
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module crosapi.mojom;

// The enum below is exactly the same as its counterpart in
// third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/lorgnette/lorgnette_service.proto

// The failure mode of a scan job.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum ScanFailureMode {
  // No failure occurred.
  [Default] kNoFailure = 0,

  // An unknown or generic failure occurred.
  kUnknown = 1,

  // The device is busy.
  kDeviceBusy = 2,

  // The document feeder is jammed.
  kAdfJammed = 3,

  // The document feeder is empty.
  kAdfEmpty = 4,

  // The flatbed cover is open.
  kFlatbedOpen = 5,

  // An error occurred while communicating with the device.
  kIoError = 6,

// The enum below is exactly the same as its counterpart in
// third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/lorgnette/lorgnette_service.proto

// Indicates the result of each operation performed by the backend.  It
// contains the same causes as SANE_Status plus additional statuses that come
// from the IPC layers and image conversion stages.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum ScannerOperationResult {
  // An unknown or generic failure occurred.
  [Default] kUnknown = 0,

  // Operation succeeded.
  kSuccess = 1,

  // The operation is not supported.
  kUnsupported = 2,

  // The operation was cancelled.
  kCancelled = 3,

  // The scanner is busy.
  kDeviceBusy = 4,

  // Data or argument is invalid.
  kInvalid = 5,

  // Value is the wrong type for the underlying option.
  kWrongType = 6,

  // No more data is available.
  kEndOfData = 7,

  // The document feeder is jammed.
  kAdfJammed = 8,

  // The document feeder is empty.
  kAdfEmpty = 9,

  // The flatbed cover is open.
  kCoverOpen = 10,

  // An error occurred while communicating with the scanner.
  kIoError = 11,

  // The scanner requires authentication.
  kAccessDenied = 12,

  // Not enough memory was available to complete the operation.
  kNoMemory = 13,

  // The scanner was not reachable.
  kDeviceUnreachable = 14,

  // The requested handle was not found.
  kDeviceMissing = 15,

  // An internal error occurred.
  kInternalError = 16,

// Information about a scanner that was returned from `GetScannerList()`.
struct ScannerInfo {
  // Connection string that can be used with `OpenScanner()`.
  string id@0;

  // Printable name for displaying in the UI.
  string display_name@1;

  // Scanner manufacturer.
  string manufacturer@2;

  // Scanner model, if known, or a generic description.
  string model@3;

  // For matching against other `ScannerInfo` entries that point to the same
  // physical scanner, e.g. multiple SANE backends or TLS and non-TLS
  // connections to the same device.
  string device_uuid@4;

  // How the scanner is connected to the computer.
  ConnectionType connection_type@5;

  // True if the connection is secure against passive eavesdropping, e.g. USB
  // or TLS.  This is not an indicator of integrity of the scanned data
  // itself.
  bool secure@6;

  // MIME types that can be requested for returned scans.
  array<string> image_formats@7;

  // The enum below is exactly the same as its counterpart in
  // third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/lorgnette/lorgnette_service.proto
  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum ConnectionType {
    // Scanner has an unknown connection type.
    [Default] kUnspecified = 0,

    // Scanner is connected via USB.
    kUsb = 1,

    // Scanner is connected via WiFi or ethernet.
    kNetwork = 2,

  // A general description of protocol/backend used to access the scanner, such
  // as Mopria, WSD, or Epson2.  This is primarily useful for preferring one
  // protocol if a device is usable with multiple protocols.
  string? protocol_type@8;

// A set of criteria that can be passed to `GetScannerList()`. Only
// devices that match all of the criteria will be returned.
struct ScannerEnumFilter {
  // Return only directly connected devices.
  bool local@0;

  // Return only devices that use a secure transport.
  bool secure@1;

// The enum below is exactly the same as its counterpart in
// third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/lorgnette/lorgnette_service.proto
// The type of an option.  This is the same set of types as SANE_Value_Type.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum OptionType {
  [Default] kUnknown = 0,
  kBool = 1,
  kInt = 2,
  kFixed = 3,
  kString = 4,
  kButton = 5,
  kGroup = 6,

// The enum below is exactly the same as its counterpart in
// third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/lorgnette/lorgnette_service.proto
// The unit of measurement for an option.  This is the same set of units as
// SANE_Unit.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum OptionUnit {
  // Value is a unitless number, e.g., threshold.
  [Default] kUnitless = 0,

  // Value is a number of pixels, e.g., scan dimensions.
  kPixel = 1,

  // Value is the number of bits, e.g., color depth.
  kBit = 2,

  // Value is in mm, e.g., scan dimensions.
  kMm = 3,

  // Value is in dots per inch, e.g., resolution.
  kDpi = 4,

  // Value is a percent, e.g., brightness.
  kPercent = 5,

  // Value is in µs, e.g. exposure time.
  kMicrosecond = 6,

// The value of a `ScannerOption`.  The active field must match the
// `OptionType` of the option.
union OptionValue {
  bool bool_value;
  int32 int_value;
  array<int32> int_list;
  double fixed_value;
  array<double> fixed_list;
  string string_value;

