// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module crosapi.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/image/mojom/image.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
// Contains information regarding a Chrome tab for sync.
struct SyncedSessionTab {
url.mojom.Url current_navigation_url@0;
mojo_base.mojom.String16 current_navigation_title@1;
mojo_base.mojom.Time last_modified_timestamp@2;
// Contains all tabs synced to a Chrome window.
struct SyncedSessionWindow {
array<SyncedSessionTab> tabs@0;
// Contains all windows in a Chrome session.
struct SyncedSession {
// |session_name| is a user-visible name that maps to session_name in
// //components/sync_sessions/synced_session.h.
string session_name@0;
mojo_base.mojom.Time modified_time@1;
array<SyncedSessionWindow> windows@2;
// Used by ash-chrome to request favicons for SyncedSessionTabs.
interface SyncedSessionClientFaviconDelegate {
// Request a favicon for the given page URL. Responds with an empty image
// if the favicon is not found.
GetFaviconImageForPageURL@0(url.mojom.Url page_url)
=> (gfx.mojom.ImageSkia? image);
// Defines an API for updating synced foreign sessions.
interface SyncedSessionClient {
// Notifies ash-chrome when any foreign phone session is updated.
OnForeignSyncedPhoneSessionsUpdated@0(array<SyncedSession> sessions);
// Called by Lacros when the user enables or disables tab sync.
// Lacros will call this with an initial value when the connection
// is established. Receivers should initialize this to "false" until
// the first update is received.
OnSessionSyncEnabledChanged@1(bool enabled);
// Called by Lacros to register a delegate which Ash can use to request
// favicons.
pending_remote<SyncedSessionClientFaviconDelegate> delegate);