
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module crosapi.mojom;

import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/policy_namespace.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/big_string.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// Indicates whether a browser window is created successfully or not.
// kUnknown and kSuccess have the obvious meaning. The rest are failures.
// Next MinVersion: 3
// Next ID: 8
[Stable, Extensible]
enum CreationResult {
  kUnknown = 0,
  kSuccess = 1,
  kUnsupported = 2,
  kBrowserNotRunning = 3,
  kServiceDisconnected = 4,
  [MinVersion=1] kProfileNotExist = 5,
  [MinVersion=1] kBrowserWindowUnavailable = 6,
  // Operation aborted due to Lacros shutting down.
  [MinVersion=2] kBrowserShutdown = 7,

// Represents the source of this OpenUrl request.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum OpenUrlFrom {
  // From is not specified or unknown.
  [Default] kUnspecified = 0,

  // ARC app made a request of this OpenUrl.
  kArc = 1,

// Parameters to specify OpenUrl behavior.
// Next version: 3
// Next id: 3
struct OpenUrlParams {
  // Decides the disposition of the opening page.
  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum WindowOpenDisposition {
    // DEPRECATED. Equivalent to kNewForegroundTab since M111.
    [Default] kLegacyAutoDetection = 0,

    // Opens the given URL in a new tab.
    kNewForegroundTab = 1,

    // If there's an existing tab showing the given URL, activate it.
    // If not, if the tab is NTP and does not have history, navigate it
    // to the given URL. Otherwise, opens a new tab and navigate it to
    // the given URL.
    kSwitchToTab = 2,

    // Opens the given URL in a new window.
    [MinVersion=1] kNewWindow = 3,

    // Opens the given URL in an incognito window.
    [MinVersion=2] kOffTheRecord = 4,
  WindowOpenDisposition disposition@0;

  [MinVersion=1] OpenUrlFrom from@1;

  // Decides how the URL's path is to be considered when WindowOpenDisposition
  // is kSwitchToTab, i.e. a search is performed for an existing tab that
  // matches a given URL.
  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum SwitchToTabPathBehavior {
    // If the two paths are different, the URLs do not match.
    [Default] kRespect = 0,

    // Path is ignored when testing two URLs for a match.
    kIgnore = 1,
  [MinVersion=2] SwitchToTabPathBehavior path_behavior@2;

// BrowserService defines the APIs that live in a browser (such as
// lacros-chrome) and are accessed from ash-chrome.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are exposing a new capability from Lacros to Ash,
// create a new mojom file. See automation.mojom for an example. This interface
// has accidentally become a kitchen sink for different features. This was not
// intentional.
// Next MinVersion: 78.
// Next ID: 24
[Stable, Uuid="4e04dc16-b34c-40fd-9e3f-3c55c2c6cf91",
interface BrowserService {
  // Removed method. No longer used.

  // Opens a new window in the browser with the profile that matches
  // `profile_id`. In case of no matching profile, the profile picker will be
  // shown.
  // The callback is called on the command execution.
  // If `should_trigger_session_restore` is true, a new window opening should be
  // treated like the start of a new session (with potential session restore,
  // startup URLs, etc). Otherwise, don't restore the session and instead open a
  // new window with the default blank tab.
    [MinVersion=10] bool incognito,
    [MinVersion=61] bool should_trigger_session_restore,
    [MinVersion=72] int64 target_display_id,
    [MinVersion=75] uint64? profile_id)
        => ([MinVersion=73] CreationResult result);

  // Opens a new fullscreen window in the browser with, currently, the main
  // profile. The only tab will be navigated to the given `url` once the window
  // is launched. The callback is called on the command execution. NOTE: This
  // method is used by Chrome OS web Kiosk session only. The behavior may change
  // and it shouldn't be used by anybody else.
  // Added in M96.
    url.mojom.Url url,
    [MinVersion=72] int64 target_display_id) => (CreationResult result);

  // Transfers the given tab (or group) to a new window with the same profile.

  // NOTE: This method is used by Chrome OS WebUI in tablet mode as a response
  // to a drag'n drop operation from the user.
      mojo_base.mojom.String16 tab_id, mojo_base.mojom.String16 group_id)
          => (CreationResult result, string app_id);

  // Opens a new window in the browser with the Guest profile if the Guest mode
  // is enabled.
  // Added in M100.
  NewGuestWindow@14([MinVersion=72] int64 target_display_id)
      => ([MinVersion=73] CreationResult result);

  // Opens a new tab in the browser with the profile that matches `profile_id`.
  // This may open a new window, if there's no window. If a new browser is
  // opened and `should_trigger_session_restore` is set, the new browser will
  // open with the profile's session startup pref. If this is not set the
  // browser will open without considering the user's session startup pref.
  // Please see also the Chrome's NewTab command for details.
  // The callback is called on the command execution.
  // This is designed to be equivalent of CTRL+T behavior. By default, this
  // opens a new-tab-page, but extensions may override the behavior.
  // Added in M91.
  NewTab@20([MinVersion=76] uint64? profile_id)
      => ([MinVersion=73] CreationResult result);
  // The `should_trigger_session_restore` parameter was deprecated in M108 and
  // is no longer supported. See Launch for something similar.
  REMOVED_7@7([MinVersion=68] bool should_trigger_session_restore) => ();