// The enum below is exactly the same as its counterpart in
// third_party/cros_system_api/dbus/lorgnette/lorgnette_service.proto
// The type of a constraint.  These correspond to SANE_Constraint_Type.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum OptionConstraintType {
  [Default] kNone = 0,
  kIntRange = 1,
  kFixedRange = 2,
  kIntList = 3,
  kFixedList = 4,
  kStringList = 5,

// A range of valid values for an option of type `OptionType.kInt`.
struct IntRange {
  int32 min@0;
  int32 max@1;
  int32 quant@2;

// A range of valid values for an option of type `OptionType.kFixed`.
struct FixedRange {
  double min@0;
  double max@1;
  double quant@2;

// The specific restriction imposed by an `OptionConstraint`.  Each type of
// restriction corresponds to a value of `OptionConstraintType`.
union OptionConstraintRestriction {
  IntRange int_range;
  FixedRange fixed_range;
  array<int32> valid_int;
  array<double> valid_fixed;
  array<string> valid_string;

// A constraint on the allowed values of a `ScannerOption`.  The `type` field
// indicates which union member of `constraint` is expected to be set.
struct OptionConstraint {
  OptionConstraintType type@0;
  OptionConstraintRestriction restriction@1;

// How an option can be configured.  An option can be configured through
// software, through hardware, or neither (read-only).  The SANE model does not
// permit an option to be configured in both hardware and software.
[Stable, Extensible]
enum OptionConfigurability {
  // Option is read-only and cannot be changed.
  kNotConfigurable = 0,

  // Option can be set in software.
  [Default] kSoftwareConfigurable = 1,

  // Option can be set by the user toggling/pushing a hardware button.
  kHardwareConfigurable = 2,

// A self-describing scanner option, in the style of SANE_Option_Descriptor.  A
// `ScannerOption` represents an individual option with display information, an
// optional current value, and an optional constraint on valid values.
struct ScannerOption {
  // Option name using lowercase a-z, numbers, and dashes.
  string name@0;

  // Printable one-line title.
  string title@1;

  // Longer description of the option.  May contain embedded newlines.
  string description@2;

  // Lorgnette type for the option.
  OptionType type@3;

  // Unit of the option's value.
  OptionUnit unit@4;

  // Current value of the option if relevant.
  OptionValue? value@5;

  // Constrain on possible option values.
  OptionConstraint? constraint@6;

  // Option can be detected in software.
  bool isDetectable@7;

  // How the option value can be changed.
  OptionConfigurability configurability@8;

  // Can be automatically set by the backend.
  bool isAutoSettable@9;

  // Emulated by the backend instead of implemented in the scanner.
  bool isEmulated@10;

  // Option is active and can be set/retrieved.  If false, the `value` field
  // will not be set.
  bool isActive@11;

  // UI should not display this option by default.
  bool isAdvanced@12;

  // Option is used for internal configuration and should never be displayed
  // in the UI.
  bool isInternal@13;

// The result of combining lorgnette's d-bus response with Chrome's mDNS
// discovery for `GetScannerList()`.
struct GetScannerListResponse {
  // The backend's enumeration result.
  ScannerOperationResult result@0;

  // A list of scanners that match the criteria supplied to `GetScannerList()`.
  array<ScannerInfo> scanners@1;

// The response from calling `OpenScanner()`.
struct OpenScannerResponse {
  // Same scanner_id value passed to `OpenScanner()`.
  string scanner_id@0;

  // Backend result of opening the scanner.
  ScannerOperationResult result@1;

  // If result is ScannerOperationResult.kSuccess, an exclusive handle to the
  // scanner that can be used for further operations.  This handle remains
  // valid until `CloseScanner()` is called, `OpenScanner()` is called again by
  // the same client with the same `scanner_id`, or a hardware change causes
  // the scanner to become inaccessible.
  string? scanner_handle@2;

  // If result is ScannerOperationResult.kSuccess, a mapping from option names
  // to `ScannerOption`.
  map<string, ScannerOption>? options@3;

// The response from calling `CloseScanner()`.
struct CloseScannerResponse {
  // Same scanner_handle value passed to `CloseScanner()`.
  string scanner_handle@0;

  // Backend result of closing the scanner handle.
  ScannerOperationResult result@1;

// Options for `StartPreparedScan()` that are not already specified via a
// `ScannerOption`.  These tend to cover how the scanning framework itself works
// as opposed to how a scanner works.
struct StartScanOptions {
  // The desired MIME type for returned scans.
  string format@0;

  // Maximum size of chunks returned from ReadScanData for this job.
  uint32? max_read_size@1;

