
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module crosapi.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/values.mojom";

[Stable, Extensible]
enum PowerState {
  // A power status was read from the display but its value is unknown.
  [Default] kUnknown = 0,
  // There was an error when querying the display.
  kError = 1,
  // The kernel adapter is not configured (no EDID set).
  kAdapterNotConfigured = 2,
  // No response on the CEC bus (the connection was not ACKed).
  kNoDevice = 3,
  // The display is on.
  kOn = 4,
  // The display is in standby mode.
  kStandBy = 5,
  // The display is transitioning from standby to a powered on state. It's not
  // guaranteed that any output is visible on the display at this stage.
  kTransitioningToOn = 6,
  // The display is transitioning into standby mode.
  kTransitioningToStandBy = 7,

// Private API for HDMI CEC functionality.
[Stable, Uuid="e820f536-cad8-4891-be37-ba2f3aa770cc"]
interface CecPrivate {

  // Attempt to put all HDMI CEC compatible devices in standby.
  // This is not guaranteed to have any effect on the connected displays.
  // Displays that do not support HDMI CEC will not be affected.
  // Does nothing but call the void callback if the backend isn't available.
  SendStandBy@0() => ();

  // Attempt to announce this device as the active input source towards all
  // HDMI CEC enabled displays connected, waking them from standby if
  // necessary.
  // Does nothing but call the void callback if the backend isn't available.
  SendWakeUp@1() => ();

  // Queries all HDMI CEC capable displays for their current power state.
  // If the backend isn't available, passes an empty list to the callback.
  QueryDisplayCecPowerState@2() => (array<PowerState> power_states);
