
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// API and definitions exposed by the Telemetry Event Services. This API is
// normally consumed by the Telemetry Extension APIs implementation.

// Note: this is a subset of the cros_healthd event service interface which is
// located in
// //chromeos/ash/services/cros_healthd/public/mojom/cros_healthd_events.mojom.
// This interface serves as PII filtering and data post-processing service
// between the source (cros_healthd) and the clients
// (third-party telemetry extensions).

// WARNING: This mojom and its implementation is designed for use only by the
// telemetry extension. Certain input components such as touchpad event should
// not be connected by clients outside of the telemetry extension. Please
// consider alternatives such as wayland and pure JS solutions.

module crosapi.mojom;

import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/probe_service.mojom";
import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/telemetry_extension_exception.mojom";
import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/telemetry_keyboard_event.mojom";
import "chromeos/crosapi/mojom/nullable_primitives.mojom";

// Audio jack event info. This is emitted when the
// audio jack is plugged in or out.
// NextMinVersion: 2, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryAudioJackEventInfo {
  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum State {
    // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
    [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
    // Audio jack added.
    kAdd = 1,
    // Audio jack removed.
    kRemove = 2,

  State state@0;

  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum DeviceType {
    // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
    [Default] kUnmappedEnumField,
    // The device is a headphone.
    // The device is a microphone.

  [MinVersion=1] DeviceType device_type@1;

// Lid event info. This is emitted when the lid is closed or opened.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryLidEventInfo {
  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum State {
    // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
    [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
    // Lid closed.
    kClosed = 1,
    // Lid opened.
    kOpened = 2,

  State state@0;

// USB event info. This is emitted when a USB device is connected or
// disconnected.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 6
struct TelemetryUsbEventInfo {
  // Vendor name.
  string vendor@0;
  // Name, model name or product name.
  string name@1;
  // Vendor ID.
  uint16 vid@2;
  // Product ID.
  uint16 pid@3;
  // USB device categories.
  array<string> categories@4;

  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum State {
    // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
    [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
    // USB plugs in.
    kAdd = 1,
    // USB plugs out.
    kRemove = 2,

  State state@5;

// External display event info. This is emitted when an external display is
// plugged in or plugged out.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
[Stable, RenamedFrom="crosapi.mojom.TelemetryHdmiEventInfo"]
struct TelemetryExternalDisplayEventInfo {
  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum State {
    // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
    [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
    // External display plugged in.
    kAdd = 1,
    // External display plugged out.
    kRemove = 2,

  State state@0;
  // On external display event, also report information about the display.
  [MinVersion=1] ProbeExternalDisplayInfo? display_info@1;

// SD card event info. This is emitted when a SD card is plugged in or plugged
// out.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 6
struct TelemetrySdCardEventInfo {
  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum State {
    // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
    [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
    // SD card plugged in.
    kAdd = 1,
    // SD card plugged out.
    kRemove = 2,

  State state@0;

// Power event info. This is emitted when the device begins/stops consuming from
// an external power source or the system receives/completes a suspend request.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryPowerEventInfo {
  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum State {
    // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
    [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
    // The device began consuming from an external power source.
    kAcInserted = 1,
    // The device stopped consuming from an external power source.
    kAcRemoved = 2,
    // The system received a suspend request.
    kOsSuspend = 3,
    // The system completed a suspend request, i.e. resumed again.
    kOsResume = 4,

  State state@0;

// Stylus garage event info. This is emitted when the stylus is inserted into or
// removed from the garage.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryStylusGarageEventInfo {
  [Stable, Extensible]
  enum State {
    // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
    [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
    // Stylus inserted into the garage.
    // Stylus removed from the garage.