// The response from calling `StartPreparedScan()`.
struct StartPreparedScanResponse {
  // The same scanner handle that was passed to `StartPreparedScan()`.
  string scanner_handle@0;

  // The backend's job start result.
  ScannerOperationResult result@1;

  // If result is kSuccess, this contains a handle that can be used to read scan
  // data or cancel the scan.
  string? job_handle@2;

// The response from calling `ReadScanData()`.
struct ReadScanDataResponse {
  // The same job handle that was passed to `ReadScanData()`.
  string job_handle@0;

  // The backend's read result.
  ScannerOperationResult result@1;

  // If result is kSuccess, this contains the next chunk of data that was read.
  // If result is kEof, this may contain the final chunk of data or may be
  // empty.
  array<int8>? data@2;

  // If result is kSuccess, this contains the estimate of how much of the total
  // scan data has been delivered so far, in the range 0-100.
  uint32? estimated_completion@3;

// Used to set an option from `ScannerOption`.
struct OptionSetting {
  // The name of the option.
  string name@0;

  // The type of the option.
  OptionType type@1;

  // Value to set.  Leave unset to request automatic setting for options that
  // support it.
  OptionValue? value@2;

// A group containing a list of option names.
struct OptionGroup {
  // Printable title, e.g. "Geometry options".
  string title@0;

  // Names of contained options.
  array<string> members@1;

// The result from setting an option.
struct SetOptionResult {
  // The name of the option that was set.
  string name@0;

  // The backend's result from setting that option.
  ScannerOperationResult result@1;

// The response from calling `SetOptions()`.
struct SetOptionsResponse {
  // The same scanner handle that was passed to `SetOptions()`.
  string scanner_handle@0;

  // One result for each passed-in `OptionSetting`.
  array<SetOptionResult> results@1;

  // An updated mapping from option name to option value.
  map<string, ScannerOption>? options@2;

// The response from calling `GetOptionGroups`.
struct GetOptionGroupsResponse {
  // The same scanner handle that was passed to `GetOptionGroups()`.
  string scanner_handle@0;

  // The backend's get option groups result.
  ScannerOperationResult result@1;

  // If result is kSuccess, a list of the option groups.
  array<OptionGroup>? groups@2;

// The response from calling `CancelScan`.
struct CancelScanResponse {
  // The same job handle that was passed to `CancelScan()`.
  string job_handle@0;

  // The backend's cancel result.
  ScannerOperationResult result@1;

// This interface is used to access scanners.
// Next version: 6
// Next method id: 10
[Stable, Uuid="f0c77c02-b5c1-4919-8218-3076ecad58db"]
interface DocumentScan {
  // Returns the names of all available, de-duplicated scanners.
  GetScannerNames@0() => (array<string> scanner_names);

  // Performs a simple scan of the first page with a given scanner name. There
  // are no settings and the actual scanner settings will be hard coded to use
  // color mode.
  // Returns the failure mode (which may be `kNoFailure` on success) and the
  // data for the first page. The callback that receives `scan_data` must check
  // it is non-null, in addition to checking `failure_mode`, in order to
  // determine if the call succeeded.
  // This API is intentionally designed this way for backwards compatibility
  // with the documentScan.scan API that exists as of this writing.
  ScanFirstPage@1(string scanner_name)
      => (ScanFailureMode failure_mode, string? scan_data);

  // Returns a list of `ScannerInfo` structs from all available scanners that
  // match the criteria provided in `filter`.
  GetScannerList@2(string client_id, ScannerEnumFilter? filter)
      => (GetScannerListResponse response);

  // Open an exclusive handle to a scanner returned from `GetScannerList()`.
  OpenScanner@3(string client_id, string scanner_id)
      => (OpenScannerResponse response);

  // Close a scanner handle opened by `OpenScanner()`.
  CloseScanner@4(string scanner_handle) => (CloseScannerResponse response);

  // Starts a scan on a scanner opened by `OpenScanner()`.  The scanner's
  // current options, set via `SetOptions()`, are used along with the `options`
  // specified.  `StartScanOptions.format` must match an entry from the
  // scanner's `ScannerInfo.image_formats` or an error result will be returned.
  StartPreparedScan@5(string scanner_handle, StartScanOptions options)
      => (StartPreparedScanResponse response);

  // Reads the next chunk of scan data for a specific scan job.
  ReadScanData@6(string job_handle) => (ReadScanDataResponse response);

  // Sets the options for a scanner opened by `OpenScanner()`.
  SetOptions@7(string scanner_handle, array<OptionSetting> options)
      => (SetOptionsResponse response);

  // Get the option groups for a scanner opened by `OpenScanner()`.
  GetOptionGroups@8(string scanner_handle)
      => (GetOptionGroupsResponse response);

  // Cancel a scan using the handle returned from `StartPreparedScan()`.
  CancelScan@9(string job_handle) => (CancelScanResponse response);