// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// API and definitions exposed by the Telemetry Routine Services. This API is
// normally consumed by the Telemetry Extension APIs implementation.
// Note: this is a subset of the cros_healthd routine service interface which is
// located in
// //chromeos/ash/services/cros_healthd/public/mojom/cros_healthd_routines.mojom
// This interface serves as PII filtering and data post-processing service
// between the source (cros_healthd) and the clients
// (third-party telemetry extensions).
// This interface is in the process of being synced to Chromium from ChromiumOS.
// Thus, we have the following routines that are supported by cros_healthd in
// ChromiumOS but not yet part of this crosapi interface (in both
// `TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineArgument` and `TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineDetail`):
// - Audio driver routine
// - Cpu stress routine
// - Ufs lifetime routine
// - Disk read routine
// - Cpu cache routine
// - Prime search routine
// - Battery discharge routine
module crosapi.mojom;
import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/telemetry_extension_exception.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
// This routine checks whether there is any memory problem by
// reading/writing different patterns.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryDiagnosticMemoryRoutineArgument {
// An optional field to indicate how much memory should be tested. If the
// value is null, memory test will run with as much memory as possible.
uint32? max_testing_mem_kib@0;
// This routine checks the functionality of the volume button. The routine
// passes if the specified volume button event is received before the timeout.
// Otherwise, the routine fails.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryDiagnosticVolumeButtonRoutineArgument {
[Stable, Extensible]
enum ButtonType {
// The default value is for backward compatibility, should not be used.
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
kVolumeUp = 1, // Test for the volume up button.
kVolumeDown = 2, // Test for the volume down button.
// The type of volume button to test.
ButtonType type@0;
// Length of time to listen to the volume button events. The timeout should be
// positive and less or equal to 600 seconds.
mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta timeout@1;
// This routine checks whether the fan is controllable.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryDiagnosticFanRoutineArgument {};
// Enumeration of each possible LED on a device. This enum type is a mirror of
// the enums defined in ChromeOS Embedded Controller (EC). To find out the
// actual name of each installed LED, please refer to the EC firmware.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 6
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryDiagnosticLedName {
// The default value is for backward compatibility, should not be used.
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
kBattery = 1,
kPower = 2,
kAdapter = 3,
kLeft = 4,
kRight = 5,
// Enumeration of each possible LED color.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 7
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryDiagnosticLedColor {
// The default value is for backward compatibility, should not be used.
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
kRed = 1,
kGreen = 2,
kBlue = 3,
kYellow = 4,
kWhite = 5,
kAmber = 6,
// The routine lights up the target LED in the specified color and requests the
// caller to verify the change.
// This routine is supported if and only if the device has a ChromeOS Embedded
// Controller (EC).
// When an LED name or LED color is not supported by the EC, it will cause a
// routine exception (by closing the connection of `RoutineControl`) at runtime.
// TODO(b/319047040): add per-LED-name and per-LED-color supported check.
// The routine proceeds with the following steps:
// 1. Set the specified LED with the specified color and enter the waiting state
// with the `TelemetryDiagnosticCheckLedLitUpStateInquiry` interaction
// request.
// 2. After receiving `TelemetryDiagnosticCheckLedLitUpStateReply` with the
// observed LED state, the color of the LED will be reset (back to auto
// control). Notice that there is no timeout so the routine will be in the
// waiting state indefinitely.
// 3. The routine passes if `TelemetryDiagnosticCheckLedLitUpStateReply`
// indicates that the LED lit up in the correct color. Otherwise, the routine
// fails.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryDiagnosticLedLitUpRoutineArgument {
// The LED to be lit up.
TelemetryDiagnosticLedName name@0;
// The color to be lit up.
TelemetryDiagnosticLedColor color@1;
// This routine checks the network bandwidth and reports the speed info.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 0
struct TelemetryDiagnosticNetworkBandwidthRoutineArgument {};
// This routine checks the frames captured by camera. The frontend should ensure
// the camera is opened during the execution of the routine.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 0
struct TelemetryDiagnosticCameraFrameAnalysisRoutineArgument {};
// This routine checks whether the keyboard backlight can be lit up at any
// brightless level.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 0
struct TelemetryDiagnosticKeyboardBacklightRoutineArgument {};
// Argument types for the possible routines the routine control API can create.
