// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "chromeos/components/onc/onc_mapper.h"
#include "components/onc/onc_constants.h"
namespace chromeos::onc {
struct OncValueSignature;
// *** ONC Validator Modes of Operation ***
// The ONC validator supports different modes of operation depending on the
// combination of flags passed to the constructor.
// ** |log_warnings| **
// If this flag is set to true, warnings will be logged.
// ** |error_on_unknown_field| **
// If this flag is set to true, and error will be logged in case of unknown
// fields are encountered in the ONC to be validated and the validation will
// fail. If it is set to false, a warning will be logged instead and the
// validation will not fail for that cause.
// ** |error_on_wrong_recommended| **
// If this flag is set to true, an error will be logged and the validation will
// fail in case of encountering recommended fields that are not expected to be
// recommended. If it is set to false, a warning will be logged instead and the
// validation will not fail for that cause.
// ** |managed_onc| **
// ONC set by policy are validated differently from ONC set through UI.
// Set this flag to true if policy is the source of the ONC to be validated.
// The ONC Validator searches for the following invalid cases:
// - a value is found that has the wrong type or is not expected according to
// the ONC spec (always an error)
// - a field name is found that is not part of the signature
// (controlled by flag |error_on_unknown_field|)
// - a kRecommended array contains a field name that is not part of the
// enclosing object's signature or if that field is dictionary typed
// (controlled by flag |error_on_wrong_recommended|)
// - |managed_onc| is false and a field with name kRecommended is found
// (always ignored)
// - a required field is missing. Controlled by flag |error_on_missing_field|.
// If true this is an error. If false, a message is logged but no error or
// warning is flagged.
// If one of these invalid cases occurs and, in case of a controlling flag, that
// flag is true, then it is an error. The function ValidateAndRepairObject sets
// |result| to INVALID and returns NULL.
// Otherwise, a DeepCopy of the validated object is created, which contains
// all but the invalid fields and values.
// If one of the invalid cases occurs and the controlling flag is false, then
// it is a warning. The function ValidateAndRepairObject sets |result| to
// VALID_WITH_WARNINGS and returns the repaired copy.
// If no error occurred, |result| is set to VALID and an exact DeepCopy is
// returned.
class COMPONENT_EXPORT(CHROMEOS_ONC) Validator : public Mapper {
struct ValidationIssue {
// If true, the ONC value does not adhere to the specification and may be
// rejected.
bool is_error;
// Detailed description containing the error/warning type and specific
// location (path).
std::string message;
// See the class comment.
Validator(bool error_on_unknown_field,
bool error_on_wrong_recommended,
bool error_on_missing_field,
bool managed_onc,
bool log_warnings);
Validator(const Validator&) = delete;
Validator& operator=(const Validator&) = delete;
~Validator() override;
// Sets the ONC source to |source|. If not set, defaults to ONC_SOURCE_NONE.
// If the source is set to ONC_SOURCE_DEVICE_POLICY, validation additionally
// checks:
// - only the network types Wifi and Ethernet are allowed
// - client certificate patterns are disallowed
void SetOncSource(::onc::ONCSource source) { onc_source_ = source; }
// Validate the given |onc_object| dictionary according to |object_signature|.
// The |object_signature| has to be a pointer to one of the signatures in
// |onc_signature.h|. If an error is found, the function returns nullopt and
// sets |result| to INVALID. If possible (no error encountered) a Clone is
// created that contains all but the invalid fields and values and returns
// this "repaired" object. That means, if not handled as an error, then the
// following are dropped from the copy:
// - unknown fields
// - invalid field names in kRecommended arrays
// - kRecommended fields in an unmanaged ONC
// If any of these cases occurred, sets |result| to VALID_WITH_WARNINGS and
// otherwise to VALID.
// For details, see the class comment.
std::optional<base::Value::Dict> ValidateAndRepairObject(
const OncValueSignature* object_signature,
const base::Value::Dict& onc_object,
Result* result);
// Returns the list of validation results that occurred within validation
// initiated by the last call to |ValidateAndRepairObject|.
const std::vector<ValidationIssue>& validation_issues() const {
return validation_issues_;
// Overridden from Mapper:
// Compare |onc_value|s type with |onc_type| and validate/repair according to
// |signature|. On error returns a Value of type base::Value::Type::NONE.
base::Value MapValue(const OncValueSignature& signature,
const base::Value& onc_value,
bool* error) override;
// Dispatch to the right validation function according to
// |signature|. Iterates over all fields and recursively validates/repairs
// these. All valid fields are added to the result dictionary. Returns the
// repaired dictionary.
base::Value::Dict MapObject(const OncValueSignature& signature,
const base::Value::Dict& onc_object,
bool* error) override;
// Pushes/pops the |field_name| to |path_|, otherwise like |Mapper::MapField|.
base::Value MapField(const std::string& field_name,
const OncValueSignature& object_signature,
const base::Value& onc_value,
bool* found_unknown_field,
bool* error) override;
// Ignores nested errors in NetworkConfigurations and Certificates, otherwise
// like |Mapper::MapArray|.
base::Value::List MapArray(const OncValueSignature& array_signature,
const base::Value::List& onc_array,
bool* nested_error) override;
// Pushes/pops the index to |path_|, otherwise like |Mapper::MapEntry|.
base::Value MapEntry(int index,
const OncValueSignature& signature,
const base::Value& onc_value,
bool* error) override;
// This is the default validation of objects/dictionaries. Validates
// |onc_object| according to |object_signature|. |result| must point to a
// dictionary into which the repaired fields are written.