  State state@0;

// An enumeration of input touch buttons. The enumeration refers to the
// physical button that is present in some touchpads under the surface. Clicks
// resulting from gestures such as two finger right-click are not included
// here. Separate physical buttons external to the touchpad are also not
// included.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 4
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryInputTouchButton {
  // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
  [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
  // Left key.
  kLeft = 1,
  // Middle key.
  kMiddle = 2,
  // Right key.
  kRight = 3,

// Emitted when some touchpad button is pressed or released.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 2
struct TelemetryTouchpadButtonEventInfo {
  // The button that corresponds to this event.
  TelemetryInputTouchButton button@0;

  [Stable, Extensible]
  // Whether the button is pressed or released.
  enum State {
    // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
    [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
    // Lid closed.
    kPressed = 1,
    // Lid opened.
    kReleased = 2,

  State state@1;

// Touch point info.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 6
struct TelemetryTouchPointInfo {
  // An id to track an initiated contact throughout its life cycle.
  uint32 tracking_id@0;
  // The x position in the cartesian XY plane. The value ranges from 0 to
  // |max_x| as defined in TelemetryTouchpadConnectedEventInfo.
  uint32 x@1;
  // The y position in the cartesian XY plane. The value ranges from 0 to
  // |max_y| as defined in TelemetryTouchpadConnectedEventInfo.
  uint32 y@2;
  // The pressure applied to the touch contact. The value ranges from 0 to
  // |max_pressure| as defined in TelemetryTouchpadConnectedEventInfo.
  UInt32Value? pressure@3;
  // The length of the longer dimension of the touch contact.
  UInt32Value? touch_major@4;
  // The length of the shorter dimension of the touch contact.
  UInt32Value? touch_minor@5;

// Emitted when new touch points are updated.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryTouchpadTouchEventInfo {
  // The touch points reported by the touchpad.
  array<TelemetryTouchPointInfo> touch_points@0;

// Emitted once the observer get connected to the touchpad events. This will be
// the first event from the touchpad.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 4
struct TelemetryTouchpadConnectedEventInfo {
  // The maximum possible x position of touch points.
  uint32 max_x@0;
  // The maximum possible y position of touch points.
  uint32 max_y@1;
  // The maximum possible pressure of touch points, or 0 if pressure is not
  // supported.
  uint32 max_pressure@2;
  // The supported buttons;
  array<TelemetryInputTouchButton> buttons@3;

// Emitted when new touch points are updated.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryTouchscreenTouchEventInfo {
  // The touch points reported by the touchscreen.
  array<TelemetryTouchPointInfo> touch_points@0;

// Emitted once the observer get connected to the touchscreen events. This will
// be the first event from the touchscreen.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
struct TelemetryTouchscreenConnectedEventInfo {
  // The maximum possible x position of touch points.
  uint32? max_x@0;
  // The maximum possible y position of touch points.
  uint32? max_y@1;
  // The maximum possible pressure of touch points, or 0 if pressure is not
  // supported.
  uint32? max_pressure@2;

// Stylus touch point info.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
struct TelemetryStylusTouchPointInfo {
  // The x position in the cartesian XY plane. The value ranges from 0 to
  // |max_x| as defined in TelemetryStylusConnectedEventInfo.
  uint32? x@0;
  // The y position in the cartesian XY plane. The value ranges from 0 to
  // |max_y| as defined in TelemetryStylusConnectedEventInfo.
  uint32? y@1;
  // The pressure applied to the touch contact. The value ranges from 0 to
  // |max_pressure| as defined in TelemetryStylusConnectedEventInfo.
  uint32? pressure@2;

// Emitted when new touch point is updated.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
struct TelemetryStylusTouchEventInfo {
  // The info of the stylus touch point. A null touch point means the stylus
  // leaves the contact.
  TelemetryStylusTouchPointInfo? touch_point@0;

// Emitted once the observer get connected to the stylus events. This will be
// the first event from the stylus.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
struct TelemetryStylusConnectedEventInfo {
  // The maximum possible x position of touch points.
  uint32? max_x@0;
  // The maximum possible y position of touch points.
  uint32? max_y@1;
  // The maximum possible pressure of touch points, or 0 if pressure is not
  // supported.
  uint32? max_pressure@2;