// NextMinVersion: 8, NextIndex: 8
[Stable, Extensible]
union TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineArgument {
// Default field is required by extensible unions for backward compatibility.
// Any unrecognized Mojo field will deserialize to this field. Don't use this.
[Default] bool unrecognizedArgument @0;
// Arguments to create a memory routine.
[MinVersion=1] TelemetryDiagnosticMemoryRoutineArgument memory@1;
// Arguments to create a volume button routine.
[MinVersion=2] TelemetryDiagnosticVolumeButtonRoutineArgument volume_button@2;
// Arguments to create a fan routine.
[MinVersion=3] TelemetryDiagnosticFanRoutineArgument fan@3;
// Arguments to create a LED lit up routine.
[MinVersion=4] TelemetryDiagnosticLedLitUpRoutineArgument led_lit_up@4;
// Arguments to create a network bandwidth routine.
TelemetryDiagnosticNetworkBandwidthRoutineArgument network_bandwidth@5;
// Arguments to create a camera framee analysis routine.
TelemetryDiagnosticCameraFrameAnalysisRoutineArgument camera_frame_analysis@6;
// Arguments to create a keyboard backlight routine.
TelemetryDiagnosticKeyboardBacklightRoutineArgument keyboard_backlight@7;
// Routine has been initialized but not yet started.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 0
struct TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateInitialized {};
// Running info regarding network bandwidth routine.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryDiagnosticNetworkBandwidthRoutineRunningInfo {
// The type of test that routine is running.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
[Stable, Extensible]
enum Type {
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
// Routine is running download test.
kDownload = 1,
// Routine is running upload test.
kUpload = 2,
Type type@0;
// The current network speed in kbit/s.
double speed_kbps@1;
// Routine running info. Note that not every routine provides info during the
// running state.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
union TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineRunningInfo {
// Default field is required by extensible unions for backward compatibility.
// Any unrecognized Mojo field will deserialize to this field. Don't use this.
[Default] bool unrecognizedArgument @0;
// Running info of network bandwidth routine.
TelemetryDiagnosticNetworkBandwidthRoutineRunningInfo network_bandwidth@1;
// Routine is currently running.
// NextMinVersion: 2, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateRunning {
[MinVersion=1] TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineRunningInfo? info@0;
// Details to reply to a routine requesting to check the LED lit up state.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryDiagnosticCheckLedLitUpStateReply {
// State of the target LED.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
[Stable, Extensible]
enum State {
// The default value is for backward compatibility, should not be used.
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
// The LED is lit up with the correct color.
kCorrectColor = 1,
// The LED is not lit up with the correct color.
kNotLitUp = 2
State state@0;
// Details to reply to a routine requesting to check if all the LEDs on the
// keyboard backlight lit up.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryDiagnosticCheckKeyboardBacklightStateReply {
// State of the keyboard backlight LED.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
[Stable, Extensible]
enum State {
// The default value is for backward compatibility, should not be used.
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
// All keyboard backlight LEDs are lit up.
kOk = 1,
// Any of the keyboard backlight LED is not lit up.
kAnyNotLitUp = 2,
State state@0;
// Details to reply to a routine inquiry.
// The following routines are not yet part of this crosapi interface so their
// replies have not been included in this union:
// - Led lit up routine
// NextMinVersion: 3, NextIndex: 3
[Stable, Extensible]
union TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineInquiryReply {
// Default field is required by extensible unions for backward compatibility.
// Any unrecognized Mojo field will deserialize to this field. Don't use this.
[Default] bool unrecognizedReply@0;
// Details to resume a routine requesting to check the LED lit up state.
[MinVersion=1] TelemetryDiagnosticCheckLedLitUpStateReply
// Details to resume a routine requesting to check the keyboard backlight LED
// state.
// Details regarding the inquiry to check the LED lit up state. Clients should
// inspect the target LED and report its state using
// `TelemetryDiagnosticCheckLedLitUpStateReply` as the argument of
// `ReplyToInquiry`
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 0
struct TelemetryDiagnosticCheckLedLitUpStateInquiry {};
// Details regarding the inquiry to check the keyboard backlight lit up state.