bool ValidateObjectDefault(const OncValueSignature& object_signature,
const base::Value::Dict& onc_object,
base::Value::Dict* result);
// Validates/repairs the kRecommended array in |result| according to
// |object_signature| of the enclosing object.
bool ValidateRecommendedField(const OncValueSignature& object_signature,
base::Value::Dict* result);
// Validates the ClientCert* fields in a VPN or EAP object. Only if
// |allow_cert_type_none| is true, the value "None" is allowed as
// ClientCertType.
bool ValidateClientCertFields(bool allow_cert_type_none,
base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateToplevelConfiguration(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateNetworkConfiguration(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateCellular(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateAPN(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateEthernet(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateIPConfig(base::Value::Dict* result, bool require_fields = true);
bool ValidateNameServersConfig(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateWiFi(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateVPN(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateIPsec(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateOpenVPN(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateWireGuard(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateThirdPartyVPN(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateARCVPN(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateVerifyX509(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateCertificatePattern(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateGlobalNetworkConfiguration(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateProxySettings(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateProxyLocation(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateEAP(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateSubjectAlternativeNameMatch(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateCertificate(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateScope(base::Value::Dict* result);
bool ValidateTether(base::Value::Dict* result);
void ValidateEthernetConfigs(base::Value::List* result);
void OnlyKeepLast(base::Value::List* network_configurations_list,
const std::vector<std::string>& guids,
const char* type_for_messages);
void RemoveNetworkConfigurationWithGuid(
base::Value::List* network_configurations_list,
const std::string& guid_to_remove);
bool IsValidValue(const std::string& field_value,
const std::vector<const char*>& valid_values);
bool IsInDevicePolicy(base::Value::Dict* result, std::string_view field_name);
bool FieldExistsAndHasNoValidValue(
const base::Value::Dict& object,
const std::string& field_name,
const std::vector<const char*>& valid_values);
bool FieldExistsAndIsNotInRange(const base::Value::Dict& object,
const std::string& field_name,
int lower_bound,
int upper_bound);
bool FieldExistsAndIsEmpty(const base::Value::Dict& object,
const std::string& field_name);
// Validates 'StaticIPConfig' field of the given network configuration. This
// method takes 'NetworkConfiguration' dict instead of 'StaticIPConfig' dict
// because it needs other 'NetworkConfiguration' fields (e.g.
// 'IPAddressConfigType' and 'NameServersConfigType') to check correctness of
// the 'StaticIPConfig' field.
bool NetworkHasCorrectStaticIPConfig(base::Value::Dict* network);
// Validates that the given field either exists or is recommended.
bool FieldShouldExistOrBeRecommended(const base::Value::Dict& object,
const std::string& field_name);
bool OnlyOneFieldSet(const base::Value::Dict& object,
const std::string& field_name1,
const std::string& field_name2);
bool ListFieldContainsValidValues(
const base::Value::Dict& object,
const std::string& field_name,
const std::vector<const char*>& valid_values);
bool ValidateSSIDAndHexSSID(base::Value::Dict* object);
// Returns true if |key| is a key of |dict|. Otherwise, returns false and,
// depending on |error_on_missing_field_| raises an error or a warning.
bool RequireField(const base::Value::Dict& dict, const std::string& key);
// Returns true if the GUID is unique or if the GUID is not a string
// and false otherwise. The function also adds the GUID to a set in
// order to identify duplicates.
bool CheckGuidIsUniqueAndAddToSet(const base::Value::Dict& dict,
const std::string& kGUID,
std::set<std::string>* guids);
// Returns true if the list of admin APN IDs provided by the |dict|'s
// |key_list_of_ids| field are all non-empty. The function also adds the IDs
// to |admin_assigned_apn_ids_|. |key_list_of_ids| must be either
// onc::cellular::kAdminAssignedAPNIds or
// onc::global_network_config::kPSIMAdminAssignedAPNIds.
bool CheckAdminAssignedAPNIdsAreNonEmptyAndAddToSet(
const base::Value::Dict& dict,
const std::string& key_list_of_ids);
// Prohibit global network configuration in user ONC imports.
bool IsGlobalNetworkConfigInUserImport(const base::Value::Dict& onc_object);
void AddValidationIssue(bool is_error, const std::string& debug_info);
const bool error_on_unknown_field_;
const bool error_on_wrong_recommended_;
const bool error_on_missing_field_;
const bool managed_onc_;
const bool log_warnings_;
::onc::ONCSource onc_source_ = ::onc::ONC_SOURCE_NONE;
// The path of field names and indices to the current value. Indices
// are stored as strings in decimal notation.
std::vector<std::string> path_;
// Accumulates all network GUIDs during validation. Used to identify
// duplicate GUIDs.
std::set<std::string> network_guids_;
// Accumulates all admin assigned APN IDs during validation. Used to identify
// if the APNs provided by the admin at ::onc::toplevel_config::kAdminAPNList
// contains APNs for all admin APN IDs referenced.
std::set<std::string> admin_assigned_apn_ids_;
// Accumulates all certificate GUIDs during validation. Used to identify
// duplicate GUIDs.
std::set<std::string> certificate_guids_;
// List of all validation issues that occurred within validation initiated by
// function ValidateAndRepairObject.
std::vector<ValidationIssue> validation_issues_;
} // namespace chromeos::onc