// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Next MinVersion: 8
module crosapi.mojom;
[Stable, Extensible]
enum EditorPanelMode {
// Editor panel should not be shown (due to consent rejected or other
// restrictions). This mode is deprecated.
[Default] kBlocked_DEPRECATED = 0,
// Editor panel should be shown in write mode.
kWrite = 1,
// Editor panel should be shown in rewrite mode.
kRewrite = 2,
// Editor panel feature promo card should be shown (to inform the user
// about the feature and ask if they want to learn more).
kPromoCard = 3,
// Editor panel is blocked because the it does not meet hard
// requirements such as policy, age and country.
[MinVersion=6] kHardBlocked = 4,
// Editor panel is temporarily blocked because the it does not meet
// transient requirements such as internet connection.
[MinVersion=6] kSoftBlocked = 5,
[Stable, Extensible]
enum EditorPanelPresetQueryCategory {
[Default] kUnknown = 0,
[MinVersion=1] kShorten = 1,
[MinVersion=1] kElaborate = 2,
[MinVersion=1] kRephrase = 3,
[MinVersion=1] kFormalize = 4,
[MinVersion=1] kEmojify = 5,
[MinVersion=4] kProofread = 6,
struct EditorPanelPresetTextQuery {
string text_query_id@0;
string name@1;
string description@2;
EditorPanelPresetQueryCategory category@3;
struct EditorPanelContext {
EditorPanelMode editor_panel_mode@0;
array<EditorPanelPresetTextQuery> preset_text_queries@1;
// a boolean value indicating whether the editor consent status has been set
// or not.
[MinVersion=7] bool consent_status_settled@2;
// An interface to allow clients in the Lacros side to observe important state
// changes in the Ash side.
[Stable, Uuid="4622a780-9055-4e61-8e21-638a152a23ac"]
interface EditorObserver {
// Fired whenever the EditorPanelMode state has changed.
OnEditorPanelModeChanged@0(EditorPanelMode mode);
// EditorPanelManager is an interface to allow lacros to handle requests between
// the context menu editor panel and the backend of the editor feature
// Next MinVersion: 2
[Stable, Uuid="a5d776e7-98e6-489c-9b15-57f00000c847"]
interface EditorPanelManager {
// Gets the context required to determine what should be shown on the editor
// panel.
GetEditorPanelContext@0() => (EditorPanelContext editor_panel_context);
// Should be called when the promo card is implicitly dismissed (e.g. the
// user clicked out of the promo card).
// Should be called when the promo card is explicitly dismissed via clicking
// the button.
// Starts the editing flow, showing the consent form if needed.
// Starts the rewrite flow with a preset text query.
StartEditingFlowWithPreset@4(string text_query_id);
// Starts the write/rewrite flow with a freeform query.
StartEditingFlowWithFreeform@5(string text);
// Should be called when the editor menu is shown or hidden.
[MinVersion=1] OnEditorMenuVisibilityChanged@6(bool visible);
// Reports the mode of the editor panel.
[MinVersion=2] LogEditorMode@7(EditorPanelMode mode);
// Binds a new EditorObserver in ash
[MinVersion=3] BindEditorObserver@8(
pending_remote<EditorObserver> pending_observer_remote);
// Should be called when the consent is rejected by the user.
[MinVersion=5] OnConsentRejected@9();