
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module crosapi.mojom;

// Clients that upload metrics often need some device-specific metadata that is
// used to segment the metrics server-side. This interface allows clients to get
// that metadata. Implemented by ash-chrome.
// Next version: 1
// Next method id: 1
[Stable, Uuid="45ecfa93-4332-4c68-a355-87e3d0407427"]
interface Metrics {
  // Provides an opaque string which identifies the current hardware. The string
  // is not structured and information should not be derived from its content.
  // If the string is empty then this is not a known hardware type.
  GetFullHardwareClass@0() => (string full_hardware_class);