// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module chromeos.payments.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/unguessable_token.mojom";
// These types are used by PaymentAppInstance methods. ARC implements
// PaymentAppInstance and invokes payments apps. Ash exposes a
// PaymentAppInstance over Crosapi, forwarding all requests to ARC.
// After the browser calls IsPaymentImplemented(), ARC sends back this result
// if there are no errors.
struct IsPaymentImplementedValidResult {
// The list of activities with intent filter for
// org.chromium.intent.action.PAY action and "https://play.google.com/billing"
// in either "org.chromium.default_payment_method_name" or
// "org.chromium.payment_method_names" metadata. Other payment methods are
// ignored for now.
// Example activity name: "com.example.app.PaymentActivity".
array<string> activity_names;
// The list of services with intent filter for
// org.chromium.intent.action.IS_READY_TO_PAY. Example service name:
// "com.example.app.IsReadyToPayService".
array<string> service_names;
// After the browser calls IsPaymentImplemented(), ARC sends back this result.
union IsPaymentImplementedResult {
IsPaymentImplementedValidResult valid;
string error;
// The common payment parameters for the browser to pass from Lacros or Ash
// to ARC in both PaymentAppInstance.IsReadyToPayService() and
// PaymentAppInstance.InvokePaymentApp() Mojo methods. ARC will forward this
// data to either WebPaymentIntentHelper.createIsReadyToPayIntent() or
// WebPaymentIntentHelper.createPayIntent(), depending on which method of
// PaymentApp Mojo IPC service was invoked.
// WebPaymentIntentHelper in ARC should be used only with the
// "https://play.google.com/billing" payment method identifier at this time.
struct PaymentParameters {
// The TWA package name, e.g., "com.example.app". This is the "String
// packageName" parameter to createIsReadyToPayIntent() and createPayIntent()
// methods.
string package_name;
// The name of the IS_READY_TO_PAY service to query or PAY activity to invoke,
// depending on whether this struct is passed into IsReadyToPay() or
// InvokePaymentApp() method. For example,
// "com.example.app.IsReadyToPayService" or "com.example.app.PaymentActivity".
// This is the "String serviceName" parameter to createIsReadyToPayIntent() or
// "String activityName" parameter to createPayIntent().
string activity_or_service_name;
// The JSON serialization of the JavaScript object "data" in the
// PaymentRequest API. For example:
// {"productId": "test_product_id"}
// This string is serialized in Blink and is parsed in the TWA. The browser
// does not parse this string. This string goes into the value of the
// "methodDataMap" parameter of createIsReadyToPayIntent() and
// createPayIntent() methods, i.e.:
// methodDataMap.put("https://play.google.com/billing",
// new PaymentMethodData("https://play.google.com/billing",
// stringified_method_data));
string stringified_method_data;
// (Host, optional port) tuple that cannot be an opaque origin. For example:
// "shop.com". This is the "String schemelessOrigin" parameter to
// createIsReadyToPayIntent() and createPayIntent() methods.
string top_level_origin;
// (Host, optional port) tuple that cannot be an opaque origin. For
// example: "payment-service-provider.com". This is the "String
// schemelessIframeOrigin" parameter to createIsReadyToPayIntent() and
// createPayIntent() methods.
string payment_request_origin;
// The free-form identifier for this pending transaction as set either by the
// merchant website in PaymentRequest() constructor in JavaScript, or (more
// commonly) a browser-generated GUID string. This is the "String id"
// parameter to createPayIntent() method. The createIsReadyToPayIntent() does
// not currently need this parameter.
string? payment_request_id;
// Opaque, browser-generated identifier for this payment request. Used to
// identify a particular request across calls.
string? request_token;
// Opaque app instance identifier for this payment request. Used to
// identify which TWA instance made this request so that we can attach
// the payment dialog to the correct window. This value should only be
// created in Lacros and used in Ash. It is expected for ARC to
// receive a null twa_instance_identifier. If the Ash side receives a
// null twa_instance_identifier, the payment app would not be
// invoked because we will not be able to find an app window to attach
// the payment dialog to.
// Please see chromeos/components/payments/mojom/payment_app.mojom for
// explanation of relationship between Lacros, Ash and ARC for payment
// interfaces.
mojo_base.mojom.UnguessableToken? twa_instance_identifier;
// After the browser calls IsReadyToPay(), ARC sends back this result.
union IsReadyToPayResult {
bool response;
string error;
// After the browser calls InvokePaymentApp(), ARC sends back this result, if
// there are no errors.
struct InvokePaymentAppValidResult {
// Whether the intent return status is Activity.RESULT_OK.
bool is_activity_result_ok;
// The JSON serialization of a JavaScript object that's the response to
// PaymentRequest API. For example:
// {"receiptIdentifier": "test_receipt_identifier"}
// This string is serialized in TWA and is parsed in Blink. The browser does
// not parse this string.
string stringified_details;
// After the browser calls InvokePaymentApp(), ARC sends back this result.
union InvokePaymentAppResult {
InvokePaymentAppValidResult valid;
string error;