
module chromeos.cdm.mojom;
// Provides an interface a CDM implementation in the daemon. This interface is
// meant to translate to the media/base/content_decryption_module.h interface in
// Chrome. The media/base/decryptor.h functionality is also included because
// this implementation ties both of them together and does not need that
// abstracted away, however this only implements the decrypt functionality of
// that interface and not decrypt + decode.
// We do not use the corresponding mojo interfaces that already exist in Chrome
// because we need to do version management so we can handle version diffs
// between Chrome and Chrome OS.
// See media::EmeInitDataType.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum EmeInitDataType {
// See media::CdmSessionType
[Stable, Extensible]
enum CdmSessionType {
// See media::CdmMessageType
[Stable, Extensible]
enum CdmMessageType {
// See media::CdmKeyInformation::KeyStatus
[Stable, Extensible]
enum CdmKeyStatus {
// See media::HdcpVersion
[Stable, Extensible]
enum HdcpVersion {
// See media::CdmPromise::Exception
[Stable, Extensible]
enum PromiseException {
// Transport layer of media::CdmPromise (see media/base/cdm_promise.h).
// - When |success| is true, the promise is resolved and all other fields should
// be ignored.
// - When |success| is false, the promise is rejected with |exception|,
// |system_code| and |error_message|.
struct CdmPromiseResult {
bool success;
PromiseException exception;
uint32 system_code;
string error_message;
// Transport layer of media::CdmKeyInformation (see
// media/base/cdm_key_information.h). It is used to specify a key_id and it's
// associated status.
struct CdmKeyInformation {
array<uint8> key_id;
CdmKeyStatus status;
uint32 system_code;
[Stable, Extensible]
enum EncryptionScheme {
struct EncryptionPattern {
uint32 crypt_byte_block;
uint32 skip_byte_block;
// See media::SubsampleEntry
struct SubsampleEntry {
uint32 clear_bytes;
uint32 cipher_bytes;
struct DecryptConfig {
EncryptionScheme encryption_scheme;
string key_id;
string iv;
array<SubsampleEntry> subsamples;
EncryptionPattern? encryption_pattern;
[Stable, Extensible]
enum DecryptStatus {
// Next Method ID: 11
// These method calls originate in the Chrome GPU process and end up in the
// cdm-oemcrypto daemon in ChromeOS.
[Stable, Uuid="cbe7142d-379a-4b23-bfee-a370ab01bdea"]
interface ContentDecryptionModule {
// Provides a server certificate to be used to encrypt messages to the
// license server.
SetServerCertificate@1(array<uint8> certificate_data)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result);
// Gets the key status if there's a hypothetical key that requires the
// |min_hdcp_version|. Resolve the |result| with the |key_status| after the
// operation completes. Reject the |result| if this operation is not
// supported or unexpected error happened.
GetStatusForPolicy@2(HdcpVersion min_hdcp_version)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result, CdmKeyStatus key_status);
// Creates a session with the |init_data_type|, |init_data| and |session_type|
// provided. If |result.success| is false, the output |session_id| will be
// empty.
CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest@3(CdmSessionType session_type,
EmeInitDataType init_data_type,
array<uint8> init_data)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result, string session_id);
// Loads the session associated with |session_id| and |session_type|.
// Combinations of |result.success| and |session_id| means:
// (true, non-empty) : Session successfully loaded.
// (true, empty) : Session not found.
// (false, non-empty): N/A; this combination is not allowed.
// (false, empty) : Unexpected error. See other fields in |result|.
LoadSession@4(CdmSessionType session_type, string session_id)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result, string session_id);
// Updates a session specified by |session_id| with |response|.
UpdateSession@5(string session_id, array<uint8> response)
=> (CdmPromiseResult result);
// Closes the session specified by |session_id|.
CloseSession@6(string session_id) => (CdmPromiseResult result);
// Removes stored session data associated with the active session specified by
// |session_id|.
RemoveSession@7(string session_id) => (CdmPromiseResult result);
// Decprecated: Do not use.
DecryptDeprecated@8(array<uint8> encrypted_data, DecryptConfig decrypt_config)
=> (DecryptStatus status, array<uint8> decrypted_data);
// Returns HW information for a specific key that is passed along as part of
// HW decrypt+decode. |hw_identifier| is specific to the HW implementation
// to allow it to correlate the decode session with the context to get the key
// from.
[MinVersion=1] GetHwKeyData@9(DecryptConfig decrypt_config,
array<uint8> hw_identifier) =>
(DecryptStatus status, array<uint8> key_data);
// Used for decrypting to clear, transcrypting to a secure buffer or
// decrypting to secure memory. If |is_video| is true, then it will be
// transcrypted to a secure buffer on supported platforms (e.g. AMD). If
// |secure_handle| is non-zero, then it will be written to the corresponding
// secure Trust Zone memory (ARM only). |secure_handle| is an identifier for
// the corresponding secure memory that can be resolved in the TEE and not
// a handle to the actual resource (we have another FD we use for that).
// |decrypt_config_in| can be null if the input data is not encrypted.
// |decrypt_config_out| will be non-null only in the case of transcryption and
// will specify crypto information for the returned |decrypted_data|.
Decrypt@10(array<uint8> encrypted_data, DecryptConfig? decrypt_config_in,
bool is_video,
[MinVersion=3] uint64 secure_handle)
=> (DecryptStatus status, array<uint8> decrypted_data,
DecryptConfig? decrypt_config_out);
// Session callbacks. See media/base/content_decryption_module.h for details.
// Next Method ID: 4
[Stable, Uuid="f08e6938-ac41-48b8-8f55-a381732b932b"]
interface ContentDecryptionModuleClient {
// Called when the CDM needs to queue a message event to the session object.
// See http://w3c.github.io/encrypted-media/#dom-evt-message
OnSessionMessage@0(string session_id, CdmMessageType message_type,
array<uint8> message);
// Called when the session specified by |session_id| is closed. Note that the
// CDM may close a session at any point, such as in response to a
// CloseSession() call, when the session is no longer needed, or when system
// resources are lost.
// See http://w3c.github.io/encrypted-media/#session-closed
OnSessionClosed@1(string session_id);
// Called when there has been a change in the keys in the session or their
// status. See http://w3c.github.io/encrypted-media/#dom-evt-keystatuseschange
OnSessionKeysChange@2(string session_id, bool has_additional_usable_key,
array<CdmKeyInformation> keys_info);
// Provide session expiration update for |session_id|.
// |new_expiry_time_sec| is the number of seconds since epoch (Jan 1, 1970).
OnSessionExpirationUpdate@3(string session_id, double new_expiry_time_sec);