// Clients should inspect the keyboard backlight and report its state using
// `TelemetryDiagnosticCheckKeyboardBacklightStateReply`.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 0
struct TelemetryDiagnosticCheckKeyboardBacklightStateInquiry {};
// An interaction that has to be replied to. Each inquiry type has a
// corresponding reply type in `TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineInquiryReply`. Clients
// should call the `ReplyToInquiry` method of
// `TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineControl` with the corresponding reply type.
// NextMinVersion: 3, NextIndex: 3
[Stable, Extensible]
union TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineInquiry {
// Default field is required by extensible unions for backward compatibility.
// Any unrecognized Mojo field will deserialize to this field. Don't use this.
[Default] bool unrecognizedInquiry@0;
// Details of the inquiry to check the LED lit up state.
[MinVersion=1] TelemetryDiagnosticCheckLedLitUpStateInquiry
// Details of the inquiry to check the keyboard backlight LED state.
// An interaction that is requested by a routine in the waiting state. See the
// comments on the subtypes to learn how to respond to each interaction request.
// Note: this union type contains only one field (apart from the unrecognized
// one) because all interactions currently need to be replied to. Another type
// `TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineTask` should be added when there are interactions
// that do not need to be replied to.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
[Stable, Extensible]
union TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineInteraction {
// Default field is required by extensible unions for backward compatibility.
// Any unrecognized Mojo field will deserialize to this field. Don't use this.
[Default] bool unrecognizedInteraction@0;
// An interaction that needs to be replied to using `ReplyToInquiry`.
TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineInquiry inquiry@1;
// Routine is currently waiting.
// NextMinVersion: 2, NextIndex: 3
struct TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateWaiting {
// The reason why the routine waits.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
[Stable, Extensible]
enum Reason {
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
// Waiting for the job to be scheduled for running.
kWaitingToBeScheduled = 1,
// Waiting for an interaction. Check `interaction` to learn about which
// interaction is requested.
kWaitingForInteraction = 2,
// Reason why the routine waits.
Reason reason@0;
// Additional information, may be used to pass instruction or explanation.
string message@1;
// The requested interaction. This field is set if and only if `reason` is
// kWaitingForInteraction. When set, clients must respond to the interaction
// for the routine to proceed.
[MinVersion=1] TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineInteraction? interaction@2;
// Enumeration of each possible memtester test item.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 20
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryDiagnosticMemtesterTestItemEnum {
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
// The memtester test is not recognized.
kUnknown = 1,
// Test that all memory addresses to be tested can be set to itself and its
// complement.
kStuckAddress = 2,
// These tests test different operation of a random int64 with buffer
// initialized as 0xFFFFFFFF, repeating over 64 bit blocks.
// Perform AND operation.
kCompareAND = 3,
// Perform DIV operation.
kCompareDIV = 4,
// Perform MUL operation.
kCompareMUL = 5,
// Perform OR operation.
kCompareOR = 6,
// Perform SUB operation.
kCompareSUB = 7,
// Perform XOR operation.
kCompareXOR = 8,
// Perform ADD operation.
kSequentialIncrement = 9,
// These tests test setting memory regions in a certain pattern, repeating
// over each 64 bit blocks.
// Test Pattern: |0*10*| and |1*01*|.
kBitFlip = 10,
// Test Pattern:|0*1010*| and |1*0101*|.
kBitSpread = 11,
// Test Pattern: all 256 possible combinations of a 8 bit block, repeated 8
// times.
kBlockSequential = 12,
// Test Pattern: Alternating 0 and 1.
kCheckerboard = 13,
// Test Pattern: Random 64 bits.
kRandomValue = 14,
// Test Pattern: all 0s and all 1s.
kSolidBits = 15,
// Test Pattern: |0*10*|.
kWalkingOnes = 16,
// Test Pattern: |1*01*|.
kWalkingZeroes = 17,
// These tests test writing random n bit words across the memory regions.
