// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace chromeos::prefs {
// This is the policy CaptivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxy that allows to
// open captive portal authentication pages in a separate window under
// a temporary incognito profile ("signin profile" is used for this purpose),
// which allows to bypass the user's proxy for captive portal authentication.
inline constexpr char kCaptivePortalAuthenticationIgnoresProxy[] =
// A boolean pref that controls whether the prefs are associated with a captive
// portal signin window. Used to ignore proxies and allow extensions in an OTR
// profile when signing into a captive portal.
inline constexpr char kCaptivePortalSignin[] = "captive_portal_signin";
// A list of weekly time intervals when login to the device is blocked.
// Example content:
// [
// {
// "start": {
// "day_of_week": "WEDNESDAY",
// "milliseconds_since_midnight": 43200000
// },
// "end": {
// "day_of_week": "WEDNESDAY",
// "milliseconds_since_midnight": 75600000
// }
// },
// {
// "start": {
// "day_of_week": "FRIDAY",
// "milliseconds_since_midnight": 64800000
// },
// "end": {
// "day_of_week": "MONDAY",
// "milliseconds_since_midnight": 21600000
// }
// }
// ]
inline constexpr char kDeviceRestrictionSchedule[] =
} // namespace chromeos::prefs