// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module mahi.mojom;
import "services/screen_ai/public/mojom/screen_ai_service.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
import "sandbox/policy/mojom/sandbox.mojom";
import "ui/accessibility/mojom/ax_tree_update.mojom";
// Bitfield of the extraction methods in use.
struct ExtractionMethods {
// Boolean if algrithm is used for content extraction.
bool use_algorithm;
// Boolean if screen2x is used for content extraction.
bool use_screen2x;
// The struct of the content extraction request.
struct ExtractionRequest {
// `ukm::SourceID` is required by Screen2X to tie the UKM event to the main
// frame URL for metrics collection.
int64? ukm_source_id@0;
// The accessibility tree snapshot that requires content extraction.
// This is obtained by taking a snapshot of a accessibility tree.
// When `snapshot` is set, `updates` will be disregared.
ax.mojom.AXTreeUpdate? snapshot@1;
// The methods that will be used for extraction.
ExtractionMethods extraction_methods@2;
// A series of accessibility tree updates that requires content extraction.
// This is obtained by observing accessibility changes.
// Only used if `snapshot` is not set.
array<ax.mojom.AXTreeUpdate>? updates@3;
enum ResponseStatus {
kSuccess, // Operation succeeded.
kUnknownError, // Operation failed with unknown error.
kScreen2xNotAvailable, // Screen2x was requested when it was not available.
// The struct of the content extraction response.
struct ExtractionResponse {
// The extracted content of the page.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 contents@0;
// The operation status of this response.
ResponseStatus status@1;
// The struct of the content size response.
struct ContentSizeResponse {
// The word count of the contents of the page.
int32 word_count@0;
// The operation status of this response.
ResponseStatus status@1;
// Provides a way to extract contents from in a sandboxed utility process, since
// the inputs is the accessibility tree from web contents which is treated as
// untrustworthy.
// `ExtractRequest` contains `AXTreeUpdate` that can be quite large, hence the
// [UnlimitedSize] tag. It may be possible to remove this if AXTreeUpdate can be
// reworked to avoid very large serialized values.
// TODO(b:355293229): figure out how to remove the `[UnlimitedSize]` tags.
interface ContentExtractionService {
// Receives a content extraction request, and returns the main content of the
// given tree.
ExtractContent@0(ExtractionRequest extraction_request)
=> (ExtractionResponse extraction_response);
// Receives a content extraction request, and returns the word count of the
// given tree.
GetContentSize@1(ExtractionRequest extraction_request)
=> (ContentSizeResponse contents_size_response);
// The factory interface to bind interfaces to the actual services.
interface ContentExtractionServiceFactory {
// Binds an interface that can be used to do content extraction.
pending_receiver<ContentExtractionService> content_extraction_service);
// Used by the client to notify service that screen2x model is ready for
// binding.
// It binds screen2x model to content extraction service, which allows the
// screen2x content extraction to be used. Screen2x is also held in a utility
// process.
pending_remote<screen_ai.mojom.Screen2xMainContentExtractor> extractor);