// Test Pattern: 8 bit random words.
kEightBitWrites = 18,
// Test Pattern: 16 bit random words.
kSixteenBitWrites = 19,
// Result from running memtester.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryDiagnosticMemtesterResult {
// Tests that have passed.
array<TelemetryDiagnosticMemtesterTestItemEnum> passed_items@0;
// Tests that have failed.
array<TelemetryDiagnosticMemtesterTestItemEnum> failed_items@1;
// Details regarding memory routine.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryDiagnosticMemoryRoutineDetail {
// Number of bytes tested in the memory routine.
uint64 bytes_tested@0;
// Contains the memtester test results.
TelemetryDiagnosticMemtesterResult result@1;
// Details regarding volume button routine.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 0
struct TelemetryDiagnosticVolumeButtonRoutineDetail {};
// Whether the given hardware probed matches the hardware description recorded.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 4
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryDiagnosticHardwarePresenceStatus {
// The default value is for backward compatibility, should not be used.
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
// The hardware presence matches the description.
kMatched = 1,
// The hardware presence does not match the description.
kNotMatched = 2,
// There is no description available, skipping check.
kNotConfigured = 3,
// Details regarding fan routine.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
struct TelemetryDiagnosticFanRoutineDetail {
// The ids of fans that can be controlled.
array<uint8> passed_fan_ids@0;
// The ids of fans that cannot be controlled.
array<uint8> failed_fan_ids@1;
// Whether the number of fan probed is matched.
TelemetryDiagnosticHardwarePresenceStatus fan_count_status@2;
// Details regarding network bandwidth routine.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryDiagnosticNetworkBandwidthRoutineDetail {
// Average download speed in kbit/s.
double download_speed_kbps@0;
// Average upload speed in kbit/s.
double upload_speed_kbps@1;
// All possible results for subtests of camera routines.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 4
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryDiagnosticCameraSubtestResult {
// The default value is for backward compatibility, should not be used.
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
// The subtest was not run, possibly because the subtest was not enabled in
// the routine parameter or the subtest was not available on the device.
kNotRun = 1,
// The subtest was passed.
kPassed = 2,
// The subtest was failed.
kFailed = 3,
// Details regarding camera frame analysis routine.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
struct TelemetryDiagnosticCameraFrameAnalysisRoutineDetail {
// The first issue caught by the routine. See the fields for each subtest for
// their details.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 5
[Stable, Extensible]
enum Issue {
// For mojo backward compatibility, should not be used.
[Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
// No issue.
kNone = 1,
// The camera service is not available.
kCameraServiceNotAvailable = 2,
// The len is blocked by the privacy shutter.
kBlockedByPrivacyShutter = 3,
// The frames are blurred. Lens might be dirty.
kLensAreDirty = 4,
Issue issue@0;
// The result is `kFailed` if the len is blocked by the privacy shutter. To
// mitigate the issue, users are suggested to open the privacy shutter to
// unveil the len.
TelemetryDiagnosticCameraSubtestResult privacy_shutter_open_test@1;
// The result is `kFailed` if the frames are blurred. To mitigate the issue,
// users are suggested to clean the lens.
TelemetryDiagnosticCameraSubtestResult lens_not_dirty_test@2;
// Details about a finished routine.
// NextMinVersion: 6, NextIndex: 6
[Stable, Extensible]
union TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineDetail {
// Default field is required by extensible unions for backward compatibility.
// Any unrecognized Mojo field will deserialize to this field. Don't use this.
[Default] bool unrecognizedArgument@0;
// Details of a completed memory routine.
[MinVersion=1] TelemetryDiagnosticMemoryRoutineDetail memory@1;
// Details of a completed volume button routine.
[MinVersion=2] TelemetryDiagnosticVolumeButtonRoutineDetail volume_button@2;
// Details of a completed fan routine.
[MinVersion=3] TelemetryDiagnosticFanRoutineDetail fan@3;
// Details of a completed network bandwidth routine.
TelemetryDiagnosticNetworkBandwidthRoutineDetail network_bandwidth@4;
// Details of a completed camera frame analysis routine.
TelemetryDiagnosticCameraFrameAnalysisRoutineDetail camera_frame_analysis@5;
// Information about a finished routine.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateFinished {
// Whether the routine has passed or not.
bool has_passed@0;
// The details of the routine.
TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineDetail? detail@1;
// Possible routine states.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 4
union TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateUnion {
// Default field is required by extensible unions for backward compatibility.
// Any unrecognized Mojo field will deserialize to this field. Don't use this.
