// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module crosapi.mojom;
import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/account_manager.mojom";
[Stable, Extensible]
// Represents a WebAuthn UserVerificationRequirement. For semantics, compare
// https://www.w3.org/TR/webauthn-3/#enum-userVerificationRequirement.
enum UserVerificationRequirement {
[Default] kPreferred,
// A request to create a new passkey with the given RP ID and credential ID.
struct PasskeyCreationRequest {
string rp_id;
array<uint8> user_id;
string user_name;
string user_display_name;
UserVerificationRequirement user_verification;
[Stable, Extensible]
// Response status for a `PasskeyCreationRequest`.
enum PasskeyCreationError {
// Catch-all for all unexpected error conditions.
[Default] kInternalError,
// The request originates from a profile whose user is not the signed-in user
// for the device.
// Another request is in progress.
// Retrieving the security domain secret failed.
// The response for a successful `PasskeyCreationRequest`.
struct PasskeyCreationResponse {
// The WebAuthn Authenticator Data, as defined in
// https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#sctn-authenticator-data.
array<uint8> authenticator_data;
// The result of a `PasskeyCreationRequest`.
union PasskeyCreationResult {
// Set on success.
PasskeyCreationResponse response;
// Set on error.
PasskeyCreationError error;
// A request to generate a WebAuthn assertion for a passkey with the given RP
// ID and credential ID.
struct PasskeyAssertionRequest {
string rp_id;
array<uint8> credential_id;
array<uint8> challenge;
array<uint8> client_data_hash;
UserVerificationRequirement user_verification;
[Stable, Extensible]
// Response status for a `PasskeyAssertionRequest`.
enum PasskeyAssertionError {
// Catch-all for all unexpected error conditions.
[Default] kInternalError,
// The request originates from a profile whose user is not the signed-in user
// for the device.
// Another request is in progress.
// No passkey with the given credential ID exists.
// Retrieving the security domain secret for decrypting passkeys failed.
// The response for a successful PasskeyAssertionRequest. Contains a WebAuthn
// signature for the chosen credential.
struct PasskeyAssertionResponse {
// The WebAuthn Assertion Signature, as defined in
// https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#assertion-signature.
array<uint8> signature;
// The WebAuthn Authenticator Data, as defined in
// https://w3c.github.io/webauthn/#sctn-authenticator-data.
[MinVersion=1] array<uint8>? authenticator_data;
// The result of a PasskeyAssertionRequest.
union PasskeyAssertionResult {
// Set on success.
PasskeyAssertionResponse response;
// Set on error.
PasskeyAssertionError error;
[Stable, Uuid="43bd6bb3-ca9e-4625-b05a-6353ab22847a"]
// Defines an API for accessing passkeys (implemented in ash-chrome).
// This can trigger OS-level UI, for example to verify the user with a local
// user authentication prompt.
// Methods will return an error if another request is already in progress.
interface PasskeyAuthenticator {
// Creates a new passkey in the given user account. On success, returns
// information necessary to construct a WebAuthn response for the newly
// created passkey, such as its credential ID and public key.
Create@1(AccountKey account,
PasskeyCreationRequest request) => (PasskeyCreationResult result);
// Generates a WebAuthn assertion signature for an existing passkey from the
// given user account.
Assert@0(AccountKey account,
PasskeyAssertionRequest request) => (PasskeyAssertionResult result);