  // Opens the specified URL in the browser with, currently, the main profile.
  // This opens a new tab and loads the page at specified URL.
  // This is designed to handle opening URL requests from other OS parts,
  // such as web-page opening request from ash features, or Crostini/ARC apps.
  // Added in M96.
  OpenUrl@10(url.mojom.Url url,
             [MinVersion=62] OpenUrlParams? params)
      => ([MinVersion=73] CreationResult result);

  // Restores a tab (or a window) recently closed in the browser with,
  // currently, main profile. Please see also RestoreTab command for details.
  // The callback is called on the command execution.
  // Added in M91.
  RestoreTab@8() => ([MinVersion=73] CreationResult result);

  // Signals Lacros that a multi-finger horizontal swipe has occurred in Ash.
  // The browser usually responds by switching tabs
  // `x_offset` is in DIP coordinates.
  // `is_fling_scroll_event` is set to true if the event which triggers
  // HandleTabScrubbing is fling scroll event.
  // TODO( This should be handled on wayland, not crosapi.
  // Deprecate this API when wayland become capable of handling the tab
  // scrubbing.
  HandleTabScrubbing@13(float x_offset,
                        [MinVersion=103] bool is_fling_scroll_event);

  // Returns the browser's feedback data used for generating feedback report in
  // a dictionary object, each entry representing a log entry in the feedback
  // report, for example, "Lacros crash_report_ids: xxx",
  // "Lacros extensions: xxx", "Lacros mem_usage: xxx", etc.
  GetFeedbackData@3() => (mojo_base.mojom.DictionaryValue feedback_info);

  // Returns the browser histograms used for generating feedback report.
  // The histograms returned is zip compressed and is typically around 100KB.
  GetHistograms@4() => (mojo_base.mojom.BigString compressed_histograms);

  // Returns Url of the active tab from the browser if there is any.
  GetActiveTabUrl@5() => (url.mojom.Url? url);

  // Notifies Lacros to update the policy data from the device account with the
  // new data from input. The data is serialized blob of PolicyFetchResponse
  // object.
  UpdateDeviceAccountPolicy@6(array<uint8> policy);

  // Notifies Lacros about an attempt to update device account policy.

  // Updates keep-alive instance to maintain the browser lifetime.
  // Note: there is always timing issue. If the browser is in the process of
  // termination, this may not work. To fully implement keep-alive, ash-chrome
  // may need to relaunch Lacros soon after the termination.
  // Introduced in M97.
  UpdateKeepAlive@12(bool enabled);

  // Opens lacros with a full restore (all previously open windows from the
  // previous lacros session). This must be called before a browser has been
  // created as this will update the state of the main profile.
  // If `skip_crash_restore` is true full restore will restore the previous
  // session, bypassing the typical crash restore flow (i.e. the crash restore
  // bubble anchored to the browser's app menu button).
  OpenForFullRestore@15([MinVersion=69] bool skip_crash_restore);

  // The old UpdateComponentPolicy method.
  REMOVED_16@16(map<crosapi.mojom.PolicyNamespace, array<uint8>> policy);

  // Notifies Lacros to update the component policy data. The values of the map
  // are JSON policy data downloaded by Ash. The `component_policy` argument
  // maps `PolicyNamespace` representing an extension to the JSON policy value
  // for that extension.
  UpdateComponentPolicy@18(map<crosapi.mojom.PolicyNamespace, mojo_base.mojom.Value> component_policy);

  // Opens a new tab in the browser with the profile that matches `profile_id`.
  // In case of no matching profile, the profile picker will be shown.
  // If a new window needs to be created, it will open with the profile's
  // session startup pref and no new tab will be added.
  // Added in M108.
  Launch@19([MinVersion=72] int64 target_display_id,
            [MinVersion=75] uint64? profile_id)
      => ([MinVersion=73] CreationResult result);

  // Opens the Lacros profile manger window.

  // Opens the specified URL in a browser popup window using the captive portal
  // signin profile.
  OpenCaptivePortalSignin@23(url.mojom.Url url) => (CreationResult result);

// TODO( move to its own file. Currently due to circular
// dependency BrowserServiceHost -> BrowserService -> Crosapi, we cannot
// split files.
// This interface is used to register BrowserService provided by a
// crosapi client.
// Next MinVersion: 2.
// Next ID: 2
[Stable, Uuid="7864a7d6-c74d-4e5f-8589-8cdb99d0c92e"]
interface BrowserServiceHost {
  // Registers the remote as a BrowserService. Crosapi host (ash-chrome)
  // can make requests to control the registered browser.
  AddBrowserService@0(pending_remote<BrowserService> browser);

  // Requests to relaunch the browser again, soon after its shutdown.
  // The browser is expected to be terminated sometime soon by itself,
  // i.e., Crosapi host (ash-chrome) will not forcibly kill the process.
  // It is important to terminate soon, because otherwise the users may be
  // surprised of unexpected relaunching on later termination.
  // If there's multiple requests before termination, they'll be degenerated
  // into one relaunching.
  // Added in M93.