[Default] bool unrecognizedArgument @0;
// Routine has been initialized but not yet started.
TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateInitialized initialized@1;
// Routine is running.
TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateRunning running@2;
// Routine is waiting for something.
TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateWaiting waiting@3;
// Routine has finished.
TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateFinished finished@4;
// Used to pass information regarding routine state.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineState {
// The percentage of the completion of the routine. 0 to 100.
uint8 percentage@0;
TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateUnion state_union@1;
// Interface exposed to clients for controlling a routine.
// Error Handling:
// Please check the Error Handling section of
// TelemetryDiagnosticRoutinesService.
// NextMinVersion: 3, NextIndex: 3
interface TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineControl {
// Gets the current state of the routine. Note that if the routine fails to
// initialize, the RoutineControl will disconnect before the callback is
// called.
[MinVersion=1] GetState@0() => (TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineState state);
// Starts the routine. Each routine can only be started once. Calling this
// method multiple times results in no-ops.
// See the error handling section above to know how to handle possible
// exceptions that occur before and after the routine has been started.
[MinVersion=1] Start@1();
// Replies to the routine inquiry requested in the waiting state. The routine
// will raise an exception (by closing the connection of this
// `TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineControl`) if the routine is not in the waiting
// state or the reply does not match the inquiry in the waiting state (see
// `TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateWaiting`).
[MinVersion=2] ReplyToInquiry@2(TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineInquiryReply reply);
// Implemented by clients who desire routine update notifications.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
interface TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineObserver {
// Called when the routine state has changed. This is also called as soon
// as a routine is initialized (right after calling `CreateRoutine`).
// Note that if the routine fails to initialize, the
// TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineControl may disconnect before the first
// invocation of this observer method.
[MinVersion=1] OnRoutineStateChange@0(TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineState state);
// Diagnostic Routines interface exposed to Lacros, implemented in Ash.
// NextMinVersion: 3, NextIndex: 2
[Stable, Uuid="0c7a9109-17eb-459d-82cd-60903bba315d"]
interface TelemetryDiagnosticRoutinesService {
// Requests that a routine using the RoutineControl API is created on the
// platform. This function creates a different routine based on the
// RoutineArgument supplied.
// Error Handling:
// This method will result in the creation of the routine on the device, which
// might require allocation of additional resources and checking preconditions
// for the routine, e.g. available hardware, correct arguments, etc.
// All exceptions that occur (either during initialization or while executing
// the routine) will close the connection to the provided
// TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineControl with a specific reason (see
// crosapi.mojom.TelemetryExtensionException) and a string message containing
// human readable information about the exception.
// For that reason it is necessary to always setup a disconnect handler on the
// TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineControl remote to be informed about potential
// exceptions.
// Please note exceptions are different from a routine reporting `has_passed
// == false` (in case it failed, see TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineStateFinished).
// Exception are something not intended to happen. The details of the reasons
// for Exceptions can be found in crosapi.mojom.TelemetryExtensionException
// type and the corresponding reason enum.
// To know if an exception occurs during the initialization, callers can wait
// for the routine being initialized (get via `GetState` or
// TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineObserver) on the
// TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineControl remote, before calling the `Start`
// method.
// The request:
// * |routine_argument| - a RoutineArgument type that provides all the
// necessary parameters and configs to create a
// particular type of routine.
// * |routine_receiver| - a receiver that will be bound to the actual routine
// control implementation, where the remote will be
// held by the client for starting the routine.
// * |routine_observer| - an optional observer to receive status updates about
// changing routine states.
[MinVersion=1] CreateRoutine@0(
TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineArgument routine_argument,
pending_receiver<TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineControl> routine_receiver,
pending_remote<TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineObserver>? routine_observer);
// Checks whether a given `TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineArgument` is supported.
// The request:
// * |routine_argument| - a TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineArgument type that
// provides all the necessary parameters to create a
// particular type of routine.
// The response:
// * |status| - See the documentation of `TelemetryExtensionSupportStatus`.
[MinVersion=2] IsRoutineArgumentSupported@1(
TelemetryDiagnosticRoutineArgument routine_argument) =>
(TelemetryExtensionSupportStatus status);