// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <queue>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/types/strong_alias.h"
#include "chromeos/components/kcer/cert_cache.h"
#include "chromeos/components/kcer/chaps/high_level_chaps_client.h"
#include "chromeos/components/kcer/helpers/pkcs12_reader.h"
#include "chromeos/components/kcer/kcer_token.h"
#include "chromeos/components/kcer/kcer_token_utils.h"
#include "crypto/scoped_nss_types.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_database.h"
#include "net/cert/scoped_nss_types.h"
#include "net/cert/x509_certificate.h"
#include "third_party/cros_system_api/constants/pkcs11_custom_attributes.h"
namespace kcer::internal {
using KeyPermissionsAttributeId =
base::StrongAlias<class TagKcerToken0,
using CertProvisioningIdAttributeId =
base::StrongAlias<class TagKcerToken1,
// Implementation of KcerToken that uses NSS as a permanent storage.
// Exported for unit tests only.
: public KcerToken,
public net::CertDatabase::Observer {
enum class State {
// Cache must be updated before it can be used.
// Cache is currently being updated.
// Cache is up-to-date and can be used.
// Terminal state, initialization failed.
explicit KcerTokenImplNss(Token token, HighLevelChapsClient* chaps_client);
~KcerTokenImplNss() override;
KcerTokenImplNss(const KcerTokenImplNss&) = delete;
KcerTokenImplNss& operator=(const KcerTokenImplNss&) = delete;
KcerTokenImplNss(KcerTokenImplNss&&) = delete;
KcerTokenImplNss& operator=(KcerTokenImplNss&&) = delete;
// Returns a weak pointer for the token. The pointer can be used to post tasks
// for the token.
base::WeakPtr<KcerToken> GetWeakPtr() override;
// Initializes the token with the provided NSS slot. If `nss_slot` is nullptr,
// the initialization is considered failed and the token will return an error
// for all queued and future requests.
void InitializeForNss(crypto::ScopedPK11Slot nss_slot) override;
// Implements net::CertDatabase::Observer.
void OnClientCertStoreChanged() override;
// Implements KcerToken.
void GenerateRsaKey(RsaModulusLength modulus_length_bits,
bool hardware_backed,
Kcer::GenerateKeyCallback callback) override;
void GenerateEcKey(EllipticCurve curve,
bool hardware_backed,
Kcer::GenerateKeyCallback callback) override;
void ImportKey(Pkcs8PrivateKeyInfoDer pkcs8_private_key_info_der,
Kcer::ImportKeyCallback callback) override;
void ImportCertFromBytes(CertDer cert_der,
Kcer::StatusCallback callback) override;
void ImportPkcs12Cert(Pkcs12Blob pkcs12_blob,
std::string password,
bool hardware_backed,
bool mark_as_migrated,
Kcer::StatusCallback callback) override;
void ExportPkcs12Cert(scoped_refptr<const Cert> cert,
Kcer::ExportPkcs12Callback callback) override;
void RemoveKeyAndCerts(PrivateKeyHandle key,
Kcer::StatusCallback callback) override;
void RemoveCert(scoped_refptr<const Cert> cert,
Kcer::StatusCallback callback) override;
void ListKeys(TokenListKeysCallback callback) override;
void ListCerts(TokenListCertsCallback callback) override;
void DoesPrivateKeyExist(PrivateKeyHandle key,
Kcer::DoesKeyExistCallback callback) override;
void Sign(PrivateKeyHandle key,
SigningScheme signing_scheme,
DataToSign data,
Kcer::SignCallback callback) override;
void SignRsaPkcs1Raw(PrivateKeyHandle key,
DigestWithPrefix digest_with_prefix,
Kcer::SignCallback callback) override;
void GetTokenInfo(Kcer::GetTokenInfoCallback callback) override;
void GetKeyInfo(PrivateKeyHandle key,
Kcer::GetKeyInfoCallback callback) override;
void GetKeyPermissions(PrivateKeyHandle key,
Kcer::GetKeyPermissionsCallback callback) override;
void GetCertProvisioningProfileId(
PrivateKeyHandle key,
Kcer::GetCertProvisioningProfileIdCallback callback) override;
void SetKeyNickname(PrivateKeyHandle key,
std::string nickname,
Kcer::StatusCallback callback) override;
void SetKeyPermissions(PrivateKeyHandle key,
chaps::KeyPermissions key_permissions,
Kcer::StatusCallback callback) override;
void SetCertProvisioningProfileId(PrivateKeyHandle key,
std::string profile_id,
Kcer::StatusCallback callback) override;
// NSS software database (softoken) doesn't support custom attributes. If
// attribute translation is enabled, KcerToken will store the attributes in
// some standard attributes, which is wrong in general, but good enough for
// tests.
void SetAttributeTranslationForTesting(bool is_enabled);
// Immediately blocks the queue and returns a closure that unblocks it when
// called or destroyed.
base::OnceClosure BlockQueueGetUnblocker();
// Immediately unblocks the queue and attempts to perform the next task.
void UnblockQueueProcessNextTask();
// Updates the cached certificates to match the ones in NSS.
void UpdateCache();
void UpdateCacheWithCerts(net::ScopedCERTCertificateList certs);
// Convenience method for calling the callback with the
// kTokenInitializationFailed error and scheduling the next task.
template <typename T>
void HandleInitializationFailed(
base::OnceCallback<void(base::expected<T, Error>)> callback);
// Used by operations that may modify the set of certificates on the token. If
// `did_modify` is true, dispatches a notification that the certificate store
// changed. Then forwards `result` to `callback`. Note that `did_modify` may
// be true even if `result` contains an error, because some operations can be
// partially successful.
void OnCertsModified(Kcer::StatusCallback callback,
bool did_modify,
base::expected<void, Error> result);
// These methods return PKCS#11 attribute IDs that should be passed to NSS,
// respecting SetAttributeTranslationForTesting.
KeyPermissionsAttributeId GetKeyPermissionsAttributeId() const;
CertProvisioningIdAttributeId GetCertProvisioningIdAttributeId() const;
// Indicates whether fake attribute ids should be used (for testing).
bool translate_attributes_for_testing_ = false;
// Indicates whether the task queue is blocked. Task queue should be blocked
// until NSS is initialized, during the processing of most requests and
// during updating the cache.
bool is_blocked_ = true;
State state_ = State::kCacheOutdated;
// Token type of this KcerToken.
const Token token_;
// The underlying storage for KcerTokenNss. In this context the words "token"
// and "slot" are synonyms.
crypto::ScopedPK11Slot slot_;
// Queue for the tasks that were received while the task queue was blocked.
std::deque<base::OnceClosure> task_queue_;
// Cache for certificates.
CertCache cert_cache_;
// Created and initialized on the same thread with KcerTokenImplNss, then only
// accessed on the UI thread. It's safe to post tasks for it, the destruction
// task is posted from the destructor of this class.
std::unique_ptr<KcerTokenUtils> kcer_utils_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<KcerTokenImplNss> weak_factory_{this};
} // namespace kcer::internal