// Union of event info.
// NextMinVersion: 11, NextIndex: 16
[Stable, Extensible]
union TelemetryEventInfo {
  // The default value for forward compatibility. All the unknown type will be
  // mapped to this.
  [Default] uint8 default_type@0;
  // Audio jack event info.
  TelemetryAudioJackEventInfo audio_jack_event_info@1;
  // Lid event info.
  [MinVersion=1] TelemetryLidEventInfo lid_event_info@2;
  // Usb event info.
  [MinVersion=2] TelemetryUsbEventInfo usb_event_info@3;
  // SD card event info.
  [MinVersion=3] TelemetrySdCardEventInfo sd_card_event_info@4;
  // Power event info.
  [MinVersion=4] TelemetryPowerEventInfo power_event_info@5;
  // Keyboard diagnostic event info.
  [MinVersion=5] TelemetryKeyboardDiagnosticEventInfo
  // Stylus garage event info.
  [MinVersion=6] TelemetryStylusGarageEventInfo stylus_garage_event_info@7;
  // Touchpad Button event info.
  [MinVersion=7] TelemetryTouchpadButtonEventInfo touchpad_button_event_info@8;
  // Touchpad Touch event info.
  [MinVersion=7] TelemetryTouchpadTouchEventInfo touchpad_touch_event_info@9;
  // Touchpad Connected event info.
  [MinVersion=7] TelemetryTouchpadConnectedEventInfo
  // External display event info.
  [MinVersion=8] TelemetryExternalDisplayEventInfo
  // Stylus Touch event info.
  [MinVersion=9] TelemetryStylusTouchEventInfo stylus_touch_event_info@12;
  // Stylus connected event info.
  [MinVersion=9] TelemetryStylusConnectedEventInfo
  // Touchscreen Touch event info.
  [MinVersion=10] TelemetryTouchscreenTouchEventInfo
  // Touchscreen Connected event info.
  [MinVersion=10] TelemetryTouchscreenConnectedEventInfo

// An enumeration of event categories.
// NextMinVersion: 11, NextIndex: 16
[Stable, Extensible]
enum TelemetryEventCategoryEnum {
  // This is required for backwards compatibility, should not be used.
  [Default] kUnmappedEnumField = 0,
  kAudioJack = 1,
  [MinVersion=1] kLid = 2,
  [MinVersion=2] kUsb = 3,
  [MinVersion=3] kSdCard = 4,
  [MinVersion=4] kPower = 5,
  [MinVersion=5] kKeyboardDiagnostic = 6,
  [MinVersion=6] kStylusGarage = 7,
  [MinVersion=7] kTouchpadButton = 8,
  [MinVersion=7] kTouchpadTouch = 9,
  [MinVersion=7] kTouchpadConnected = 10,
  [MinVersion=8] kExternalDisplay = 11,
  [MinVersion=9] kStylusTouch = 12,
  [MinVersion=9] kStylusConnected = 13,
  [MinVersion=10] kTouchscreenTouch = 14,
  [MinVersion=10] kTouchscreenConnected = 15,

// Implemented by clients who desire events.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 1
interface TelemetryEventObserver {
  // Fired when an event happens.
  OnEvent@0(TelemetryEventInfo info);

// Event interface exposed to Lacros.
// NextMinVersion: 1, NextIndex: 3
[Stable, Uuid="9771fd1b-79b9-4698-b20f-3168d2af3f77"]
interface TelemetryEventService {
  // Adds an observer to be notified on events. The caller can remove the
  // observer created by this call by closing their end of the message pipe.
  // The request:
  // * |category| - Event category.
  // * |observer| - Event observer to be added to crosapi.
      TelemetryEventCategoryEnum category,
      pending_remote<TelemetryEventObserver> observer);

  // Checks whether an event is supported. It does the same support status check
  // as in `AddEventObserver()` and returns immediately after the check.
  // The request:
  // * |category| - Event category to check.
  // The response:
  // * |status| - See the documentation of `TelemetryExtensionSupportStatus`.
  IsEventSupported@2(TelemetryEventCategoryEnum category)
      => (TelemetryExtensionSupportStatus status);