
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Next MinVersion: 4

module chromeos.payments.mojom;

import "chromeos/components/payments/mojom/payment_app_types.mojom";

// The service that runs in ARC and allows the browser to invoke the TWA payment
// app that is installed in ARC, if it implements payment intents as described
// in
// This mojom interface is used in crosapi as well to forward the payment
// request from Lacros.
// At first, only "" payment method is supported.
// Ash Browser:
// --------------------      --------------------------------------------------
// |   Ash Browser    |      |                      ARC                       |
// |                  |      |                                                |
// | ---------------  |      |  --------------    -------    ---------------- |
// | | Web Payment |<-|------|->| PaymentApp |<-->| TWA |<-->| Play Billing | |
// | ---------------  |      |  --------------    -------    ---------------- |
// |                  |      |                                                |
// --------------------      --------------------------------------------------
// Lacros Browser:
// ---------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------------
// |   Lacros     | |     Ash      | |                 ARC                   |
// |   Browser    | |              | |                                       |
// |------------- | | ------------ | | ------------   -----   -------------- |
// ||Web Payment|<|-|>|PaymentApp|<|-|>|PaymentApp|<->|TWA|<->|Play Billing| |
// |------------- | | |Forwarder | | | ------------   -----   -------------- |
// |              | | ------------ | |                                       |
// ---------------- ---------------- -----------------------------------------

// Next method ID: 3
[Stable, Uuid="5d046348-1f14-4bfe-840b-75bc2c05ef01"]
interface PaymentAppInstance {
  // Called by the browser to check whether the TWA with |package_name| (e.g.,
  // "") in ARC has intent filters for
  // org.chromium.intent.action.PAY and
  // org.chromium.intent.action.IS_READY_TO_PAY with
  // "" in either
  // "org.chromium.default_payment_method_name" or
  // "org.chromium.payment_method_names" metadata of the PAY intent filter.
  // Other payment methods are ignored for now.
  // Should not invoke any of the TWA activities or connect to any of its
  // services, because this method may be invoked when off the record, e.g.,
  // incognito mode or guest mode.
  IsPaymentImplemented@0(string package_name)
      => (chromeos.payments.mojom.IsPaymentImplementedResult response);

  // Forwards the request to IsReadyToPayServiceHelper.query(), which queries
  // the payment app. The payment app should return true if payments can be
  // made. This should not be invoked when off the record, e.g., incognito mode
  // or guest mode.
  IsReadyToPay@1(chromeos.payments.mojom.PaymentParameters parameters)
      => (chromeos.payments.mojom.IsReadyToPayResult response);

  // Forwards the request to WebPaymentIntentHelper.createPayIntent() and fires
  // the resulting intent. This invokes the payment flow.
  // The "String merchantName" parameter to createPayIntent() should be empty
  // (but not null).
  // The total amount for createPayIntent() should always be "0" with currency
  // "ZZZ".
  InvokePaymentApp@2(chromeos.payments.mojom.PaymentParameters parameters)
      => (chromeos.payments.mojom.InvokePaymentAppResult response);

  // Requests to abort a previous payment flow (identified by |request_token|)
  // which was opened with InvokePaymentApp().
  // This may be called by the website if a payment should no longer be made
  // (e.g., when an item goes out of stock), or by the browser if the payment is
  // no longer available (e.g., the page was refreshed).
  AbortPaymentApp@3(string request_token)
      => (bool aborted);